Tips and Tricks for adding content to Class Work pages

Adding Tableau Public Workbooks to Class Work Pages:

The Tableau Public "share" embed code doesn't work correctly with Google Sites. To work around this problem and display interactive Tableau visualization in our Class Work pages, we can do the following:

1. Export your visualization to Tableau Public. Depending on the version of Tableau that you're using, you might have the option of exporting a single worksheet/dashboard, or you might need to export the entire workbook. If you're exporting the entire workbook, be sure to hide all of the sheets that you don't want to include when you share the visualization online (right click the tabs in Tableau, and you should see a "hide sheet" option). I would suggest creating a dashboard for your visualization, which will allow you to set it to a size that is reasonable for sharing on the classwork pages. I use under 850px wide, but even that is big for many people's devices.

2. Get the Tableau Public URL. Once you've uploaded your visualization to Tableau Public, you'll see the "share" button on the bottom right-hand corner. Unfortunately, we can't use the embed code - grab the second link instead.

3. Add a Google Widget to your Class Work page. On your page, click "Insert", under Gadgets click "More Gadgets", and then search for "iframe." Only one gadget should come up, and that's what you'll be inserting. A widget settings box will come up, and you'll enter the link from Step 2 and configure the settings, which you might need to play around with to make them work for your individual visualization. In general, the width and height will need to be slightly bigger than the dimensions of your visualization, as we are inserting the entire Tableau Public page.

4. Save your page. You won't be able to see your visualization in preview mode, but on the live page it should look something like this: