HSI Board Resources

How to Use this Page to Access HSI Resources (click down arrow to read more -------------------------------------------------------->)

Upload and share files and templates that are necessary for the running of HSI.

Please note that documents and folders are regularly organized on the HSI Google Drive to keep the resources fresh and in their proper file location. This may mean that a quick-link you were previously given for a document or folder no longer works - that does not mean it has been deleted from the Drive. You can search for it in the pertinent folder list in the lower section of this page. Above that is a text list with links and descriptions to the most important/time-relevant and/or recent documents for quick access. The aim is to keep the top text list as short as possible and reduce scrolling.

Quick-Links to the Most Current HSI Resources - see also Folder List below

Certificate of Incorporation of Bylaws - Refer to the "Incorporation - AB Societies" folder in the list below for all Incorporation, Bylaws and Amendment to Bylaws documents.

Preparing for Your AGM - Timeline and checklist prepared by the Government of Alberta.

2020-2021 HSI Membership List - Excel sheet with data from membership form submissions. Keep updated during Membership Drive

Folder List of Complete HSI Resource Archive: