November 5, 2012

Post date: Nov 5, 2012 10:54:37 PM

Hello IR Alumni-

We have lots of good news for you....a successful "Meet & Greet", Harvest Bounty Basket fundraiser WINNER, and a growing organization!

If you did NOT attend the "Meet & Greet", you missed a great night! Lots of old & new faces, great food (The Cove was so accommodating! Be sure to visit them again!), IRHS Memorabilia, and some FANTASTIC Door Prizes donated by some of our alumni! Thank you to all who helped make this a success! We had the unveiling of our IR License Plate! More details will be coming after the first of the year! We were especially honored by the attendance of 3 of our "Hall of Fame" members....Paula Hudson Goodman '73, Mark Steele '77, & Susan Lyons '73! We'd love to see more attend our next event and give them all the honor they deserve!

Of course, everyone was excited to see who the lucky winner was of the Harvest Bounty Basket...the WINNER was Pam (Johnston) Reusing of Dagsboro! Congratulations!!! Thank you to all donators (hope you looked over that list), supporters who purchased (and sold) all those tickets and our "Co-Chairs", Marla Daisey & Cindy Gallimore, who put hours into making this a success! This was our FIRST fundraiser and gave us funds needed to set up our association. Thank you for your support!

Our group now has close to 500 members....we now NEED YOU to help spread the word and get others to join. "Word of Mouth" will help us grow...and it so important in this first year. Please forward THIS email to your contacts...even if they are not alumni...we need "Friends" to join as long as they support IRHS! Please have them sign up! WE NOW HAVE AN OPTION FOR "FRIENDS" (parents, spouse, current and past staff, community member, etc)

Go to:

Indian River High School

"Alumni" tab

(This will take you to our website...sign up form is on the left column! Only takes a minute!)

If you have a Facebook account, please be sure to "Like" us (Indian River High School Alumni). I just posted over 30 pictures on that page from our "Meet & Greet". You may recognize a few attendees!!!

*Please remember that if you are not receiving THIS email directly, you are NOT on our list! THIS is the important list with your information....Facebook is an "extra" form of communication only! Remind your friends....

Our next FUNDRAISER EVENT/Meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 26th at PIZZELLI's Restaurant in Selbyville. PIZZELLI's will be donating 20% of the sales to US (need voucher if possible, attached) ALL DAY...11am-10pm! Have lunch or or carry-out! No can support IRHSAA AND a local business! Be sure to try their FAMOUS cheesecake! We plan to have an 'informal' meeting at try to join us...either at the meeting OR just to enjoy their food! Please pass the vouchers on to your family and friends as well!!!

In other news, we have an Art Contest going on at the school for our new "Indian Logo" distinctive for OUR group! This is an excellent way to get our FUTURE alumni involved and aware of our group! The winner will receive one of our IR License Plates in the Spring! Good luck to our students!

We were proud to have a table at the Selbyville Halloween Parade and our "Alumni Night" at the 10/26 Football Game! Free cider and cookies....and lots of sign-ups! We are working hard to get the word out!

Keep that IR Spirit! We have a lot to be proud of!!! Hope to see you on the 26th!

Thank you,

Ruth Ann Marvel

IRHSAA, President

PS- The Class of '92 will be having their 20 Year Reunion on 11/17...please contact us for more information!