
Pre-Departure (5/23/18) - I leave for Japan in 20 days! I honestly didn't realize it was so soon. I haven't had much time to think about Japan because of school so now that it's coming to an end, it's just manifesting itself into every nook and cranny in my brain. I can't wait to be immersed in the culture. I've never been to an Asian country, but Japan was always at the top of my list. I am a little worried about getting home sick, but I think I am going to bring a few little pictures or something from Phoenix in case I do get home sick. I think this trip will be amazing. I think I will love it! I hope I do at least. I have two and a half weeks to cram as much Japanese into my brain as possible. I think I will know who my counterpart is next week though! It is so exciting.