Vol. 8 No. 1 APR 2010

Vol. 8 No. 1 April 2010 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security

Publication April 2010, Volume 8 No. 1 (Download Full Journal) (Download Full Version)


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1. Paper 29031048: Buffer Management Algorithm Design and Implementation Based on Network Processors (pp. 1-8)

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Yechang Fang, Kang Yen, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, USA

Deng Pan, Zhuo Sun, School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University, Miami, USA


Abstract—To solve the parameter sensitive issue of the traditional RED (random early detection) algorithm, an adaptive buffer management algorithm called PAFD (packet adaptive fair dropping) is proposed. This algorithm supports DiffServ (differentiated services) model of QoS (quality of service). In this algorithm, both of fairness and throughput are considered. The smooth buffer occupancy rate function is adopted to adjust the parameters. By implementing buffer management and packet scheduling on Intel IXP2400, the viability of QoS mechanisms on NPs (network processors) is verified. The simulation shows that the PAFD smoothes the flow curve, and achieves better balance between fairness and network throughput. It also demonstrates that this algorithm meets the requirements of fast data packet processing, and the hardware resource utilization of NPs is higher.


Keywords - buffer management; packet dropping; queue management; network processor


2. Paper 08031001: Multistage Hybrid Arabic/Indian Numeral OCR System (pp. 9-18)

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Yasser M. Alginaih, Ph.D., P.Eng. IEEE Member, Dept. of Computer Science, Taibah University, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abdul Ahad Siddiqi, Ph.D., Member IEEE & PEC, Dept. of Computer Science, Taibah University, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Abstract— The use of OCR in postal services is not yet universal and there are still many countries that process mail sorting manually. Automated Arabic/Indian numeral Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems for Postal services are being used in some countries, but still there are errors during the mail sorting process, thus causing a reduction in efficiency. The need to investigate fast and efficient recognition algorithms/systems is important so as to correctly read the postal codes from mail addresses and to eliminate any errors during the mail sorting stage. The objective of this study is to recognize printed numerical postal codes from mail addresses. The proposed system is a multistage hybrid system which consists of three different feature extraction methods, i.e., binary, zoning, and fuzzy features, and three different classifiers, i.e., Hamming Nets, Euclidean Distance, and Fuzzy Neural Network Classifiers. The proposed system, systematically compares the performance of each of these methods, and ensures that the numerals are recognized correctly. Comprehensive results provide a very high recognition rate, outperforming the other known developed methods in literature.


Keywords-component; Hamming Net; Euclidean Distance; Fuzzy Neural Network; Feature Extration; Arabic/Indian Numerals


3. Paper 30031056: Attribute Weighting with Adaptive NBTree for Reducing False Positives in Intrusion Detection (pp. 19-26)

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Dewan Md. Farid, and Jerome Darmont, ERIC Laboratory, University Lumière Lyon 2, Bat L - 5 av. Pierre Mendes, France, 69676 BRON Cedex, France

Mohammad Zahidur Rahman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka – 1342, Bangladesh


Abstract—In this paper, we introduce new learning algorithms for reducing false positives in intrusion detection. It is based on decision tree-based attribute weighting with adaptive naïve Bayesian tree, which not only reduce the false positives (FP) at acceptable level, but also scale up the detection rates (DR) for different types of network intrusions. Due to the tremendous growth of network-based services, intrusion detection has emerged as an important technique for network security. Recently data mining algorithms are applied on network-based traffic data and host-based program behaviors to detect intrusions or misuse patterns, but there exist some issues in current intrusion detection algorithms such as unbalanced detection rates, large numbers of false positives, and redundant attributes that will lead to the complexity of detection model and degradation of detection accuracy. The purpose of this study is to identify important input attributes for building an intrusion detection system (IDS) that is computationally efficient and effective. Experimental results performed using the KDD99 benchmark network intrusion detection dataset indicate that the proposed approach can significantly reduce the number and percentage of false positives and scale up the balance detection rates for different types of network intrusions.


Keywords-attribute weighting; detection rates; false positives; intrusion detection system; naïve Bayesian tree;


4. Paper 30031053: Improving Overhead Computation and pre-processing Time for Grid Scheduling System (pp. 27-34)

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Asgarali Bouyer, Mohammad javad hoseyni, Department of Computer Science, Islamic Azad University-Miyandoab branch, Miyandoab, Iran

Abdul Hanan Abdullah, Faculty Of Computer Science And Information Systems, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia


Abstract— Computational Grid is enormous environments with heterogeneous resources and stable infrastructures among other Internet-based computing systems. However, the managing of resources in such systems has its special problems. Scheduler systems need to get last information about participant nodes from information centers for the purpose of firmly job scheduling. In this paper, we focus on online updating resource information centers with processed and provided data based on the assumed hierarchical model. A hybrid knowledge extraction method has been used to classifying grid nodes based on prediction of jobs’ features. An affirmative point of this research is that scheduler systems don’t waste extra time for getting up-to-date information of grid nodes. The experimental result shows the advantages of our approach compared to other conservative methods, especially due to its ability to predict the behavior of nodes based on comprehensive data tables on each node.


Keywords-component; job scheduling; hierarchical model; Grid nodes modul; Grid resource information center


5. Paper 20031026: The New Embedded System Design Methodology For Improving Design Process Performance (pp. 35-43)

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Maman Abdurohman, Informatics Faculty, Telecom Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Kuspriyanto, STEI Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Sarwono Sutikno, STEI Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Arif Sasongko, STEI Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia


Abstract—Time-to-market pressure and productivity gap force vendors and researchers to improve embedded system design methodology. Current used design method, Register Transfer Level (RTL), is no longer be adequate to comply with embedded system design necessity. It needs a new methodology for facing the lack of RTL. In this paper, a new methodology of hardware embedded system modeling process is designed for improving design process performance using Transaction Level Modeling (TLM). TLM is a higher abstraction design concept model above RTL model. Parameters measured include design process time and accuracy of design. For implementing RTL model used Avalon and Wishbone buses, both are System on Chip bus. Performance improvement measured by comparing TLM and RTL model process. The experiment results show performance improvements for Avalon RTL using new design methodology are 1,03 for 3-tiers, 1,47 for 4-tiers and 1,69 for 5-tiers. Performance improvements for Wishbone RTL are 1,12 for 3-tiers, 1,17 for 4-tiers and 1,34 for 5-tiers. These results show the trend of design process improvement.


Keywords : Design Methodology, Transaction Level Modeling (TLM), Register Transfer level (RTL), System on Chip.


6. Paper 30031060: Semi-Trusted Mixer Based Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining for Resource Constrained Devices (pp. 44-51)

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Md. Golam Kaosar, School of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia

Xun Yi, Associate Preofessor, School of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia


Abstract— In this paper a homomorphic privacy preserving association rule mining algorithm is proposed which can be deployed in resource constrained devices (RCD). Privacy preserved exchange of counts of itemsets among distributed mining sites is a vital part in association rule mining process. Existing cryptography based privacy preserving solutions consume lot of computation due to complex mathematical equations involved. Therefore less computation involved privacy solutions are extremely necessary to deploy mining applications in RCD. In this algorithm, a semi-trusted mixer is used to unify the counts of itemsets encrypted by all mining sites without revealing individual values. The proposed algorithm is built on with a well known communication efficient association rule mining algorithm named count distribution (CD). Security proofs along with performance analysis and comparison show the well acceptability and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Efficient and straightforward privacy model and satisfactory performance of the protocol promote itself among one of the initiatives in deploying data mining application in RCD.


