Remote Teaching (Zoom)

We will use Zoom for conducting our classes remotely. Some logistics with respect to using Zoom for class:

    • I suggest loading the app onto you computer or phone for best experience.

    • I will send out an invite for classes. Just click on URL to join.

    • I will start the Zoom conference at 10:00am, so you can get connected.

    • I will stay on the Zoom conference after I end class, to take any questions.

Etiquette to help things go smoothly (mainly for our large class):

    • I've set it so you start out muted when you join the Zoom. (do you want to start unmuted to socialize?)

    • During class, keep your microphone muted, unless you're addressing the entire class (otherwise too much background noise from everyone's mics).

    • When you will be speaking to class, unmute, speak, then mute again.

    • When I'm asking for response, like to the reading reactions, use the "raise hand" to signal me. I'll call on someone. When I call on you, you should unmute, respond, then mute again.

    • If you want to raise question, use either the "raise hand" or type something in the chat window.

    • Use chat window to type in comments/suggestions/questions for me. I will monitor it.

    • I will probably make mistakes, like not displaying the intended screen, etc. Don't hesitate to let me know by raising hand or telling me in chat window.