Research Projects

SPRING project (EC H2020): social robotics for elder-care (2020-2024)

Please see 

PIs: Oliver Lemon and Christian Dondrup

Duration: 48 months

MuMMER (EC H2020): Multimodal Mall Entertainment Robot (2016-2020)

We developed a humanoid robot (based on Aldebaran's Pepper platform) able to engage and interact autonomously and naturally in the dynamic environments of a public shopping mall, providing an engaging and entertaining experience to the general public. Using co-design methods, we worked with stakeholders including customers, retailers, and business managers, to develop truly engaging robot behaviours, including telling jokes and playing games, as well as providing guidance, information, and collecting customer feedback. Crucially, our robot   exhibita behaviour that is socially appropriate, combining speech-based interaction with non-verbal communication and human-aware navigation. To support this behaviour, we developed and integrated new methods from audiovisual scene processing, social-signal processing, high-level action selection, and human-aware robot navigation. Throughout the project, the robot was deployed in a large public shopping mall in Finland.

PI: Oliver Lemon

Duration: 48 months

Amazon Alexa Challenge 2017 & 2018 

PIs: Verena Rieser, Oliver Lemon

Duration: 11/2016 - 11/2017; 02/2018-12/2018

website: here

Funded by Amazon.


PI: Helen Hastie

Duration: 1/6/2017 - 12/12/2017

Website: here

Collaborators: SeeByte and Tekever

Funded by Dstl.

LUCINE -  Learning User preferenCes by INtEraction (DataLab, EPSRC Impact Acecleration)

PI: Verena Rieser

Duration: 12/2016 - 07/2018

Collaborative Innovation project with EmoTech LTD.

Funded by the DataLab and EPSRC Impact Acceleration

MaDrIgAL: MultiDimensional Interaction management and Adaptive Learning (EPSRC) 

PI: Verena Rieser

Research Co-I: Simon Keizer

Duration: 06/2016 - 05/2019

Grant number: EP/N017536/1

website: here

Joint project with Prof. Harry Bunt (University of Tilburg, NL), Dr. Norbert Pfleger (SemVox GmbH, DE)

DILiGENt: Domain-Independent Language Generation (EPSRC) 

PI: Verena Rieser

Duration: 03/2015 - 02/2018

Grant number: EP/M005429/1

EPSRC website: here

Project poster: here

Joint project with London Media Technology Campus (UCL/BBC Sebastian Riedel, Co-I) and University of Sheffield (Andreas Vlachos, Co-I).

Past Projects:

Emote (EC FP7)

The EMOTE project will design, develop and evaluate a new generation of artificial embodied tutors that have perceptive capabilities to engage in empathic interactions with learners in a shared physical space.Co-I Helen HastieDuration: 36 months

Generation for Uncertain Information (EPSRC)

PI: Verena Rieser, Grant number: EP/L026775/1

BABBLE: domain-general methods for learning natural spoken dialogue systems (EPSRC)

PI: Oliver Lemon

Researcher Co-I: Arash Eshghi

Duration: 04/2015 - 10/2017

Grant number: EP/M01553X/1    : EPSRC website

Website: here

REGIME: REport GeneratIon from Metat-Data (Dstl funded under the ASUR programme)

PI: Helen Hastie

Duration: 11/15-11/16

Joint project with SeeByte and Thales 

The two main barriers to wide spread adoption of autonomous unmanned systems are the lack of trust in the systems and information overload of operators and personnel. REGIME will investigate natural language report generation techniques to address these issues, optimising situation awareness during and post mission and ensuring that the rationale behind autonomous systems’ decisions is completely transparent- this is particularly important for underwater vehicles where bandwidth is limited.  

Strategic Conversation: STAC (ERC)

STAC project website

ERC Advanced Grant 2011-2016

Parlance (EC FP7)

This Project is  on hyperlocal interactive search (2011-2014).

Official website 

Collaborative website (needs login) 

SpeechCity Impact Acceleration Grant

Main PI: Verena Rieser

Duration: 11/2013 - 11/2014

Website: here

ECHOES (ESRC/EPSRC): virtual characters for children with autism

SpaceBook (EC FP7): conversational speech applications for smart city exploration

EC FP7 2011-2014

The SB wiki:

The email list:

The SB website:

Help4Mood (EC FP7): virtual characters for health-care

EC FP7 2011-2014

Project page (internal)

The H4M "wiki": 

JAMES (EC FP7): socially intelligent Human-Robot Interaction


EC FP7 2011-2014, project no. 270435

Classic project (EC FP7): Computational Learning in Adaptive Systems for Spoken Conversation


TALK project: Tools for Ambient Linguistic Knowledge (EC FP6): in-car spoken dialogue systems (with BMW, Bosch)