Keywords- Resource Constrained Devices (RCD), semi-trusted mixer, association rule mining, stream cipher, privacy, data mining.


7. Paper 12031005: Adaptive Slot Allocation And Bandwidth Sharing For Prioritized Handoff Calls In Mobile Netwoks (pp. 52-57)

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S. Malathy, Research Scholar, Anna University, Coimbatore

G. Sudha Sadhasivam, Professor, CSE Department, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

K. Murugan, Lecturer, IT Department, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore

S. Lokesh, Lecturer, CSE Department, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


Abstract - Mobility management and bandwidth management are two major research issues in a cellular mobile network. Mobility management consists of two basic components: location management and handoff management. To Provide QoS to the users Handoff is a key element in wireless cellular networks. It is often initiated either by crossing a cell boundary or by deterioration in the quality of signal in the current channel. In this paper, a new admission control policy for cellular mobile network is being proposed. Two important QoS parameter in cellular networks are Call Dropping Probability (CDP) and Handoff Dropping Probability (HDP). CDP represents the probability that a call is dropped due to a handoff failure. HDP represents the probability of a handoff failure due to insufficient available resources in the target cell. Most of the algorithms try to limit the HDP to some target maximum but not CDP. In this paper, we show that when HDP is controlled, the CDP is also controlled to a minimum extent while maintaining lower blocking rates for new calls in the system.


Index Terms— Wireless Cellular Networks, Handoff Dropping Probability, Call Dropping Probability, Resource Allocation, Prioritization Schemes.


8. Paper 12031009: An Efficient Vein Pattern-based Recognition System (pp. 58-63)

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Mohit Soni, DFS, New Delhi- 110003, INDIA.

Sandesh Gupta, UIET, CSJMU, Kanpur-208014, INDIA.

M.S. Rao, DFS, New Delhi-110003, INDIA

Phalguni Gupta, Professor, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur-208016, INDIA.


Abstract— This paper presents an efficient human recognition system based on vein pattern from the palma dorsa. A new absorption based technique has been proposed to collect good quality images with the help of a low cost camera and light source. The system automatically detects the region of interest from the image and does the necessary preprocessing to extract features. A Euclidean Distance based matching technique has been used for making the decision. It has been tested on a data set of 1750 image samples collected from 341 individuals. The accuracy of the verification system is found to be 99.26% with false rejection rate (FRR) of 0.03%.


Keywords- verification system; palma dorsa; region of interest; vein structure; minutiae; ridge forkings


9. Paper 15031013: Extending Logical Networking Concepts in Overlay Network-on-Chip Architectures (pp. 64-67)

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Omar Tayan, College of Computer Science and Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Taibah University, Saudi Arabia, P.O. Box 30002


Abstract—System-on-Chip (SoC) complexity scaling driven by the effect of Moore’s Law in Integrated Circuits (ICs) are required to integrate from dozens of cores today to hundreds of cores within a single chip in the near future. Furthermore, SoC designs shall impose strong requirements on scalability, reusability and performance of the underlying interconnection system in order to satisfy constraints of future technologies. The use of scalable Network-on-Chip (NoC) as the underlying communications infrastructure is critical to meet such stringent future demands. This paper focuses on the state-of-the-art in NoC development trends and seeks to develop increased understanding of how ideal regular NoC topologies such as the hypercube, de-bruijn, and Manhattan Street Network, can scale to meet the needs of regular and irregular future NoC structures with increasing numbers of core resources. The contributions of this paper are three-fold. First, the study introduces a new design framework for overlay architectures based on the success of the hypercube, de-bruijn and Manhattan Street Network in NoCs, providing increased scalability for regular structures, as well as support for irregular structures. Second, the study proposes how the regular topologies may be combined to form hybrid overlay architectures on NoCs. Third, the study demonstrates how such overlay and hybrid overlay architectures can be used to extend benefits from logical topologies previously considered in optical networks for use with increased flexibility in the NoC domain.

Keywords: Network-on-Chip, logical networks, overlay architectures, hybrid architectures.


10. Paper 15031015: Effective Bandwidth Utilization in IEEE802.11 for VOIP (pp. 68-75)

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S. Vijay Bhanu, Research Scholar, Anna University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Pincode-641013.

Dr.RM.Chandrasekaran, Registrar, Anna University, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India, Pincode: 620024.

Dr. V. Balakrishnan, Research Co-Supervisor, Anna University, Coimbatore.


Abstract -Voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) is one of the most important applications for the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs). For network planners who are deploying VoIP over WLANs, one of the important issues is the VoIP capacity. VoIP bandwidth consumption over a WAN is one of the most important factors to consider when building a VoIP infrastructure. Failure to account for VoIP bandwidth requirements will severely limit the reliability of a VoIP system and place a huge burden on the WAN infrastructure. Less bandwidth utilization is the key reasons for reduced number of channel accesses in VOIP. But in the QoS point of view the free bandwidth of atleast 1-5% will improve the voice quality. This proposal utilizes the maximum bandwidth by leaving 1-5% free bandwidth. A Bandwidth Data rate Moderation (BDM) algorithm has been proposed which correlates the data rate specified in IEEE802.11b with the free bandwidth. At each time BDM will calculate the bandwidth utilization before sending the packet to improve performance and voice quality of VoIP. The bandwidth calculation in BDM can be done by using Erlang and VOIP bandwidth calculator. Finally, ns2 experimental study shows the relationship between bandwidth utilization, free bandwidth and data rate. The paper concludes that marginal VoIP call rate has been increased by BDM algorithm.


Keywords: WLAN ,VOIP ,MAC Layer, Call Capacity, Wireless Network


11. Paper 16021024: ECG Feature Extraction Techniques - A Survey Approach (pp. 76-80)

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S. Karpagachelvi, Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu, India.

Dr. M.Arthanari, Tejaa Shakthi Institute of Technology for Women, Coimbatore- 641 659, Tamilnadu, India.

M. Sivakumar, Anna University – Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India


Abstract—ECG Feature Extraction plays a significant role in diagnosing most of the cardiac diseases. One cardiac cycle in an ECG signal consists of the P-QRS-T waves. This feature extraction scheme determines the amplitudes and intervals in the ECG signal for subsequent analysis. The amplitudes and intervals value of P-QRS-T segment determines the functioning of heart of every human. Recently, numerous research and techniques have been developed for analyzing the ECG signal. The proposed schemes were mostly based on Fuzzy Logic Methods, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and other Signal Analysis techniques. All these techniques and algorithms have their advantages and limitations. This proposed paper discusses various techniques and transformations proposed earlier in literature for extracting feature from an ECG signal. In addition this paper also provides a comparative study of various methods proposed by researchers in extracting the feature from ECG signal.


Keywords—Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Cardiac Cycle, ECG signal, Feature Extraction, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Support Vector Machines (SVM).


12. Paper 18031017: Implementation of the Six Channel Redundancy to achieve fault tolerance in testing of satellites (pp. 81-85)

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H S Aravinda *, Dr H D Maheshappa**, Dr Ranjan Moodithaya ***

* Department of Electronics and Communication, REVA ITM, Bangalore-64, Karnataka, India.

