
If you have any questions about our research, please feel free to email Dr. Julie Linsey or any current graduate student.Their contact information can be found on their pages under the "people" tab.

+Denotes Dr. Linsey’s students

Book Chapters


Linsey, J. S., and Viswanathan*, V. K., 2013, “Chapter 9: Overcoming Cognitive Challenges in Bioinspired Design and Analogy,” In Goel, A. K., McAdams, D. A., and Stone, R. B., (Eds.) Biologically Inspired Design: Computational Methods and Tools, Springer, pp. 221-244.


Linsey, J. S., and Becker*, B., 2010, “Effectiveness of Brainwriting Techniques: Comparing Nominal Groups to Real Teams,” In T. Taura and Y. Nagai (Eds.) Design Creativity 2010, Springer, pp. 165-172.

Smith, S., Linsey, J., and Kerne, A., 2010, “Using Evolved Analogies to Overcome Creative Design Fixation,” In T. Taura and Y. Nagai (Eds.) Design Creativity 2010, Springer, pp. 35-40.


Markman, A. B., Wood, K. L., Linsey, J. S., Murphy, J. T., and Laux, J. P., 2009, “Supporting Innovation by Promoting Analogical Reasoning.” In A. B. Markman and K. L. Wood (Eds.) Tools for Innovation, Oxford University Press, pp. 85-103.


Wood, K., and Linsey, J., 2006, “Understanding the Art of Design: Tools for the Next Edisonian Innovators,” in A. Markman and B. Ross (Eds.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Academic Press, 47, pp. 65-122.

Published and Accepted Refereed Journal Articles


Hammond, T., Kumar, S., Runyon, M., Cherian, J., Williford, B., Keshavabhotla, S., Valentine, S., Li, W., and Linsey, J., 2018, "It's Not Just About Accuracy: Metrics that Matter when Modeling Expert Sketching Ability", Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TIIS) 2018


Song+, H., Lopez, R., Fu, K., and Linsey, J. S., 2018, “Characterizing the Effects of Multiple Analogues and Extraneous Information for Novice Designers in Design-by-Analogy”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design

Hilton, E., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J. S., 2018, “Effectively Teaching Sketching in Engineering Curricula,” International Journal of Engineering Education- *special issue*

Camburn+, B., Viswanathan, V., Linsey, J., Anderson, D., Jensen, D., Crawford, K., Otto, K., and Wood, K., 2017, “Design Prototyping Methods: State-of-the-art in Strategies, Methods, and Guidelines,” Design Science

Tomko, M., Nelson+, J., Nagel, R., Bohm, M., and Linsey, J., 2017, “A Bridge to Systems Thinking in Engineering Design: An Examination Students’ Ability to Identify Functions at Varying Levels of Abstraction,” AIEDAM Special Issue on Function

Agyemang+, M., Linsey, J., and Turner, C.J., 2017, “Transforming Functional Models to Critical Chain Models via Expert Knowledge and Automatic Parsing Rules for Design Analogy Identification,” AIEDAM Special Issue on Function, 31(4), pp. 501-511


Viswanathan, V., Tomko, M., and Linsey, J., 2016, “A Study on the Effect of Example Familiarity and Modality on Design Fixation,” AIEDAM, DCC’14 Special Issue

Lucero+, B., Linsey, J., and Turner, C., 2016, “Frameworks[A1] for Organizing Design Performance Metrics,” Journal of Engineering Design

Atilola, O., Tomko, M., and Linsey, J., 2016, “The Effects of Representation on Idea Generation and Design Fixation: A Study Comparing Sketches and Function Trees,” Design Studies


Vermillion+, S., Malak, J., Smallman, R., and Linsey, J., 2015, “A Study on Outcome Framing and Risk Attitude in Engineering Decisions Under Uncertainty,” ASME[A1] Journal of Mechanical Design

Nagel, R. L., Bohm, M. R., Linsey, J. S., and Riggs+, M. K., 2015, “Improving Students’ Functional Modeling Skills: A Modeling Approach and a Scoring Rubric,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design

Zhou+, F., Jiao, R., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Latent Customer Needs Elicitation by Use Case Analogical Reasoning from Sentiment Analysis of Online Product Reviews,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design-Special Issue on User Needs and Preferences in Engineering Design

