How To Change Your Hotmail Password?

Want to change Hotmail password? Yes, of course, we all are changing the Hotmail account password regularly due to security concerns, but few people don't know how to do it. If you are looking for help in doing some task, we are here to help. Follow these steps and change your password quickly to secure your account. 

Step 1: Copy-paste the following link in your browser's address bar:

Step 2: Now enter your email address/ password.


You can simply log in to your account then click on the profile picture at the top right corner. 

Step 3: Navigate to Edit Profile>> security >> change password.

Step 4: Enter a security code from your email or phone number if prompted. 

Step 5: Enter your current password on the first box, new password in the second box, and reenter a new password in the third box.


Note:  You can regularly change the password by checking the box "Make me change my password every 72 days."

Step 6: Click on the save tab to save a new password. 

Step 7: Your password Hotmail account password is changed. Now login with a new password.