How to Safely Conduct a Cleanup

Ocean Conservancy and ICC Philippines are looking forward in celebrating the 2023 International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) with YOU—a global community of ocean advocates! However, we all must focus on staying safe and healthy by observing the basic protocol of wearing face masks and gloves. This year we are asking ocean lovers everywhere to Collect and Sea the Change:

8 Steps to Safely Conduct a Cleanup

1  Pick a Location

Identify a safe location to clean where social distancing is easily achievable. Obtain permit from the local government or barangay for the cleanup activity. Think ahead about where you will properly dispose of trash at the location you choose. Monitor your health and the health of your family members before considering a cleanup of any size

2. Gather Materials 

Gather materials needed. These include proper PPE  (masks and gloves),  hand sanitizer,  tongs or grabbers, small sacks or net bags, closed toed shoes and a reusable water bottle. Bring your own data form and pens if you do not have the Clean Swell app.

3. Download Clean Swell 

Get the app at Google Play or App Store for free. If you are able, please help us collect important data on the types and amount of trash you remove. Download the Clean Swell application on your phone or other smart device. Be sure to “Allow” location services while using the app.

4. Clean Up 

Safely collect trash using gloves, tongs or grabbers. Never pick up any trash items that you are not comfortable with. Take pictures to document your efforts. 

5. Carefully Remove Gloves

After you finish collecting items, carefully remove gloves and wash hands and arms with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

6.  Record Data

Follow steps on the Clean Swell app to review and submit your data. Data automatically goes to Ocean Conservancy’s database when you see a “Thank You!” screen. (If you're using the data form, you can email data results to ICC Philippines.

7.  Properly Dispose of Waste

Properly dispose of items collected. Do not place trash bags in overflowing bins. This may cause items to fly away and end up back in the water.  For medical trash items, like gloves, masks, syringes and IV lines, place in a separate bag (preferably red and labelled as hazardous waste), Tie the bag securely. 

8. Sanitize 

Sanitize or wash hands with soap Immediately and thoroughly. Sanitize any gear used during the cleanup including tongs/ grabbers, gloves and buckets.

NOTE:    You can download Clean Swell ahead of the Cleanup. If there is no internet service during the cleanup, you can still enter your data and submit later on when there is internet service.