* 3d Workshop

The workshop is a hands-on experience during which

participants learn how to create their own 3d images of various objects and subjects. Ideally you would bring your

own digital camera or phone with a camera to the workshop, although I will have a few digital cameras available

for use by those who have not yet acquired a digital camera.

The topics to be covered are as follows:

1. Why should I use 3d images to teach about a particular subject?

2. What subjects and items are best photographed in 3d?

3. How can I create 3d images of/for:

faces, insects, flowers, trees, sculpture, pottery, metal work, history, Moby Dick (and other works of literature), geology,

geography, fashion, auto repair, construction, animals, anatomy, painting, electronics, computers, real estate, etc. I bring

to the workshop a number of items to use and you will make 3d images of these things.

But you may also bring

objects/items of your own to use as subjects.

4. How can 3d images be used in creating a sense of awe and deeping the experience of a place, a place that is a part of a story,

history, human drama and experience?

5. How do I actually make a 3d image using a digital camera and software in a computer?

6. What are the do's and don'ts of stereo/3d photography? For instance what is the WINDOW EFFECT?

7. The present state of the art in 3d and what the near future holds with regard to this technology.

In the workshop you will create 3d images, we will project these up on a screen for all to view, you will receive a free pair of 3d glasses to take home with you and free 3d software to use on your own computer.

If you have a laptop computer, please bring it with you and you may use the software during the workshop on your own computer with your own stereo pairs, to merge them into 3d images.

We will also explore thousands of 3d images posted on the internet and discover how others are using 3d imagery to deepen the understanding of students regarding persons, places and things.

To register for the workhop in your area please call me at 314 308 7075 or email me at kkindt@earthlink.net and I will give you the time and locations of the workshops in your area.