** Director & Principal, East Point College of Engg, Bidarahalli, Bangalore-40, Karnataka, India.

*** Head, KTMD Division, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore-17, Karnataka, India.


Abstract:-This paper aims to implement the six channel redundancy to achieve fault tolerance in testing of satellites with acoustic spectrum. We mainly focus here on achieving fault tolerance. An immediate application is the microphone data acquisition and to do analysis at the Acoustic Test Facility (ATF) centre, National Aerospace Laboratories. It has an 1100 cubic meter reverberation chamber in which a maximum sound pressure level of 157 dB is generated. The six channel Redundancy software with fault tolerant operation is devised and developed. The data are applied to program written in C language. The program is run using the Code Composer Studio by accepting the inputs. This is tested with the TMS 320C 6727 DSP, Pro Audio Development Kit (PADK).


Key words: Fault Tolerance, Redundancy, Acoustics.


13. Paper 18031018: Performance Oriented Query Processing In GEO Based Location Search Engines (pp. 86-94)

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Dr. M. Umamaheswari, Bharath University, Chennai-73, Tamil Nadu,India,

S. Sivasubramanian, Bharath University, Chennai-73,Tamil Nadu,India,


Abstract - Geographic location search engines allow users to constrain and order search results in an intuitive manner by focusing a query on a particular geographic region. Geographic search technology, also called location search, has recently received significant interest from major search engine companies. Academic research in this area has focused primarily on techniques for extracting geographic knowledge from the web. In this paper, we study the problem of efficient query processing in scalable geographic search engines. Query processing is a major bottleneck in standard web search engines, and the main reason for the thousands of machines used by the major engines. Geographic search engine query processing is different in that it requires a combination of text and spatial data processing techniques. We propose several algorithms for efficient query processing in geographic search engines, integrate them into an existing web search query processor, and evaluate them on large sets of real data and query traces.


Key word: location, search engine, query processing


14. Paper 20031027: Tunable Multifunction Filter Using Current Conveyor (pp. 95-98)

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Manish Kumar, Electronics and Communication, Engineering Department, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India

M.C. Srivastava, Electronics and Communication, Engineering Department, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India

Umesh Kumar, Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India


Abstract—The paper presents a current tunable multifunction filter using current conveyor. The proposed circuit can be realized as on chip tunable low pass, high pass, band pass and elliptical notch filter. The circuit employs two current conveyors, one OTA, four resistors and two grounded capacitors, ideal for integration. It has only one output terminal and the number of input terminals may be used. Further, there is no requirement for component matching in the circuit. The resonance frequency (ω0) and bandwidth (ω0 /Q) enjoy orthogonal tuning. The cutoff frequency of the filter is tunable by changing the bias current, which makes it on chip tunable filter. The circuit is realized by using commercially available current conveyor AD844 and OTA LM13700. A HSPICE simulation of circuit is also studied for the verification of theoretical results.


Keywords- Active filter; Current Conveyor; Voltage- mode filter


15. Paper 17031042: Artificial Neural Network based Diagnostic Model For Causes of Success and Failures (pp. 99-105)

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Bikrampal Kaur, Chandigarh Engineering College, Mohali, India

Dr. Himanshu Aggarwal, Punjabi University, Patiala-147002, India


Abstract— Resource management has always been an area of prime concern for the organizations. Out of all the resources human resource has been most difficult to plan, utilize and manage. Therefore, in the recent past there has been a lot of research thrust on the managing the human resource. Studies have revealed that even best of the Information Systems do fail due to neglect of the human resource. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify most important human resource factors and propose a diagnostic model based on the back-propagation and connectionist model approaches of artificial neural network (ANN). The focus of the study is on the mobile -communication industry of India. The ANN based approach is particularly important because conventional approaches (such as algorithmic) to the problem solving have their inherent disadvantages. The algorithmic approach is well-suited to the problems that are well-understood and known solution(s). On the other hand the ANNs have learning by example and processing capabilities similar to that of a human brain. ANN has been followed due to its inherent advantage over conversion algorithmic like approaches and having capabilities, training and human like intuitive decision making capabilities. Therefore, this ANN based approach is likely to help researchers and organizations to reach a better solution to the problem of managing the human resource. The study is particularly important as many studies have been carried in developed countries but there is a shortage of such studies in developing nations like India. Here, a model has been derived using connectionist-ANN approach and improved and verified via back-propagation algorithm. This suggested ANN based model can be used for testing the success and failure human factors in any of the communication Industry. Results have been obtained on the basis of connectionist model, which has been further refined by BPNN to an accuracy of 99.99%. Any company to predict failure due to HR factors can directly deploy this model.


Keywords— Neural Networks, Human resource factors, Company success and failure factors.


16. Paper 28031045: Detecting Security threats in the Router using Computational Intelligence (pp. 106-111)

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J. Visumathi, Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600 119

Dr. K. L. Shunmuganathan, Professor & Head, Department of CSE, R.M.K. Engineering College, Chennai-601 206


Abstract - Information security is an issue of global concern. As the Internet is delivering great convenience and benefits to the modern society, the rapidly increasing connectivity and accessibility to the Internet is also posing a serious threat to security and privacy, to individuals, organizations, and nations alike. Finding effective ways to detect, prevent, and respond to intrusions and hacker attacks of networked computers and information systems. This paper presents a knowledge discovery frame work to detect DoS attacks at the boundary controllers (routers). The idea is to use machine learning approach to discover network features that can depict the state of the network connection. Using important network data (DoS relevant features), we have developed kernel machine based and soft computing detection mechanisms that achieve high detection accuracies. We also present our work of identifying DoS pertinent features and evaluating the applicability of these features in detecting novel DoS attacks. Architecture for detecting DoS attacks at the router is presented. We demonstrate that highly efficient and accurate signature based classifiers can be constructed by using important network features and machine learning techniques to detect DoS attacks at the boundary controllers.


Keywords: Denial of service attacks, information assurance, intrusion detection, machine learning, feature ranking, data reduction


17. Paper 31031091: A Novel Algorithm for Informative Meta Similarity Clusters Using Minimum Spanning Tree (pp. 112-120)

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S. John Peter, Department of Computer Science and Research Center, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India

S. P. Victor, Department of Computer Science and Research Center, St. Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India


Abstract - The minimum spanning tree clustering algorithm is capable of detecting clusters with irregular boundaries. In this paper we propose two minimum spanning trees based clustering algorithm. The first algorithm produces k clusters with center and guaranteed intra-cluster similarity. The radius and diameter of k clusters are computed to find the tightness of k clusters. The variance of the k clusters are also computed to find the compactness of the clusters. The second algorithm is proposed to create a dendrogram using the k clusters as objects with guaranteed inter-cluster similarity. The algorithm is also finds central cluster from the k number of clusters. The first algorithm uses divisive approach, where as the second algorithm uses agglomerative approach. In this paper we used both the approaches to find Informative Meta similarity clusters.


Key Words: Euclidean minimum spanning tree, Subtree, Eccentricity, Center, Tightness. Hierarchical clustering, Dendrogram, Radius, Diameter, Central clusters, Compactness.


18. Paper 23031032: Adaptive Tuning Algorithm for Performance tuning of Database Management System (pp. 121-124)

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S. F. Rodd, Department of Information Science and Engineering, KLS’s Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum, INDIA

Dr. U. P. Kulkarni, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad, INDIA


Abstract - Performance tuning of Database Management Systems(DBMS) is both complex and challenging as it involves identifying and altering several key performance tuning parameters. The quality of tuning and the extent of performance enhancement achieved greatly depends on the skill and experience of the Database Administrator (DBA). As neural networks have the ability to adapt to dynamically changing inputs and also their ability to learn makes them ideal candidates for employing them for tuning purpose. In this paper, a novel tuning algorithm based on neural network estimated tuning parameters is presented. The key performance indicators are proactively monitored and fed as input to the Neural Network and the trained network estimates the suitable size of the buffer cache, shared pool and redo log buffer size. The tuner alters these tuning parameters using the estimated values using a rate change computing algorithm. The preliminary results show that the proposed method is effective in improving the query response time for a variety of workload types.


Keywords: DBA, Buffer Miss Ratio, Data Miner, Neural Network, Buffer Cache.


19. Paper 26031038: A Survey of Mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16m Standard (pp. 125-131)

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Mr. Jha Rakesh, Deptt. Of E & T.C., SVNIT, Surat, India

Mr. Wankhede Vishal A., Deptt. Of E & T.C., SVNIT, Surat, India

Prof. Dr. Upena Dalal, Deptt. Of E & T.C., SVNIT, Surat, India


Abstract— IEEE 802.16m amends the IEEE 802.16 Wireless MAN-OFDMA specification to provide an advanced air interface for operation in licenced bands. It will meet the cellular layer requirements of IMT-Advanced next generation mobile networks. It will be designed to provide significantly improved performance compared to other high rate broadband cellular network systems. For the next generation mobile networks, it is important to consider increasing peak, sustained data reates, corresponding spectral efficiencies, system capacity and cell coverage as well as decreasing latency and providing QoS while carefully considering overall system complexity. In this paper we provide an overview of the state-of-the-art mobile WiMAX technology and its development. We focus our discussion on Physical Layer, MAC Layer, Schedular,QoS provisioning and mobile WiMAX specification.


Keywords-Mobile WiMAX; Physical Layer; MAC Layer; Schedular; Scalable OFDM.


20. Paper 27031040: An Analysis for Mining Imbalanced Datasets (pp. 132-137)

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T. Deepa, Faculty of Computer Science Department, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

Dr. M. Punithavalli, Director & Head, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


Abstract- Mining Imbalanced datasets in a real world domain is an obstacle where the number of one (majority) class greatly outnumbers the other class (minority). This paper traces some of the recent progress in the field of learning of Imbalanced data. It reviews approaches adopted for this problem and it identifies challenges and points out future directions in this field. A systematic study is developed aiming to question 1) what type of Imbalance hinders the accuracy performance? 2) Whether the Imbalances are always damaging and to what extent? 3) Whether Downsizing approach and Over-sampling approaches can be proposed to deal with the problem? Finally this paper leads to a profitable discussion of what the problem is and how it might be addressed most effectively.


Keywords: Imbalanced Datasets, Undersampling, Oversampling


21. Paper 27031039: QoS Routing For Mobile Adhoc Networks And Performance Analysis Using OLSR Protocol (pp. 138-150)

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K.Oudidi, Si2M Laboratory, National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Rabat, Morocco

A. Hajami, Si2M Laboratory, National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Rabat, Morocco

M. Elkoutbi, Si2M Laboratory, National School of Computer Science and Systems Analysis, Rabat, Morocco


Abstract-- This paper proposes a novel routing metrics based on the residual bandwidth, energy and mobility index of the nodes. Metrics are designed to cope with high mobility and poor residual energy resources in order to find optimal paths that guarantee the QoS constraints. A maximizable routing metric theory has been used to develop a metric that selects, during the protocol process, routes that are more stable, offer a maximum throughput and prolong network life time. The OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) protocol, which is an optimization of link state protocols designed for MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) is used as a test bed in this work. We prove that our proposed composite metrics (based on mobility, energy and bandwidth) selects a more stable MPR set than the QOLSR algorithm which is a well known OLSR QoS extension. By mathematical analysis and simulations, we have shown the efficiency of this new routing metric in term of routing load, packet delivery fraction, delay and prolonging the network lifetime.


Index Terms — Mobile Ad hoc networks, quality of service, routing protocol, routing metric, mobility, residual energy.


22. Paper 28031047: Design of Simple and Efficient Revocation List Distribution in Urban Areas for VANET’s (pp. 151-155)

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Ghassan Samara , National Advanced IPv6 Center, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Sureswaran Ramadas, National Advanced IPv6 Center, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia

Wafaa A.H. Al-Salihy, School of Computer Science, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia


Abstract- Vehicular Ad hoc Networks is one of the most challenging research area in the field of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, in this research we propose a flexible, simple, and scalable design for revocation list distribution in VANET, which will reduce channel overhead and eliminate the use of CRL. Also it will increase the security of the network and helps in identifying the adversary vehicles. We are proposing an idea for using geographical revocation information, and how to distribute it.


Keywords- VANET, Certificate Distribution, CRL, Cluster, Neighbour Cluster Certificate List.


23. Paper 28031044: Software Process Improvization Framework For Indian Small Scale Software Organizations Using Fuzzy Logic (pp. 156-162)

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A. M. Kalpana, Research Scholar, Anna University Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Dr. A. Ebenezer Jeyakumar, Director/Academics, SREC, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India


Abstract - In this paper, the researchers describe the results obtained after assessing the software process activities in five small to medium sized Indian software companies. This work demonstrates a cost effective framework for software process appraisal, specifically targeted at Indian software Small-to-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The framework explicitly focuses on organizations that have little or no experience in software process improvement (SPI) programmes. The companies involved in this assessment have no CMMI experience prior to the work. For Indian software SME’s, it has always been difficult to find the resources, both time and money, which are necessary to engage themselves properly in SPI. To alleviate this, we have developed a low-overhead and relatively non-invasive solution tool to support SMEs in establishing process improvement initiatives. The paper initially describes how the framework was developed and then illustrates how the method is currently being extended to include a questionnaire based approach that may be used by the appraised organization to perform follow-on self-assessments. The results obtained from this study can be used by organizations to achieve the CMMI standards. Finally, the results are discussed for consistency by incorporating a scientific based approach to avoid ambiguities which arise while arriving at a result.


Keywords: Software Process Improvement (SPI), Self-Assessment, Capability level, Indian SMEs, Software Process Assessment, Fuzzy logic.


24. Paper 30031052: Urbanizing the Rural Agriculture - Knowledge Dissemination using Natural Language Processing (pp. 163-169)

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Priyanka Vij (Author) Student, Computer Science Engg. Lingaya‟s Institute of Mgt. & Tech, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Harsh Chaudhary (Author) Student, Computer Science Engg. Lingaya‟s Institute of Mgt. & Tech, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Priyatosh Kashyap (Author) Student, Computer Science Engg. Lingaya‟s Institute of Mgt. & Tech, Faridabad, Haryana, India


Abstract- The Indian rural agriculture has been facing a lot of problems. There are problems like irrigation problems, unfavorable weather conditions, and lack of knowledge regarding the market prices, animals, tools & pest prevention methods. Hence there is a need to develop a method to enable our rural farmers to gain knowledge. Knowledge can be gained by communicating to the experts of various fields in the agricultural sector. Therefore, we aim to provide the farmers with an interactive kiosk panel, using which they can get an easy and timely solution to their queries within 24 hours without being troubled to travel to distant places or make long-distance calls to gain information. Hence we focus towards development of software, which would provide immediate aid to the farmers in every possible manner. It would be an interactive system providing an end-to-end connectivity to the farmers with the international agricultural experts, which can help them in solving their queries and thereby enhancing the sources of information to the farmers.


