March 12, 2013

Post date: Mar 12, 2013 12:43:36 PM

To our IRHS Alumni & Friends,

Well, we've done it! We are really "up and running" with so much going on right now! Our group continues to grow (Love seeing the new names each day) and that is because of YOU....please keep spreading the word!

Our BIG event is, of course, our 1st Annual "Beef & Brew" on 4/13! Tickets ARE LIMITED so be sure to get your tickets now....need to purchase in advance! This will be your FIRST opportunity to bid on the new IRHS LICENSE PLATES! Be sure to be there to get your bid in on those low numbers (live auction only for numbers 1-10)! You can also bid by sealed bid for numbers 11- 9999! This will be a great way to show YOUR school pride and help our organization raise funds to give back to our school/community! This has a "one time fee" (no additional annual fees), can display this plate along with your current plate or alone, and you may be able to pass this down to your GRANDCHILDREN! Think about graduation gifts too!

We are also accepting nominations for a possible IRHS Hall of Fame inductee! If you know someone that you feel would be deserving, PLEASE submit their nomination! We know there are some very deserving IRHS graduates out there but you must submit their nomination to be considered! Applications must be submitted by 4/19/13!

SCHOLARSHIP(s) will be offered this year! Applications are being processed now and will be available very soon in our school guidance office AND online on our website! Be sure all IRHS Seniors are aware of our scholarships....which promises to be a "little different"! We are looking for those "unique" students that make us proud!

....AND FOR FUN....the IRHS Softball Boosters are having an "Alumni" day on 4/20....3 to ALL IR grads whether you played on a team or not! This should be FUN to see (for those of us who can NOT play) and fun for the players! Please contact Chris Megee at IRHS to sign up now! Let's support them by participating or coming out to watch the FUN! (Flyer sent out yesterday in email!)

More information on these "events / applications" will be available on our website at:

With all of this going on, we could surely use YOUR HELP! Join us at our next meeting on April 8th...IRHS library....6pm!

Please contact us with any questions! Hope to see you at the "BEEF & BREW"!!! (Get those tickets NOW before they are sold out!) This is an important way to SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!!

(Please print and post the attached flyers!!!)

Thank you,

Ruth Ann Marvel