
3d Photography Service and Programs for Art Museums, Science Museums, Photography Clubs, Summer Camp Programs, Libraries, Schools, Scouts, Churches, Law Firms and Edsicovery and Other Groups

for other programs see: http://www.knightforhire.com

CLICK HERE TO ORDER FREE 3d Glasses to View Anaglyph 3d Images

I worked on a 3d photo shoot in England and Scotland from

April 30 to May 7th, 2014 and have a good 3d program of this shoot.

For churches there is a special program for all the family that includes a brief devotional about our 3d God.

Also - 3d wedding photography!!

I am currently taking 3d photos of all the sculptures in St. Louis and posting them on this website:

also see my Gigpanography services at: https://sites.google.com/site/gigapanphotography/

Karl M. Kindt III

314 308 7075


I come with a 3d computer and we project in 3d, 3d glasses for one and all and everyone learns why we can see 3d, how to create 3d pictures and during the session also learn how to make their own 3d pictures with their own cameras or cell phone cameras. Also those who are paralegals learn a method of capturing relevant depth information for some objects that 2d images fail to capture.

Create 3d Anaglyph Images in PhotoShop

One of the BEST Panoramas in 3d - Click Here

"The depth of a thing, a person or a place is its real essence."

Even if you currently do not plan to create a 3d image of what you are viewing, even so, take two photos of the subject, moving the camera horizontally in between the two shots - perhaps about 3 or 4 inches. If you do this now, then a year or so from now, when you want to convert the two separate images into a 3d image, you will be able to do so. Digital photography makes it possible to not worry about film and developing costs, so why not take two images - one for each eye - and then later convert these into stereo/3d images when the technology is in place to view images without glasses! If we were meant to view the world in 2d then we would only have one eye. Reality is 3d, 2d is an abstraction of reality and it is never as full of the scene as is 3d.

Avoid using 3d as a gimmick. Making images jump out from the screen by exaggerating the distance between the two shots will be provocative but the reality of the scene is distorted, not captured. We human creatures have our eyes set about 2.5 inches apart. The reality we see in terms of depth is determined by this distance. If you use two images taken when the camera is moved more than 2.5 inches you create something called hyper-stereo. In rare situations this might be effective but too much of this kind of imagery becomes annoying to a brain that is designed for two images 2.5 inches on the horizontal plane.

When you create an image, do your best to see how 3d can better capture the essence of the person, the creature, the place or object and give the viewer of the image the real sense of who the person is, what the place or thing really is. Two images of the statue below were taken 2.5 inches apart on the horizontal plane. The result is a realistic sense of depth that helps capture the realities the artist wished to convey in 3d.

View the Photo Above with Red/Blue glasses - red on the left eye

I come and create 3d photos of you, your family, your home, you pets or any object. I provide the 3d prints and glasses to you. All this at very reasonable prices. I travel throughout the United States, Britain and France.

I also convert any 2d photos you have into remarkable 3d images.

Contact me for rates and dates at: kkindt@earthlink.net or phone: 314 308 7075

Although based in St. Louis, Missouri I have created 3d images in Europe and throughout the United States of America.