Atilola, O., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Representing Analogies to Influence Fixation and Creativity: A Study Comparing CAD, Photographs, and Sketches, ”Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM)-Special Issue on Analogical Thinking, 29 (2)

Dinar, M., Shah, J., Cagan, J., Leifer, L.,Linsey, J., Smith, S. M., and Hernandaz, N. V., 2015, “Empirical Studies ofDesign Thinking: Past, Present, Future,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(2), pp. 021101-01-13.*


Forest, C. R., Moore, R. A., Fasse, B. B., Linsey, J., Newstetter, W., Ngo, P., and Quintero, C., “The Invention Studio: A University Maker Space and Culture,” Advances in Engineering Education, accepted.*

Glier*, M., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., “Text Mining for Bioinspired Design: Automatically Identifying Relevant Textual Stimuli for Bioinspired Concept Generation,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design- Special Issue: Biologically-Inspired Design, accepted.*1

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Spanning the Complexity Chasm: A Research Method to Move from Simple to Complex Engineering Systems,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM)- Special Issue on Complex Systems, 28(4), accepted.*[1]

Ngo, P., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., “Identifying Trends in Analogy Usage for Innovation: A Cross-Sectional Product Study,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design- Special Issue: Biologically-Inspired Design, accepted.*

Lucero, B., Viswanathan*, V., Linsey, J., and Turner, C., “Identifying Critical Functions for Use Across Engineering Design Domains,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, accepted.*

Tsenn, J., Atilola*, O., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2014, “The Effects of Time and Incubation on Design Concept Generation,” Design Studies, 35(5), pp. 500-526.*1

Viswanathan*, V., Atilola*, O., Esposito*, N., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Study on the Role of Physical Models in the Mitigation of Design Fixation,” Journal of Engineering Design, 25(1-3), pp. 25-43.*1

Glier*, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D., 2014, “Evaluating the Directed Intuitive Approach for Bioinspired Design,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4026825, 136(7), pp. 071012-1-9.*[2]

Atilola*, O., Valentine, S., Kim, H. H., Turner, D., McTigue, E., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J. S., 2014, “Mechanix: A Natural Sketch Interface Tool for Teaching Truss Analysis and Free-Body Diagrams,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), doi:10.1017/S0890060414000079, 28(2), pp. 169-192.*2

Moreno, D. P., Hernandez, A. A., Yang, M. C., Otto, K. N., Holtta-Otto, K., Linsey, J. S., Wood, K. L., and Linden, A., 2014, “Fundamental Studies in Design-by-Analogy: A Focus on Domain-Knowledge Experts and Application to Transactional Design,” Design Studies, doi:, 35(3), pp. 232-272.*2


Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2013, “The Role of Sunk Cost in Engineering Idea Generation: An Experimental Investigation,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4025290, 135(12), pp. 121002-1-12.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Examining Design Fixation in Engineering Idea Generation: The Role of Example Modality,” International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation,, 1(2), pp. 109-129.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Design Fixation and Its Mitigation: A Study on the Role of Expertise,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, doi: 10.1115/1.4024123, 135(5), pp. 051008-1-15.


Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2012, “Physical Models and Design Thinking: A Study of Functionality, Novelty and Variety of Ideas,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(9), pp. 091004-1-12.

Linsey, J., Markman, A., and Wood, K., 2012, “Design by Analogy: A Study of the WordTree Method for Problem Re-Representation,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(4), pp. 041009-1-12.


Glier*, M., Schmidt*, S., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D., 2011, “Distributed Ideation: Idea Generation in Distributed Capstone Engineering Design Teams,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 27(6), pp. 1281–1294.

Smith, S., and Linsey, J., 2011, “A Three-Pronged Approach for Overcoming Design Fixation,” Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(2), pp. 83-91.

Linsey, J. S., Clauss, E. F., Kurtoglu, T., Murphy, J. T., Wood, K. L., and Markman, A. B., 2011, “An Experimental Study of Group Idea Generation Techniques: Understanding the Roles of Idea Representation and Viewing Methods,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(3), pp. 031008-1-15.


