
Current Projects


University Maker Spaces: Discovery, Optimization, and Measurement of Impacts

NSF EEC-1733708, 09/01/17-08/31/20


Enabling Instructors to Actively Teach Statics

NSF-IUSE DUE-1725423, 09/01/17-08/31/22

Lockheed Martin

An Partnership to Study Industry Makerspaces and Prototyping Strategies

Functional Modeling

Evaluating the Impact of Teaching Function in an Engineering Design Curriculum

NSF DUE-1525170, 10/01/15-12/31/16

Past Projects


Empowering and Inspiring Creative, Competent, Communicative, and Effective Engineers through

Perspective Sketching

NSF IIS- 1441291, 1/13-8/16

Design-Analogy Performance Parameters System (D-APPS)

MAPS - MetaAnalogy via Performance Specification,

NSF CMMI-1304383 & CMMI-1233841, 1/13-8/16

More Info

Bio-inspired Design

Learning to Innovate Through Bioinspired Design

NSF EEC- 1025155, 9/10 - 8/13

PI: Linsey, Co-PIs: McAdams and McTigue.

Introduction to Bioinspired Ideation Methods

Bio TRIZ Module

TRIZ Module

Functional Keywords Module

MEEN 489 Syllabus

Engr-Bio Thesaurus Handout

WireTying Triz Problem

WireTying Triz-BioTriz problem

Physical Representations Supporting Idea Generation

Enhancing Engineering Innovation through Physical Representation:

Identifying the Cognitive Enhancements Provided by Representation and Creating Novel Design Methods

NSF CMMI-1000954, 6/10-5/14

PI: Linsey

Sketched-Truss Recognition and Analysis Tool (STRAT)

Improved Student Learning through Active Learning and Immediate Student Feedback

NSF DUE-0942400, 3/10-2/12

PI: Linsey, Co-PIs: Hammond and McTigue

Persketchtivity Lesson Overview

Example of Bio-Inspired Design Activity