Animation and Virtual Reality

Topics include, but are not limited to:


Real-Time Rendering

Systems and Software Architectures for Rendering

Volume Rendering

Rendering Algorithms

Image-Based Rendering

Lighting and Appearance

High-Performance Computing and Parallel Rendering

Audio/Sound Rendering

Computational Photography


Animation Algorithms and Techniques

Real-time Visual Simulation

Special Effects

Facial Animation

Animation Systems

Animation and Simulation of Natural Environments

Behavioural Animation

Animation from Motion Capture

Character Animation

Plausible Motion Simulation

Animation of Particle Systems

Animation Languages

Human Figure Animation

Motion Control

Crowd Simulation

Physics-based Animation

Image-based Animation

Knowledge-based Animation

Modeling and Simulation for Education and Training

Motion Synthesis

Retargeting of Motion Capture Data

Animation Retargeting


Modeling and Algorithms

Scene and Object Modeling

Modeling of Natural Scenes and Phenomena

Image-Based Modeling

Multi-Resolution Modeling

Fundamental Methods and Algorithms

Model Validation

Texture Models, Analysis, and Synthesis


Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments

Virtual Tours

Hardware Technologies for Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments

Collaborative Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments

Distributed Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Reality

Collision Detection

Real-time Graphics

Advanced User Interfaces

Mobile Interfaces

Graphical Interfaces

Virtual Humans and Artificial Life

Graphics in Computer Games

Interactive 3D Graphics and Immersive Systems for Servers, Desktop and Thin Clients

Interactive 3D Graphics for Mobile Devices Like Smart phones, PDAs and UMPCs

Virtual Reality Tools and Languages (X3D, VRML, Java3D, OpenGL, ...)

Integration and Interoperation Between 3D Documents and Web/Multimedia Technologies, Including theĀ 

Evaluation of Human Performance and Usability in Virtual Environments

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ISSN 1947-5500 IJCSIS, USA.