English, K., Naim, A., Lewis, K., Schmidt, S., Viswanathan*, V., Linsey, J., McAdams, D., Bishop, B., Campbell, M., Poppa, K., Stone, R., and Orsborn, S., 2010, “Impacting Designer Creativity Through IT-Enabled Concept Generation,” ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Design, 10(3), pp. 031007-1-10.

Linsey, J., Tseng, I., Fu, K., Cagan, J., Wood, K., and Schunn, C., 2010, “A Study of Design Fixation, Its Mitigation and Perception in Engineering Design Faculty,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(4), pp. 041003-1-12.

Linsey, J., and Viswanathan*, V., 2010, “Innovation Skills for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Designers,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(2), pp. 451-461.


Kurtoglu, T., Campbell, M., and Linsey, J., 2009, “An Experimental Study on the Effects of a Computational Design Tool on Concept Generation,” Design Studies, 30(6), pp. 676-703.

Linsey, J., Talley, A., Jensen, D., and Wood, K. L., 2009, “From Tootsie Rolls to Broken Bones: An Innovative Approach for Active Learning in Mechanics of Materials,” Advances in Engineering Education, 1(3), pp. 1-23.


Linsey, J., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2008, “Modality and Representation in Analogy,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), 22(2), pp. 85-100.

Hey, J., Linsey, J., Agogino, A., and Wood, K., 2008, “Analogies and Metaphors in Creative Design,” International Journal of Engineering Education, 24(2), pp. 283-294.

Conference Presentations


Hilton, E., Tomko, M., Alex, Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2018, “Impacts on Design Self-Efficacy for Students Choosing to Participate in a University Makerspace,” International Conference on Design Creativity, Bath, UK.

Murphy, A., Nelson, J., Bohm, M., Nagel, R., Linsey, J., Question-by-Question Interrater Analysis and Suggestions for Improvements of a Functional Model Scoring Rubric. in ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,Quebec City, Canada.

Nelson, J., Murphy, A., Linsey, J., Bohm, M., Nagel, R., "A Function-Based Scoring Method for Evaluating Student Mental Models of Systems", in ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Quebec City, Canada.


Williford, B., Runyon, M., Malla, A. H., Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2017, “ZenSketch: A Sketch-based Game for Improving Line Work,” CHI PLAY’17, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Hilton, E., Williford, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Teaching Engineering Students Free-hand Sketching with an Intelligent Tutoring System,” CPTTE 2017, Evansville, IL.

Tomko, M., Aleman, M., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2017, “A Study of the Meaning to Innovative Makerspaces at Two Universities: Are Innovation and Makerspaces Connected,” Frontiers in Education, Indianapolis, IN.

Tomko, M., Hilton, E., Forest, C.R., Talley, K.G., Smith, S., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Observations on Guiding Principles, or Best Practices, in University Makerspaces,” International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, Cleveland, OH.

Keshavabhotla, S., Williford, B., Kumar, S., Hilton, E., Taele, P., Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2017, “Conquering the Cube: Learning to Sketch Primitives in Perspective with an Intelligent Tutoring System,” Expressive '17.

Levy, B., Hilton, E., Tomko, M., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Investigating Problem Similarity through Study of Between-Subject and Within-Subject Experiments,” ASME IDETC-DTM, .

Tomko, M., Hilton, E., Aleman, M., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2017, “A Qualitative Approach to Studying the Interplay between Expertise, Creativity, and Learning in University Makerspaces,” ASME IDETC-DEC, OH.

Tomko, M., Nelson, J. T., Linsey, J., Bohm, M. R., and Nagel, R. L., 2017, “Towards Assessing Student Gains in Systems Thinking during Engineering Design,” ICED 2017.

Hilton, E., Paige, M., Williford, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Improving the Sketching Ability of Engineering Design Students,” ICED 2017.

Tomko, M., Watkins, J., Alemán, M., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Negotiating Tensions of Autonomy and Connection in Maker Space Cultures: A Qualitative Examination of a University's Maker Spaces,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH.

Tomko, M., Watkins, J., Alemán, M., Nagel, R., Newstetter, W., and Linsey, J., 2017, “Toward Understanding the Design Self-Efficacy Impact of Makerspaces and Access Limitations,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, OH.

