
Have you ever made your own yogurt? It is a great way to use powdered milk in your food storage! Not only will you save money, but it is tasty and nutritious. We also include some ideas below for making your own cheese!

Many people have asked about infant formula in times of emergency. Breast feeding provides the absolute best nutrition for babies. But, if breast feeding is not possible, evaporated milk can be used to make a great infant formula. Here is the recipe:

13 oz (one can) evaporated milk

2 TB corn syrup

18 oz water

It is important to dilute the formula properly. Improper measurements can lead to problems because the kidney's of an infant cannot handle undiluted evaporated milk. This is a great recipe to have on hand in times of emergency.

Powdered milk and canned milk are great storage items because they do not require refrigeration. We offer several recipes below to help you know how to incorporate these foods into your daily meal plans.