Marcel Khalife Concert Tickets

Post date: Feb 11, 2018 7:14:50 PM

Humanserve is the community sponsor of this event. We have 40 tickets to sell and we keep all the proceeds from those as a fundraiser. Find more info on our website.

Updated February 22: Some board members have expressed interest in buying tickets for themselves, so here is the latest about that:

We should have the tickets from the box office this weekend to be able to distribute to you soon. In the meantime, I will share the seating plan with you (attached as a file). The row that Humanserve has is row ‘G’, which is basically the whole first row of the second price level. I will be keeping track of the order of who is paying me and when and giving seating choices in a first-paid, first-served order. (e.g. one person has already paid and they will get the 2 centre seats of the row) So, if you’re ready to pay, please send Vanessa a private message and let me know how and when you will be paying (e.g. bank eTransfer, cheque or cash). Bank eTransfers can be sent to – please include the password you set-up for completing the transfer. If you’re passing by my house with cheque or cash, we can discuss those details in a private message as well.