Keyword: Rural Agriculture; Farmers; Natural Language Processing; Speech recognition; Language translation; Speech synthesis;


25. Paper 31031073: A New Joint Lossless Compression And Encryption Scheme Combining A Binary Arithmetic Coding With A Pseudo Random Bit Generator (pp. 170-175)

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A. Masmoudi * , W. Puech **, And M. S. Bouhlel *

* Research Unit: Sciences and Technologies of Image and Telecommunications, Higher Institute of Biotechnology, Sfax TUNISIA

** Laboratory LIRMM, UMR 5506 CNRS University of Montpellier II, 161, rue Ada, 34392 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 05, FRANCE


Abstract — In this paper, we propose a new scheme which performs both lossless compression and encryption of data. The lossless compression is based on the arithmetic coding (AC) and the encryption is based on a pseudo random bit generator (PRBG). Thus, the plaintext is compressed with a binary arithmetic coding (BAC) whose two mapping intervals are swapped randomly by using a PRBG. In this paper, we propose a PRBG based on the standard chaotic map and the Engel Continued Fraction (ECF) map to generate a keystream with both good chaotic and statistical properties. To be used in cryptography, a PRBG may need to meet stronger requirements than for other applications. In particular, various statistical tests can be applied to the outputs of such generators to conclude whether the generator produces a truly random sequence or not. The numerical simulation analysis indicates that the proposed compression and encryption scheme satisfies highly security with no loss of the BAC compression efficiency.


26. Paper 15031012: A Collaborative Model for Data Privacy and its Legal Enforcement (pp. 176-182)

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Manasdeep, MSCLIS, IIIT Allahabad

Damneet Singh Jolly, MSCLIS, IIIT Allahabad

Amit Kumar Singh, MSCLIS, IIIT Allahabad

Kamleshwar Singh, MSCLIS, IIIT Allahabad

Mr Ashish Srivastava, Faculty, MSCLIS, IIIT Allahabad


Abstract—This paper suggests a legalized P3P based approach for privacy protection of data for the Information owner. We put forward a model which creates a trust engine between the operating service and user’s data repository. The trust engine now routinely parses the data read/write queries with the privacy policy of the user and releases data or rejects requests as per its decision. Prior to the trust engine establishment, there has to be a agreement between the Information Owner and Service provider called “Legal Handshake” upon which proper e- contract is generated which is legally binding to both the parties. Any breach to the contract will attract the legal penalties as per IT Act 2000.


Keywords- Privacy, Privacy Violations, Privacy Norms, Trust Engine, Legal Handshake, P3P Architecture component;


27. Paper 12031010: A New Exam Management System Based on Semi-Automated Answer Checking System (pp. 183-189)

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Arash Habibi Lashkari, Faculty of ICT, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor,

Dr. Edmund Ng Giap Weng, Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Behrang Parhizkar, Faculty of Information, Communication And Technology, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia

Siti Fazilah Shamsudin, Faculty of ICT, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia

Jawad Tayyub, Software Engineering With Multimedia, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia


Abstract - The aspect of quality question creation is the most important part of any exam paper. Questions, if not well prepared, would defeat the purpose of assessing a student’s progress. Questions need to be prepared that are challenging and would force the student to show various skills such as memory, analytical, writing etc. This would truly provide a good assessment tool to find out a student’s level and separate progressing students from the ‘lacking behind’ ones. This is what the project’s goal would ultimately be, to guarantee quality questions, efficiently and effectively, that would be challenging and at the same time within the scope of the knowledge taught. Another aspect of this project is to provide a way for students to view their marks or grades in an efficient, effective and convenient manner without risks of dishonest alteration.


Key Words - Automated Exam Assessment, Automated Exam Checking, Exam Management System, Online Exam Result Display, Grades Compilation


28. Paper 30031064: Development of Multi-Agent System for Fire Accident Detection Using Gaia Methodology (pp. 190-194)

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Gowri. R, Kailas. A, Jeyaprakash.R, Carani Anirudh

Department of Information Technology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry – 605 107.


Abstract—An agent is an encapsulated computer system that is capable of flexible and autonomous action in that environment in order to meet its design objectives. This paper presents the analysis model of MAS used to sensing the fire accident area in our surrounding, at the same time passing the information to the successive organization which is found nearby to the accidental area by the help of database server. By that it will decrease the travelling time taken by the organization to reach the destination. It collaborates with external components for performing tasks and reacts to situation appropriately. The MAS model is built using the GAIA methodology and the JADE agent framework.


Keywords- Coordination, Crisis Response, GAIA, MAS, Simulation.


29. Paper 19031022: Computational Fault Diagnosis Technique for Analog Electronic Circuits using Markov Parameters (pp. 195-202)

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V. Prasannamoorthy and N.Devarajan, Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, India


Abstract— In this paper, we propose a novel technique for the detection and isolation of faults in analog electronic circuits by the Simulation-Before-Test approach. The Markov parameters corresponding to each faulty state of the circuit under test are computed. Following this, owing to the uniqueness of this numerical value to each of those faulty configurations considered, a classifier may be designed such that it will be capable of isolating the faults by taking advantage of that uniqueness. However, in this current work, we have restricted our analysis to the determination of the parameters alone and their variations from the value obtained for the fault-free circuit state. In cases where redundancies in the Markov parameters appear, the product of the Eigen values of the system matrix in that configuration are computed to resolve ambiguity. The Sallen-Key bandpass filter and the Leapfrog filter have been chosen to demonstrate the suitability of this approach to practical systems.


30. Paper 24031037: Applicability of Data Mining Techniques for Climate Prediction – A Survey Approach (pp. 203-206)

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Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, Reader, PG and Research department of Computer Science, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai

I. Kadar Shereef, Head, Department of Computer Applications, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi


Abstract―British mathematician Lewis Fry Richardson first proposed numerical weather prediction in 1922. Richardson attempted to perform many kinds of low complexity numerical forecasts before World War II. The first successful numerical prediction was performed in 1950 by a team composed of American metrologists Jule Charney, Philip Thompson, Larry Gates, and Ragnar using the ENIAC digital computer. Climate prediction is a challenging task for researchers and has drawn a lot of research interest in the recent years. Many government and private agencies are working to predict the climate. In recent years, more intelligent weather forecast based on Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) has been developed. Two major Knowledge Discovery areas are (a) data analysis and mining, which extracts patterns from massive volumes of climate related observations and model outputs and (b) data-guided modeling and simulation (e.g., models of water and energy or other assessments of impacts) which take downscaled outputs as the inputs. In this survey we present some of the most used data mining techniques for climate prediction. But still it is a challenging task. In this paper, we survey various climate prediction techniques and methodologies. End of this survey we provide recommendations for future research directions.


Keywords ― Weather Forecasting, Climate Prediction, Temperature Control, Neural Network, Fuzzy Techniques, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning, Data Mining.


31. Paper 17021025: Appliance Mobile Positioning System (AMPS) (An Advanced mobile Application) (pp. 207-215)

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Arash Habibi Lashkari, Faculty of ICT, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia

Edmund Ng Giap Weng, Faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)

Behrang Parhizkar, Faculty of ICT, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia

Hameedur Rahman, Software Engineering with Multimedia, LIMKOKWING University of Creative Technology, CYBERJAYA, Selangor, Malaysia


Abstract- An AMP is a project where the goal is to enhance the experience of locating friends and family by using GPS and standard web technology. This has lead to a design consisting of three parts: a mobile client, a repository, a web client, and a map service. The mobile client, which consists of a mobile phone and a GPS receiver, can be used to find the location of family and friends and send sms, when someone is nearby by users to see the real location and positions. These data can be sends it through the communication network to the server from the mobile client to the repository in order to share location & position with others. The information in the repository can be managed and viewed using the web client. This design has been realized in a proof-of-concept implementation to show that such a system is feasible to develop. The mobile client is implemented using J2ME & JavaScript and the repository and the web client is implemented using php & MySQL.


