New Food!

Coming to Japan, I was a very picky eater. There were few things that I would eat, and anything in the seafood category was a no. Since I have been in Japan, I have started making a list of everything new that I have eaten, and I am so glad that I came here with an open mind to try all food!

1. Keema Curry - food I had on plane from Honolulu to Hawaii with black beans, chick peas, carrots, and curry paste

2. Korokke - Named after french croquette

3.Shrimp Tempura

4.Karaage - basically fried chicken

5. Kushiage - type of Japanese cooking that is very similar to fondue

6. Konyaku - A type of vegetable that tastes like a potato but looks completely different

7.Takoyaki - A ball filled with octopus, ginger, and green onion

8. Anko - sweet soybean paste

9. Yellowtail



12. Salmon eggs

13. Clams

14. Okra

On Saturday night, we had a gyoza party because it is one of my favorite foods! We made over 200 gyoza with beef, shrimp and tofu, and tofu and chicken. All three were yummy!