Pucha, R., Levy, B., Linsey, J., Newton, S., Alemdar, M., and Utschig, T., 2017, “Assessing Concept Generation Intervention Strategies for Creativity using Design Problems in a Freshman Engineering Graphics Course,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.


Hilton, E., Paige+, M., Williford+, B., Li, W., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2016, “Engineering Drawing for the Next Generation: Students Gaining Additional Skills in the Same Timeframe,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference- NSF poster session, Columbus, OH.

Tomko, and Linsey, 2016, “Integrating Learning Theories and Knowledge Frameworks for Identifying Student Learning in Makerspaces,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.

Hilton, E., Williford+, B., Li, W., McTigue, E., Hammond, T., Linsey, J., 2016, “Developing a Consistent Method for Evaluating Sketching Ability,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.

Linsey, J., Wessen, R., and Ziemer, J., 2016, “Observation of a Highly Innovative Group – Direction for Future Research,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.

Telenko, C., Yee, S., Linsey, J. S., Sulchek, T., & Newstetter, W. (2016). “A Liquid Piston Engine Designette: Creative Learning in Thermodynamics,” The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity (4th ICDC), Atlanta, GA.

Morocz, R., Levy, B., Nagel, R., Linsey, J., 2016, “Evaluating Usage of University Maker Spaces”, The Fourth International Conference on Design Creativity, Atlanta, GA.

Riggs+, M., Mountain+, P., Nagel, R., Bohm, M., and Linsey, J., 2016,” Knowledge Retention and Scoring Metrics for Functional Modeling in an Engineering Design Context,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference(ASME IDETC/CIE), Charlotte, NC.

Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D. A., 2016, “Bioinspired Materials Design: An Assessment of Methods to Improve a Text Mining Algorithm for Identifying Biological Material Structural Design Principles,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Charlotte, NC.

Hilton, E., Li, W., Newton, S. H., Alemdar, M., Pucha, R., and Linsey, J., 2016, “The Development and Effects of Teaching Perspective Free-Hand Sketching in Engineering Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Charlotte, NC.

Li, W., Hilton, E., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2016, “Persketchtivity: An Intelligent Pen-Based Online Education Platform for Sketching Instruction,” British Computer Society Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (BCS EVA). London, England.

Nagel, R., Bohm, M., and Linsey, J., 2016, “Evaluating the Impact of Teaching Function in an Engineering Design Curriculum,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Penney, M., Watkins, J., Levy, B., Linsey, J., Nagel, R., Newstetter, W., Talley, K., and Smith, S., 2016, “‘Making’ an Impact: An Ethnographic Approach to University Maker Spaces”, American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Levy, B., Morocz, R., Forest, C., Nagel, R., Newstetter, W., Talley, K., Smith, S., and Linsey, J., 2016, “MAKER: How to Make a University Maker Space,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Morocz, R., Levy, B., Forest, C., Nagel, R., Newstetter, W., Talley, K., and Linsey, J., 2016, “Relating Student Participation in University Maker Spaces to their Engineering Design Self-Efficacy,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.


Hilton, E., Linsey, J., and Goodman, J., 2015, “Understanding the Prototyping Strategies of Experienced Designers,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, El Paso, TX.

Tomko, M., Lucero+, B., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Establishing Functional Concepts Vital for Design by Analogy,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, El Paso, TX.

Polsley+, S., Ray+, J., Nelligan+, T., Helms, M., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2015, “Leveraging Trends in Student Interaction to Enhance the Effectiveness of Sketch-Based Educational Software,” WIPTTE 2015, Redmond, WA.

Williford+, B., Nelligan+, T., Taele+, P., Li., W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2015, “PerSketchTivity: An Intelligent Pen-Based Educational Application for Design Sketching Instruction,” Workshop on the Impact of Pen and Touch Technology in Education (WIPTTE) 2015, Redmond, WA.

Nelligan+, T., Polsley+, S., Ray+, J., Helms, M., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2015, “Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Educational Interface,” 20th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2015), Atlanta, GA. Poster and short paper. Won best poster award at IUI 2015.

