Adding Large Images to ClassWork Wiki

Submitted by Kristen Dunne (2012-01-19):

When you add an image to the wiki, there's a nice option to change the size of the image S, M, or L. However, L really isn't that large and 'original' is way too big for many images, at least the ones I've tried. What I've found that works best for resizing the image is to edit the HTML for the page. When you're in edit mode, there's an <html> button at the far right of the toolbar. That will bring up the html and you can find the block of code where the image is, then add a width attribute inside the img tag. I suggest starting with width="800" and then saving and checking if that size is appropriate for the image.

Here's an example where I added in the text in red/bold.

<div style="display:block;text-align:left"><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" width="1000"></a></div>

Hope that helps!

- Kristen