STORIA is the Software Tool for Online Recording and Interactive Analysis.
STORIA is a database management tool that provides services for all the data that simulation validation and analysis may use:
Collection of prepared data
The data that are prepared by preparation tools (such as IPAS for real-time simulations at the EEC) may have to be validated. In order to organise the simulation exercises by objectives, configurations or procedures, STORIA can get these data and organise them in its STORIA ATC model.
Collection of simulated data
The collection of data that are generated by all the ATC simulators (real time or fast time) is done according to the STORIA ATC model. STORIA proposes two ways of gathering the data. The first is the most common way, and consists in getting the simulation recording files once the simulation exercise is terminated. The second one, defined for real-time simulators consists in an on-line recording: when the data are produced, STORIA sends them to its data services.
Storage of data
The data storage is as free as possible from the database engine, because of STORIA's JBOSS data management facilities. The database structure is based on a STORIA UML model.
Access to data
STORIA provides services to access the data that are stored in the STORIA database. This access is done via XML file format exchange, that is the standard format to exchange these types of data. Analysis tools (such as MUDPIE at the EEC) will be able to call the STORIA services and will retrieve easyly the analysis data.
General analysis
Basic analysis services will be provided by STORIA, in order to give the first trend of the studied exercises. The data that will be provided by the analysis services will be either stored in the STORIA database, by someone who is responsible for the simulation data, or on the local machine, by any allowed user.
The current data storage and sharing system for the real-time simulations does not allow enough flexibility neither easy usage for simulation analysts. A component is needed to drive the data extraction from the preparation and simulation tools. Furthermore, a new standard exchange format has to be defined to allow an easier access to the data from the EEC and external simulation teams.
The general objective of the STORIA project is to develop a new tool that allows an easy availability of the information for analysis purposes during each phase of the simulation process: the validation, the simulation, and the analysis. The simulated data must be recorded online in order to allow a future generation of Analyse tools to be plugged during the simulation. The technical architecture is aimed to be as independent as possible from the preparation and simulation tools.
The STORIA project must be driven by the following aims:
Data modelling;
Open Source technology;
Independency from the simulation and preparation tools;
XML standard exchange file format;
Integration to the ACE2004B platform;
A development in close contact with eDEP and ACE; and
UP modelling process.
Expected Results
STORIA will provide the recording and storage facilities for the data that will be used and generated by real time and fast time simulators for analysis purposes. The exchange mode with data consumers (analysis tools) will be based on a standard that will depend on the STORIA data model. The STORIA first release will be a component of ACE2004B, and will be used to store eDEP data. Any simulation that will be done using these simulators will give STORIA the analysis information needed to validate the tested operational concepts.