Cloud and Big Data Analytics

Cloud computing is entering our lives and changing the way people consume information dramatically. Clouds transform IT infrastructures with an emphasis on making them flexible, affordable, and capable of serving millions of users, satisfying their computing or storage demands. The design of early cloud computing systems has evolved from, and was dominated by, the concepts of cluster and grid computing. Currently, as the concepts of the cloud become advanced and mature, cloud networking and communication processes begin playing a central role. Cloud Networking has emerged as a promising direction for cost-efficient and reliable service delivery across data communication networks. The dynamic location of service facilities and the virtualization of hardware and software elements are stressing the communication network and protocols, especially when datacenters are interconnected through the Internet. 

Original and unpublished high-quality research results are solicited to explore various challenging topics which include, but are not limited to: 

Data Center Network Management, Reliability, Optimization

Distributed Data Center Architectures and Services, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS

Energy-Efficient Data Centers and Networks

Big Data Management

Internet Routing of Cloud Data

Virtual Ethernet Switching, Data Center Bridging

Cloud Traffic Characterization and Measurements

Intra-Cloud vs. Inter-Cloud Management

Cloud Traffic Engineering and Control-Plane Architectures

Green Data Centers and Cloud Networking 

Security, Privacy, and Confidentiality in Cloud Networking

Virtualization of Network Equipment

Unified User and Machine Mobility Management

Data Flow Management and Load Balancing

Mobile Cloud Networking

Network Programmability, Software-Defined Networks

Cloud Federation and Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

Storage Area Networks, Optical Interconnect, Fiber Channels

Content and Service Distribution

Trends in Mobile cloud applications and Services

Architectures for mobile cloud applications and services

Mobile cloud computing for rich media applications

Service discovery and interest matching in mobile cloud

Collaboration in mobile clouds

Process offloading for mobile cloud computing

Fault tolerance and reliability for Big Data processing on Cloud

Mobile device virtualization

Mobile networks for cloud computing

Mobile cloud monitoring and management

Security and privacy in mobile clouds

Performance evaluation of mobile cloud computing and networks

Scalability of mobile cloud networks

Self-organising mobile clouds

Mobile vehicular clouds

Disaster recovery in mobile clouds

Economic, social and environmental impact of mobile clouds

Mobile cloud software architecture

Big data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose size or complexity is beyond the ability of commonly used computer software and hardware tools. Such datasets are often from various sources (Variety) yet unstructured such as social media, sensors, scientific applications, surveillance, video and image archives, Internet texts and documents, Internet search indexing, medical records, business transactions and web logs; and are of large size (Volume) with fast data in/out (Velocity). More importantly, big data has to be of high value (Value) and establish trust in it for business decision making (Veracity). Various technologies are being discussed to support the handling of big data such as massively parallel processing databases, scalable storage systems, cloud computing platforms, and MapReduce. As estimated by IDC, by 2020, about 40% data globally would be touched with Cloud Computing. Besides, Cloud Computing provides strong storage, computation and distributed capability in support of Big Data processing. Therefore, there is a strong demand to investigate various challenges about how to support Big Data processing by facilitating Cloud Computing potential. 

Original and unpublished high-quality research results are solicited to explore various challenging topics which include, but are not limited to: 

Cloud Architecture for Big Data

Resource scheduling and SLA for Big Data on Cloud

Storage and computation management in Cloud for Big Data

Large-scale data intensive workflow in support of Big Data processing on Cloud

Multiple source data processing and integration on Cloud

Virtualisation and visualisation of Big Data on Cloud

Fault tolerance and reliability for Big Data processing on Cloud

MapReduce with Cloud for Big Data processing

Distributed file storage system with Cloud for Big Data

Inter-cloud technology for Big Data

Security, privacy and trust in Big Data processing on Cloud

Green, energy-efficient models and sustainability issues in Cloud for Big Data processing

Cloud infrastructure for social networking with Big Data

User friendly Cloud access for Big Data processing

Innovative Cloud data centre networking for Big Data

Wireless and mobility support in Cloud data centre for Big Data