Durand, F., Helms, M., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2015, “In Search of Effective Design Problem for Design Research,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Boston, MA.

Durand, F., Helms, M., Tsenn, J., McTigue, E., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Teaching Students to Innovate: Evaluating Methods for Bioinspired Design and Their Impact on Design Self Efficacy,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- DTM, Boston, MA.

Lucero+, B., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2015, “Design Repository and Analogy Computation via Unit Language Analysis (DRACULA) Repository Development,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Boston, MA.

Lucero+, B., Linsey, J., and Turner, C., 2015, “Design Repository & Analogy Computation via Unit-Language Analysis (DRACULA) Matching Algorithm Development,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Milan, Italy.

Green, M., Caldwell, B., Helms, M., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2015, “Using Natural Sketch Recognition Software to Provide Instant Feedback on Statics Homework (Truss Free Body Diagrams): Assessment of a Classroom Pilot,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Morocz, R. J., Levy, B., Forest, C., Nagel, R. L., Newstetter, W.C., Talley, K. G., and Linsey, J. S., 2015, “University Maker Spaces: Discovery, Optimization and Measurement of Impacts,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Barrett, T., Pizzico, M., Levy, B., Nagel, R. L., Linsey, J. S., Talley, K. G., Forest, C., and Newstetter, W.C., 2015, “A Review of University Maker Spaces,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Durand, F., Kim, J. W., Henao, D., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., Linsey, J., and Helms, M., 2015, “Changing Creativity through Engineering Education and Bio-Inspired Design,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Seattle, WA

Viswanathan*, V., Atilola*, O., Goodman, J., and Linsey, “Prototyping: A Key Skill for Innovation and Life-Long Learning,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain, accepted.*

Kim, J. W., McAdams, D., and Linsey, “Helping Students to Find Biological Inspiration: Impact of Valuableness and Presentation Format,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Madrid, Spain, accepted.*


Tsenn, J., Linsey, J., and McAdams, D., 2014, ”Development of a Search Tool to Identify Structural Design Principles for Bioinspired Materials Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.*

Atilola*, O., Goodman, J., Nagel, K., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Biologically Inspired Design Approach for Low Cost Solar Panel Systems,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.*

Ngo, P., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Identifying Trends in Analogy Usage for Innovation: A Cross-Sectional Product Study,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.*

Lucero, B., Ngo, P., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2014, “Frameworks for Organizing Design Performance Metrics,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Buffalo, NY.*

Bohm, M., Nagel, R., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Study on Teaching Functional Modeling in a Sophomore Engineering Design Course,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.*

Viswanathan*, V., Esposito*, N., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Study on the Factors Influencing the Usage of Environmentally Friendly Products,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.*[3]

Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2014, “A Comparison of Mechanical Engineering and Biology Students’ Ideation and Bioinspired Design,” Design, Computing and Cognition ’14, London, UK.*3

Forest, C. R., Jariwala, J., Linsey, J., Moore, R. A., Quintero, C., 2014, “The Invention Studio: Student-led Fabrication Space and Culture,” Capstone Design Conference, Columbus, OH.*


Viswanathan*, V., Ngo, P., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Innovation in Graduate Projects: Learning to Identify Critical Functions,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.*

Ngo, P., Viswanathan*, V., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Initial Steps Towards an Analogy Retrieval Tool Based on Performance Specification,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR.*

Lucero, B., Viswanathan*, V., Turner, C., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Analysis of Critical Functionality for Meta Analogy via Performance Specification,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR.*

Nagel, R., Bohm, M., and Linsey, J., 2013, “An Investigation into the Effectiveness of an Algorithmic Approach to Teaching Functional Modeling,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR.*3

Camburn, B., Dunlap, B., Kuhr, R., Viswanathan*, V., Linsey, J., Jensen, D., Crawford, R., Otto, K., and Wood, K., 2013, “Methods for Prototyping Strategies in Conceptual Phases of Design: Framework and Experimental Assessment,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR.*3

Glier*, M., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2013, “An Experimental Investigation of Analogy Formation using the Engineering-to-Biology Thesaurus,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR. Developed into a journal see IV.B4.J30.*3

