Security Trust and Privacy

Topics include (but are not limited to):

Security & Privacy for Smart Devices (e.g., Smartphones)

Wireless and mobile privacy and anonymity

Secure localization and location privacy

Cellular network fraud and security

Jamming attacks and defenses

Key extraction, agreement, or distribution

Theoretical foundations, cryptographic primitives, and formal methods

NFC and smart payment applications

Security and privacy for mobile sensing systems

Wireless or mobile security and privacy in health, automotive, avionics, or smart grid applications

Self-tracking/Quantified Self Security and Privacy

Physical Tracking Security and Privacy

Usable Mobile Security and Privacy

Economics of Mobile Security and Privacy

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Security

Mobile malware and platform security

Named data networking security and privacy

Software defined networking security and privacy

Novel security methods using software defined networking

Body area sensor networking security and privacy

Security of incremental deployment

Security and privacy of participatory sensing networks

Practical implementations of cryptographic protocols in emerging networks

Threat and vulnerability analysis for emerging networks

Economics of emerging network security

Cross-layer design for security and privacy in emerging networks

Denial of service in emerging networks

Authentication and access control in emerging networks

Emerging and needed standards in emerging network security

We encourage submissions of papers discussing industrial research and development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

access control


ad hoc networks


applied cryptography



database security

data protection

digital content protection

digital forensic

distributed systems security

electronic payments

embedded systems security

inference control

information hiding

identity management

information flow control


intrusion detection

formal security methods

language-based security

network security

phishing and spam prevention


risk analysis and Management

secure electronic voting

security architectures

security economics

security metrics

security models

security and privacy in cloud scenarios

security and privacy in complex systems

security and privacy in location services

security and privacy for mobile code

security and privacy in pervasive/ubiquitous computing

security and privacy policies

security and privacy in social networks

security and privacy in web services

security verification

software security


systems security

trust models and management

trustworthy user devices

web security

wireless security

Editorial Board

Dr. Hala Al-Baroodi, University of Bahgdad, Iraq [Profile Link]