Keywords: Mobile Phones, Mobile Widgets, Position (LBS), GPS.


32. Paper 24031036: A Survey on Data Mining Techniques for Gene Selection and Cancer Classification (pp. 216-221)

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Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, Reader, PG and Research department of Computer Science, Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai

S. Sasikala, Head, Department of Computer Science, Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi


Abstract─Cancer research is one of the major research areas in the medical field. Classification is critically important for cancer diagnosis and treatment accurate prediction of different tumor types have great value in providing better treatment and toxicity minimization on the patients. Previously, cancer classification has always been morphological and clinical based. These conventional cancer classification methods are reported to have several limitations in their diagnostic ability. In order to gain a better insight into the problem of cancer classification, systematic approaches based on global gene expression analysis have been proposed. The recent advent of microarray technology has allowed the simultaneous monitoring of thousands of genes, which motivated the development in cancer classification using gene expression data. Though still in its early stages of development, results obtained so far seemed promising .The survey report presents the most used data mining techniques for gene selection and cancer classification. Particular, this survey focus on algorithms proposed on four main emerging fields. They are neural networks based algorithms, machine learning algorithms, genetic algorithms and cluster based algorithms. In addition, it provides a general idea for future improvement in this field.


Keywords─Data Mining, Gene Selection, Cancer Classification, Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, Clustering, Genetic Algorithms.


33. Paper 23031033: Non-Blind Image Watermarking Scheme using DWT-SVD Domain (pp. 222-228)

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M. Devapriya, Asst.Professor, Dept of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Udumalpet.

Dr. K. Ramar, Professor & HOD, Dept of CSE, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti -628 502.


Abstract- Digital watermarking scheme has been well accepted method for hiding the data into a host image. Digital watermarking can applied to a variety of fields like text, image, audio, video and software. Lot of tools has been established in order to duplicate and modify the multimedia data. Therefore security is the most important dispute that requires some mechanism to protect the digital multimedia data. In order to protect those multimedia data on the Internet many techniques are available including various encryption techniques, steganography techniques, watermarking techniques and information hiding techniques. Digital watermarking is a technique in which one can hide the data or information in another object (cover data) and transfers it over the network. The data hiding can take place either in spatial domain or in frequency domain. This paper proposes a non-blind watermarking scheme in which the original image is decomposed into four frequency bands. The DWT coefficients in these frequency bands are then modified in order to hide the watermark data. SVD is capable of efficiently representing the intrinsic algebraic properties of an image, where singular values correspond to the brightness of the image and singular vectors reflect geometry characteristics of the image. Therefore in this approach the robustness can be achieved by DWT, stability of watermark image is increased by SVD, and imperceptibility is ensured by the use of enhanced DWT domain human visual model. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach Performance comparison of the algorithm among the first three levels of frequency band decomposition is considered.


Keywords - Digital Image Watermarking, Data Hiding, Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), Human Visual Model, Imperceptibility, Robustness, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).


34. Paper 31031074: Speech Segmentation Algorithm Based On Fuzzy Memberships (pp. 229-233)

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Luis D. Huerta, Jose Antonio Huesca and Julio C. Contreras

Departamento de Informática, Universidad del Istmo Campus Ixtepéc, Ixtepéc Oaxaca, México


Abstract— In this work, an automatic speech segmentation algorithm with text independency was implemented. In the algorithm, the use of fuzzy memberships on each characteristic in different speech sub-bands is proposed. Thus, the segmentation is performed a greater detail. Additionally, we tested with various speech signal frequencies and labeling, and we could observe how they affect the performance of the segmentation process in phonemes. The speech segmentation algorithm used is described. During the segmentation process it is not supported by any additional information on the speech signal, as the text is. A correct segmentation of the 80,51% is reported on a data base in Spanish, with a rate of on-segmentation near 0%.


Keywords-component; Speech Segmentation; Fuzzy Memberships; Phonemes; Sub-bands Features


35. Paper 30031058: How not to share a set of secrets (pp. 234-237)

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K. R. Sahasranand , Nithin Nagaraj, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam-690525, Kerala, India.

Rajan S., Department of Mathematics, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam-690525, Kerala, India.


Abstract—This note analyzes a space efficient secret sharing scheme for a set of secrets, proposed by Parakh et al. [2], and suggests vulnerabilities in its design. The algorithm fails for certain choices of the set of secrets and there is no reason for preferring this particular scheme over alternative schemes. The paper also elaborates the adoption of a scheme proposed by Hugo Krawczyk [5] as an extension of Shamir’s scheme, for a set of secrets. Such an implementation overcomes the drawbacks of the first scheme and works for all choices of secrets. However, we demonstrate that both the schemes turn out to be conditionally insecure. We introduce two new methods of attack which are valid under certain assumptions, to this end. We observe that it is the elimination of random values that facilitates these kinds of attacks.


Index Terms—cryptography, secret sharing, set of secrets, attack.


36. Paper 30031057: Secure Framework for Mobile Devices to Access Grid Infrastructure (pp. 238-243)

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Kashif Munir, Computer Science and Engineering Technology Unit King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals HBCC Campus, King Faisal Street, Hafr Al Batin 31991

Lawan Ahmad Mohammad, Computer Science and Engineering Technology Unit King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals HBCC Campus, King Faisal Street, Hafr Al Batin 31991


Abstract---Mobile devices are gradually becoming prevalent in our daily life, enabling users in the physical world to interact with the digital world conveniently. Mobile devices increasingly offer functionality beyond the one provided by traditional resources processor, memory and applications. This includes, for example, integrated multimedia equipment, intelligent positioning systems, and different kinds of integrated or accessible sensors. For future generation grids to be truly ubiquitous we must find ways to compensate for the security limitations inherent in these devices as they interact with grid infrastructure in order to leverage available resources to authorized users. This paper looks into design architecture for mobile computing environment. Focus is given to security framework that will enhance the performance of grid computing in terms of secure design, architecture and accessibility.


Keywords: Autonomic computing, middleware technologies, Grid computing, mobile computing


37. Paper 31031076: DSP Specific Optimized Implementation of Viterbi Decoder (pp. 244-249)

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Yame Asfia and Dr Muhamamd Younis Javed, Department of Computer Engg, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engg, NUST, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Dr Muid-ur-Rahman Mufti, Department of Computer Engg, UET Taxila, Taxila, Pakistan


Abstract— Due to the rapid changing and flexibility of Wireless Communication protocols, there is a desire to move from hardware to software/firmware implementation in DSPs. High data rate requirements suggest highly optimized firmware implementation in terms of execution speed and high memory requirements. This paper suggests optimization levels for the implementation of a viable Viterbi decoding algorithm (rate ½) on a commercial off-the-shelf DSP.


Keywords-component; Viterbi Decoding, Convolutional Encoding, Optimization Techniques, DSP Processor, Bit Error Rate.


38. Paper 31031089: Approach towards analyzing motion of mobile nodes- A survey and graphical representation (pp. 250-253)

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A. Kumar, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur , Rajasthan , India

P.Chakrabarti, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur , Rajasthan , India

P. Saini, Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur , Rajasthan , India


Abstract- In this paper we have carried out a survey to towards understanding the behavior of the random variable environment.The purpose of the mobility models is to serve as a representative scenario for node movement in the adhoc networks. The mobility models represent the realistic movement characteristics of the mobile nodes. We concentrate our work on the Random walk models and their various forms. The complex domain based node detection has also been pointed out.


Keywords- Random variable, mobility, random walk, complex domain


39. Paper 31031092: Recognition of Printed Bangla Document from Textual Image Using Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Network (pp. 254-259)

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Md. Musfique Anwar, Nasrin Sultana Shume, P. K. M. Moniruzzaman and Md. Al-Amin Bhuiyan

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh


Abstract - This paper focuses on the segmentation of printed Bangla characters for efficient recognition of the characters. The segmentation of characters is an important step in the process of character recognitions because it allows the system to classify the characters more accurately and quickly. The system takes the scanned image file of the printed document as its input. A structural feature extraction method is used to extract the feature. In this case, each individual Bangla character is converted to a M × N feature matrix. A Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network with back propagation algorithm is chosen to feed the feature matrix to train with the set of input patterns and to develop knowledge to classify the character. The effectiveness of the system has been tested with several printed documents and the success rates in all cases are over 90%.


Keywords: Character segmentation, Character recognition, Feature extraction, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).


40. Paper 31031081: Application Of Fuzzy System In Segmentation Of MRI Brain Tumor (pp. 261-270)

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Mrigank Rajya, Sonal Rewri, Swati Sheoran

CSE, Lingaya’s University, Limat, Faridabad India, New Delhi, India


Abstract- Segmentation of images holds an important position in the area of image processing. It becomes more important whi le typically dealing with medical images where presurgery and post surgery decisions are required for the purpose of initiating and speeding up the recovery process. Segmentation of 3-D tumor structures from magnetic resonance images (MRI) is a very challenging problem due to the variability of tumor geometry and intensity patterns. Level set evolution combining global smoothness with the flexibility of topology changes offers significant advantages over the conventional statistical classification followed by mathematical morphology. Level set evolution with constant propagation needs to be initialized either completely inside or outside the tumor and can leak through weak or missing boundary parts. Replacing the constant propagation term by a statistical force overcomes these limitations and results in a convergence to a stable solution. Using MR images presenting tumors, probabilities for background and tumor regions are calculated from a pre- and post-contrast difference image and mixture modeling fit of the histogram. The whole image is used for initialization of the level set evolution to segment the tumor boundaries.


Keywords: Level set evaluation, medical image processing, MRI, tumor segmentation.


41. Paper 30031059: E-Speed Governors For Public Transport Vehicles (pp. 270-274)

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C. S. Sridhar, Dr. R. ShashiKumar, Dr. S. Madhava Kumar, Manjula Sridhar, Varun. D

ECE dept, SJCIT, Chikkaballapur.


Abstract: - An accident is unexpected, unusual, unintended and identifiable external event which occurs at any place and at any time. The major concern faced by the government and traffic officials is over speeding at limited speed zones like hospitals, schools or residential places leading to causalities and more deaths on the roads. Hence the speed of the vehicles is to be regulated and confined to the limits as prescribed by the traffic regulations. In this paper we propose a solution in the form of providing E-speed governor fitted with a wireless communication system consisting of a Rx which receives the information regarding the speed regulation for their zones. The TX will be made highly intelligent and decide when receiver should be made active to regulate the speed and unwarranted honking from the vehicles which can be deactivated in the silent zones.


Keywords: — Smart Speed Governor, Speed zones, speed deciding logic, Microcontroller.


42. Paper 31031087: Inaccuracy Minimization by Partioning Fuzzy Data Sets - Validation of Analystical Methodology (pp. 275-280)

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Arutchelvan. G, Department of Computer Science and Applications Adhiparasakthi College of Arts and Science G. B. Nagar, Kalavai , India

Dr. Srivatsa S. K., Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai, India

Dr. Jagannathan. R, Vinayaka Mission University, Chennai, India


Abstract— In the last two decades, a number of methods have been proposed for forecasting based on fuzzy time series. Most of the fuzzy time series methods are presented for forecasting of car road accidents. However, the forecasting accuracy rates of the existing methods are not good enough. In this paper, we compared our proposed new method of fuzzy time series forecasting with existing methods. Our method is based on means based partitioning of the historical data of car road accidents. The proposed method belongs to the kth order and time-variant methods. The proposed method can get the best forecasting accuracy rate for forecasting the car road accidents than the existing methods.


Keywords- Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy logical groups, fuzzified data, fuzzy time series.


43. Paper 30031065: Selection of Architecture Styles using Analytic Network Process for the Optimization of Software Architecture (pp. 281-288)

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K. Delhi Babu, S.V. University, Tirupati

Dr. P. Govinda Rajulu, S.V. University, Tirupati

Dr. A. Ramamohana Reddy, S.V. University, Tirupati

Ms. A.N. Aruna Kumari, Sree Vidyanikethan Engg. College, Tirupati


Abstract - The continuing process of software systems enlargement in size and complexity becomes system design extremely important for software production. In this way, the role of software architecture is significantly important in software development. It serves as an evaluation and implementation plan for software development and software evaluation. Consequently, choosing the correct architecture is a critical issue in software engineering domain. Moreover,software architecture selection is a multicriteria decision-making problem in which different goals and objectives must be taken into consideration. In this paper, more precise and suitable decisions in selection of architecture styles have been presented by using ANP inference to support decisions of software architects in order to exploit properties of styles in the best way to optimize the design of software architecture.


44. Paper 27031041: Clustering Time Series Data Stream – A Literature Survey (pp. 289-294)

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V.Kavitha, Computer Science Department, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.

M. Punithavalli, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for Women, Coimbatore ,Tamil Nadu, India.


Abstract- Mining Time Series data has a tremendous growth of interest in today’s world. To provide an indication various implementations are studied and summarized to identify the different problems in existing applications. Clustering time series is a trouble that has applications in an extensive assortment of fields and has recently attracted a large amount of research. Time series data are frequently large and may contain outliers. In addition, time series are a special type of data set where elements have a temporal ordering. Therefore clustering of such data stream is an important issue in the data mining process. Numerous techniques and clustering algorithms have been proposed earlier to assist clustering of time series data streams. The clustering algorithms and its effectiveness on various applications are compared to develop a new method to solve the existing problem. This paper presents a survey on various clustering algorithms available for time series datasets. Moreover, the distinctiveness and restriction of previous research are discussed and several achievable topics for future study are recognized. Furthermore the areas that utilize time series clustering are also summarized.


Keywords - Data Mining, Data Streams, Clustering, Time Series, Machine Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection.