Shah, J., Leifer, L., Cagan, J., Vargas-Hernandez, N., Smith, S., Dinar, M., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Empirical Studies of Design Thinking: Past, Present Future,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Portland, OR. Developed into a journal see IV.B4.J27.*3

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Training Future Creative Designers: A Study on the Role of Physical Models,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.*3

Tsenn, J., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., 2013, “A Comparison of Design Self-Efficacy of Mechanical Engineering for Freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.*[4]

Atilola*, O., McTigue, E., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2013, “Mechanix: Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Sketch Recognition Truss Tutoring Program Against Other Truss Programs,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.*4

Camburn, B., Dunlap, B., Viswanathan*, V., Linsey, J., Jensen, D., Crawford, R., Otto, K., and Wood, K., 2013, “Connecting Design Problem Characteristics to Prototyping Choices to Form a Prototyping Strategy,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.*4

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2013, “Mitigation of Design Fixation in Engineering Idea Generation: A Study on the Role of Defixation Instructions,” International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD), Chennai, India.

Valentine, S., Vides, F., Lucchese, G., Turner, D., Kim, H. H., Wenzhe, L., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2013, “Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Tutoring and Grading System for Free-Body Diagrams,” AI Magazine, 34(1).


Viswanathan*, V. K., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, “Physical Modeling in Design Projects: Development and Testing of a New Design Method,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Seattle, WA.

Esposito*, N., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, "Principles of Green Design: Analyzing User Activities and Product Feedback,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL.

Atilola*, O., Viswanathan*, V. K., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, "A Study on the Representation of Examples in Learning Engineering Concepts,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL.

Viswanathan*, V. K., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, "A Study on the Role of Expertise in Design Fixation and its Mitigation," American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J13.

Glier*, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J. S., and McAdams, D., 2012, "Evaluating the Directed Method for Bioinspired Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Chicago, IL. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J8.

Atilola*, O., Vides, F., McTigue, E., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2012, “Automatic Identification of Student Misconcepts and Errors for Truss Analysis,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Atilola*, O., Osterman*, C., Vides, F., McTigue, E., Linsey, J. S., and Hammond, T., 2012, “Mechanix: The Development of a Sketch Recognition Truss Tutoring System,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2012, “Build to Learn: Effective Strategies to Train Tomorrow’s Designers,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Viswanathan*, V., Esposito*, N. and Linsey, J., 2012, “Training Tomorrow’s Designers: A Study on the Design Fixation,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J7.

Glier*, M., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J. S., 2012, “Evaluating Methods for Bioinspired Concept Generation,” Design, Computing, and Cognition ’12 (DCC’12), College Station, TX.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2012, “Physical Examples in Engineering Idea Generation: An Experimental Investigation,” International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2012), Glasgow, UK. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J12.

Valentine, S., Vides, F., Lucchese, G., Turner, D., Kim, H. H, Li, W., Linsey, J., and Hammond, T., 2012, “Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Tutoring System for Statics Courses,” The Twenty-Fourth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J26.


Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Physical Models and Design Cognition: Triangulating Controlled Lab Studies with Industrial Case Studies,” International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD), Bangalore, India.

Glier*, M., Tsenn, J., Linsey, J. S., and McAdams, D. A., 2011, “Methods for Supporting Bioinspired Design,” ASME IMECE, Denver, Colorado.

Perez*, A. G., Linsey, J. S., Tsenn, J., and Glier*, M., 2011, “Identifying Product Scaling Principles: A Step Towards Enhancing Biomimetic Design,” ASME IMECE, Denver, Colorado.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Understanding Physical Models in Design Cognition: A Triangulation of Qualitative and Laboratory Studies,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Atilola*, O., Field, M., Hammond, T., McTigue, E., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Evaluation of a Natural Sketch Interface for Truss FBDs and Analysis,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Osterman*, C., Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Teaching Capstone Design: The Influence of Problem Complexity,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Rapid City, SD.

Lopez*, R., Linsey, J. S., and Smith, S. M., 2011, “Characterizing the Effect of Domain Distance in Design-by-Analogy,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Design Fixation in Physical Modeling: An Investigation on the Role of Sunk Cost,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Washington D.C. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J11.

Perez*, A., and Linsey, J. S., 2011, “Identifying Product Scaling Principles: A Tool for Bioinspired Design and Beyond,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.

Glier*, M. W., McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Concepts in Biomimetic Design: Methods and Tools to Incorporate into a Biomimetic Design Curriculum,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.

Atilola*, O., Field, M., McTigue, E., Hammond, T., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Mechanix: A Sketch Recognition Truss Tutoring System,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C.

Krager, J., Wood, K. L., Crawford, R. H., Jensen, D., Cagan, J., Schunn, C. D., Linsey, J. S., and White, C., 2011, “Understanding Innovation: A Study of Perspectives and Perceptions in Engineering,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Washington D.C.

Oriakhi*, E., Linsey, J., and Peng, X., 2011, “Design-by-Analogy Using the WordTree Method and an Automated WordTree Generating Tool,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2011, “Understanding Fixation: A Study on the Role of Expertise,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2010, “Work in Progress – Understanding Design Fixation: A Sunk Cost Perspective on Innovation,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, D.C.

Schmidt, L., Hernandez, N., Kremer, G., and Linsey, J., 2010, “Pilot of Systematic Ideation Study with Lessons Learned,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), Montreal, Canada.

Viswanathan*, V., and Linsey, J., 2010, “Physical Models in the Idea Generation Process: Hindrance or Help?” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Montreal, Canada. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J14. PDF

Gadwal*, A., and Linsey, J. S., 2010, “Exploring Multiple Solutions and Multiple Analogies to Support Innovative Design,” The International Conference on Design, Computing and Cognition (DCC’10).

Linsey, J., White, C., Schmidt, K., Wood, K., and Jensen, D., 2010, “Results from the Designing Active Learning Activities and Associated Assessment Plans Workshop,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.

Hernandez, N., Kremer, G., Linsey, J., and Schmidt, L., 2010, “Systematic Ideation Curriculum Effectiveness Investigation & Deployment to Enhance Design Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.

McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J. S., 2010, “dDesign Education: A Globally Distributed Capstone Engineering Design Experience,” Capstone Design Conference, Boulder, CO. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J16.

Smith, S. M., and Linsey, J., 2010, “A Three-Pronged Approach for Overcoming Design Fixation,” International Symposium on Creative Design Processes: Fixation or Inspiration? The Role of Internal and External Sources on Idea Generation, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J17.

Linsey, J., Viswanathan*, V., and Gadwal*, A., 2010, “The Influence of Design Problem Complexity on the Attainment of Design Skills and Student Perceptions,” IEEE EDUCON 2010, Madrid, Spain.

White, C., Linsey, J., Wood, K., Schmidt*, K., and Jensen, D., 2010, “Enhancing Engineering Education by Understanding Complexities of Students,” American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Denver,


Linsey, J., 2009, “Innovation Skills for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Designers,” Mudd Design Workshop VII, Claremont, CA. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J21.

Linsey, J., Tseng, I., Fu, K., Cagan, J., and Wood, K., 2009, “Reducing and Perceiving Design Fixation: Initial Results from a NSF-Sponsored Workshop,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Stanford, CA. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J20.

Weaver, J. M., Kuhr, R., Wang, D., Crawford, R. H., Wood, K., Jensen, D., and Linsey, J., 2009, “Increasing Innovation in Multi-Functional Systems: Evaluation and Experimentation of Two Ideation Methods for Design,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE), San Diego, CA.

Viswanathan*, V. K., and Linsey, J. S., 2009, “Enhancing Student Innovation: Physical Models in the Idea Generation Process,” ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Jensen, D., Wood, J., Weaver, J., Wood, K., and Linsey, J., 2009, “Techniques to Enhance Concept Generation and Develop Creativity,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX.


Linsey, J., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2008, “Increasing Innovation: Presentation and Evaluation of the WordTree Design-by-Analogy Method,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, New York, NY. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J15.

Linsey, J., Talley, A., Wood, K., Jensen, D., and Schmidt*, K., 2008, “PHLIpS for Active Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA.

