Day 1: 6/14

Post date: June 14th, 2018 10:30 pm (Japan)

School Day 1!

Day 1- 4/14 (School day at Himeji Nishi High School) - My first day in Japan I spent at Ayane's school and I was kind of nervous. Ayane gave me a certain pair of shoes to wear at school (which were navy crocs) and socks. School in Japan is very nice! You don't switch classrooms every period like America. Ayane also takes PE and choir and they were both very fun. All of the students were very nice to me and they all loved my eyes and my curly hair. Some of the people I met were Moue, Mari, Yuri, Hemawari, Dyusei, Hina, and Yuka! They are all incredibly nice. Even though I do not understand Japanese, I could tell that each of Ayane's teachers were very very nice and also very funny because the class would consistently burst out into laughter. For lunch, I could choose between udon/soba noodles or curry, and I chose curry. It was absolutely incredible and now one of my favorite foods. They have seven class periods a day, each of them 50 minutes long. I learned so much Japanese just from listening and am so excited to learn more, but I don't go back until Monday. I like school much better here. Everyone is so kind and are densai(genius). One thing I noticed is that water fountains do not really exist here. My haaha (mother) sent me to school with a water bottle filled with ocha(green tea)! At lunch, they had a table with cups and tea instead of water too. In fact, since I got on the plane to Osaka, all I have drank is some form of is delicious. Another difference between schools is that in Japan, they still use chalkboards! That is one thing I did not expect. When I was at school, it was a coincidence that the class had an English test today so everyone kept asking me how to pronounce all of the words, it was very fun. So far, Japan has been nothing short of amazing and I can't wait to see what the next two weeks has in store for me!