45. Paper 31031086: An Adaptive Power Efficient Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Wimax Networks (pp. 295-300)

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R Murali Prasad, Department of Electronics and Communications, MLR Institute of technology, Hyderabad

P. Satish Kumar, professor, Department of Electronics and Communications, CVR college of engineering, Hyderabad


Abstract—Admission control schemes and scheduling algorithms are designed to offer QoS services in 802.16/802.16e networks and a number of studies have investigated these issues. But the channel condition and priority of traffic classes are very rarely considered in the existing scheduling algorithms. Although a number of energy saving mechanisms have been proposed for the IEEE 802.16e, to minimize the power consumption of IEEE 802.16e mobile stations with multiple real-time connections has not yet been investigated. Moreover, they mainly consider non real- time connections in IEEE 802.16e networks. In this paper, we propose to design an adaptive power efficient packet scheduling algorithm that provides a minimum fair allocation of the channel bandwidth for each packet flow and additionally minimizes the power consumption. In the adaptive scheduling algorithm, packets are transmitted as per allotted slots from different priority of traffic classes adaptively, depending on the channel condition. Suppose if the buffer size of the high priority traffic queues with bad channel condition exceeds a threshold, then the priority of those flows will be increased by adjusting the sleep duty cycle of existing low priority traffic, to prevent the starvation. By simulation results, we show that our proposed scheduler achieves better channel utilization while minimizing the delay and power consumption.


Keywords - QOS; Packet Scheduling Algorithm; IEEE 802.16/802.16e; WiMAX Networks; delay and power consumption.


46. Paper 30041037: Content Base Image Retrieval Using Phong Shading (pp. 301-306)

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Uday Pratap Singh, LNCT, Bhopal (M.P) INDIA

Sanjeev Jain, LNCT, Bhopal (M.P) INDIA

Gulfishan Firdose Ahmed, LNCT, Bhopal (M.P) INDIA


Abstract:-The digital image data is rapidly expanding in quantity and heterogeneity. The traditional information retrieval techniques does not meet the user’s demand, so there is need to develop an efficient system for content based image retrieval. Content based image retrieval means retrieval of images from database on the basis of visual features of image like as color, texture etc. In our proposed method feature are extracted after applying Phong shading on input image. Phong shading, flattering out the dull surfaces of the image The features are extracted using color, texture & edge density methods. Feature extracted values are used to find the similarity between input query image and the data base image. It can be measure by the Euclidean distance formula. The experimental result shows that the proposed approach has a better retrieval results with phong shading.


Keywords: - CBIR, Gray scale, Feature vector, Phong shading, Color, Texture, Edge density.



47. Paper 31031090: The Algorithm Analysis of E-Commerce Security Issues for Online Payment Transaction System in Banking Technology (pp. 307-312)

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Raju Barskar, MANIT Bhopal (M.P)

Anjana Jayant Deen,CSE Department, UIT_RGPV, Bhopal (M.P)

Jyoti Bharti, IT Department, MANIT, Bhopal (M.P)

Gulfishan Firdose Ahmed, LNCT, Bhopal (M.P)


Abstract:-E-Commerce offers the banking industry great opportunity, but also creates a set of new risks and vulnerability such as security threats. Information security, therefore, is an essential management and technical requirement for any efficient and effective Payment transaction activities over the internet. Still, its definition is a complex endeavor due to the constant technological and business change and requires a coordinated match of algorithm and technical solutions. Ecommerce is not appropriate to all business transactions and, within e-commerce there is no one technology that can or should be appropriate to all requirements. E-commerce is not a new phenomenon; electronic markets, electronic data interchange and customer e-commerce. The use of electronic data interchanges as a universal and non-proprietary way of doing business. Through the electronic transaction the security is the most important phenomena to enhance the banking transaction security via payment transaction.


Keywords - Electronic commerce security, payment system, payment transaction security, payer anonymity, dual signature, Electronic payment transaction security; E-Commerce transaction security, Banking Technology.



48. Paper 28031046: Reduction in iron losses In Indirect Vector-Controlled IM Drive Using FLC (pp. 313-317)

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Mr. C. Srisailam , Electrical Engineering Department, Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,

Mr. Mukesh Tiwari, Electrical Engineering Department, Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,

Dr. Anurag Trivedi, Electrical Engineering Department, Jabalpur Engineering College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh


Abstract- This paper describes the use of fuzzy logic controller for efficiency optimization control of a drive while keeping good dynamic response. At steady-state light-load condition, the fuzzy controller adaptively adjusts the excitation current with respect to the torque current to give the minimum total copper and iron loss. The measured input power such that, for a given load torque and speed, the drive settles down to the minimum input power, i.e., operates at maximum efficiency. The low-frequency pulsating torque due to decrementation of flux is compensated in a feed forward manner. If the load torque or speed commands changes, the efficiency search algorithm is abandoned and the rated flux is established to get the best dynamic response. The drive system with the proposed efficiency optimization controller has been simulated with lossy models of converter and machine, and its performance has been thoroughly investigated.


Key words: Fuzzy logic controller (FLC), Fuzzy logic motor control (FLMC), Adjustable speed drives (ASDs).



49. Paper 31031071: Bio-Authentication based Secure Transmission System using Steganography (pp. 318-324)

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Najme Zehra, Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, Delhi.

Mansi Sharma, Scholar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, Delhi.

Somya Ahuja, Scholar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, Delhi.

Shubha Bansal, Scholar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, GGSIPU, Delhi.


Abstract— Biometrics deals with identity verification of an individual by using certain physiological or behavioral features associated with a person. Biometric identification systems using fingerprints patterns are called AFIS (Automatic Fingerprint Identification System). In this paper a composite method for Fingerprint recognition is considered using a combination of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Sobel Filters for improvement of a poor quality fingerprint image. Steganography hides messages inside other messages in such a way that an “adversary” would not even know a secret message were present. The objective of our paper is to make a bio-secure system. In this paper bio–authentication has been implemented in terms of finger print recognition and the second part of the paper is an interactive steganographic system hides the user’s data by two options- creating a songs list or hiding the data in an image.


Keywords--Fingerprint, minutiae, Listega, steganography, LSB


50. Paper 31031068: Facial Recognition Technology: An analysis with scope in India (pp. 325-330)

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Dr.S.B.Thorat, Director, Institute of Technology and Mgmt, Nanded, Dist. - Nanded. (MS), India

S. K. Nayak, Head, Dept. of Computer Science, Bahirji Smarak Mahavidyalaya, Basmathnagar, Dist. - Hingoli. (MS), India

Miss. Jyoti P Dandale, Lecturer, Institute of Technology and Mgmt, Nanded, Dist. - Nanded. (MS), India


Abstract— A facial recognition system is a computer application for automatically identifying or verifying a person from a digital image or a video frame from a video source. One of the way is to do this is by comparing selected facial features from the image and a facial database.It is typically used in security systems and can be compared to other biometrics such as fingerprint or eye iris recognition systems. In this paper we focus on 3-D facial recognition system and biometric facial recognision system. We do critics on facial recognision system giving effectiveness and weaknesses. This paper also introduces scope of recognision system in India.


Keywords-3-D facial recognition; biometric facial recognition; alignment; matching; FRGC.


51. Paper 31031069: Classification and Performance of AQM-Based Schemes for Congestion Avoidance (pp. 331-340)

Full Text: PDF


K.Chitra Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science D.J.Academy for Managerial Excellence Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India – 641 032

Dr. G. Padamavathi Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Science Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India – 641 043


Abstract— Internet faces the problem of congestion due to its increased use. AQM algorithm is a solution to the problem of congestion control in the Internet. There are various existing algorithms that have evolved over the past few years to solve the problem of congestion in IP networks. Congested link causes many problems such as large delay, underutilization of the link and packet drops in burst. There are various existing algorithms that have evolved over the past few years to solve the problem of congestion in IP networks. In this paper, study of these existing algorithms is done. This paper discusses algorithms based on various congestion-metrics and classifies them based on certain factors. This helps in identifying the algorithms that regulate the congestion more effectively


Keywords - Internet; queue; congestion;