Linsey, J., Markman, A., and Wood, K., 2008, “WordTrees: A Method for Design-by-Analogy,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA.

Linsey, J., Laux, J., Clauss, E., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2007, “Effects of Analogous Product Representation on Future Design-by-Analogy,” International Conference on Engineering Design, Paris, France. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J24.


Hey, J., Linsey, J., Agogino, A., and Wood, K., 2007, “Analogies and Metaphors in Creative Design,” Mudd Design Workshop VI, Claremont, CA. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J25.

Linsey, J., Laux, J., Clauss, E., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2007, “Increasing Innovation: A Trilogy of Experiments towards a Design-By-Analogy Method,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Linsey, J., Talley, A., Jensen, D., Wood, K., Schmidt*, K, Kuhr, R., and Eways, S., 2007, “From Tootsie Rolls to Composites: Assessing a Spectrum of Active Learning Activities in Engineering Mechanics,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J23.


Linsey, J., Murphy, J., Markman, A., Wood, K., and Kurtoglu, T., 2006, “Representing Analogies: Increasing the Probability of Innovation,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Green, M., Linsey, J., Seepersad, C., Wood, K., and Jensen, D., 2006, “Frontier Design: A Product Usage Context Method,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Green, M., Linsey, J., Seepersad, C., Schmidt*, K., and Wood, K., 2006, “Design for Frontier Contexts: Classroom Assessment of a New Design Methodology with Humanitarian Applications,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Linsey, J., Cobb, B., Jensen, D., Wood, K., and Eways, S., 2006, “Methodology and Tools for Developing Hands-on Active Learning Activities,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.


Green, M.G., Tan, J., Linsey, J. S., Seepersad, C. C., and Wood, K. L., 2005, “Effects of Product Usage Context on Consumer Product Preferences,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)-Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Long Beach, CA.

Linsey, J. S., Green, M. G., Murphy, J. T., Wood, K. L., and Markman, A. B., 2005, “Collaborating to Success: An Experimental Study of Group Idea Generation Techniques,” American Society of Mechanical Engineers International Design & Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers & Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC/CIE)- Design Theory and Methodology Conference, Long Beach, CA. Developed into a journal see IV.B.B1.J18.

Linsey, J. S., Green, M. G., Van Wie, M., Wood, K. L., and Stone, R., 2005, “Functional Representations in Conceptual Design: A First Study in Experimental Design and Evaluation,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Portland, OR. pdf


Farina, M., Stahmer (Linsey), J., Schultz, W., and Brei, D., 2001, “Challenges in Establishing ProCEED: Program for Civic Engagement in Engineering Design,” American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM.

Submitted Refereed Journal Publications


Cagan, J., Dinar, M., Shah, J., Leifer, L., Linsey, J., Smith, S. M., and Hernandaz, N. V., “Empirical Studies of Design Thinking: Past, Present, Future,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, revision submitted 7-5-2014, in review.*

Nagel, R., Bohm, M., Linsey, J., and Riggs, M., “Improving Students’ Functional Modeling Skills: A More Efficient Approach to Teaching Functional Modeling,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, submitted 7-11-2014, in review.*

Atilola*, O., and Linsey, J., “Representing Analogies to Influence Fixation and Creativity: A Study Comparing CAD, Photographs, and Sketches,” Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM)-Special Issue on Analogical Thinking, revision submitted 7-18-2014, in review.*[5]

Glier*, M., McAdams, D., and Linsey, J., “Exploring Automated Text Classification of to Improve Keyword Corpus Search Results for Bioinspired Design,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, revision submitted 5-20-2014, in review.*5

Kim, J. W., Tsenn, J., McAdams, D. A., and Linsey, J., “Evaluating the Impact of Biology Passage Valuableness and Presentation Format on Students’ Design Abilities,” Design Studies, in review.*5



Buczkowski, J., Dummer, D., Stahmer (Linsey), J., and Thordarson, B., December 7, 2004, Adapter Method and Apparatus for Interfacing a Tester with a Device under Test, U.S. Patent 6,828,773.


Ahrikencheikh, C., and Stahmer (Linsey), J., December 23, 2003, Method and Apparatus for the Management of Forces in a Wireless Fixture, U.S. Patent 6,667,628.