About Us

The first site of the House of Bread and Peace, Sr. Joanna, and the current house

From Sr. Joanna Trainer, O.S.B., founder of the House of Bread and Peace:

At a Christmas dinner in Evansville, Indiana in 1979 I was shocked by the hunger of the poor. I was moved to do something about this issue and found motivation from the Catholic Worker Houses started by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. Dorothy Day showed love and compassion to the homeless.

Her philosophy was built on the Gospels, especially that of Matthew 25:

Feed the Hungry, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Sick, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit those in Prison

And Jesus said: "Whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sister you do it to me!"

Mission Statement

To provide for the basic needs of homeless women and their children while assisting them in becoming independent and self-sufficient.

View the PowerPoint presentation below to learn more about our history and the work we do at the House of Bread and Peace:.