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Tsujii K, Otsuki M, Akamatsu T, Amakasu K, Kitamura M, Kikuchi T, Fujiwara A, Shirakawa H, Miyashita M, Mitani Y. (2021) Annual variation of oceanographic conditions changed migration timing of bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus in the southern Chukchi Sea. Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-021-02960-y

大門純平・伊藤元裕・長谷部真・庄子晶子・林はるか・佐藤信彦・越野陽介・渡辺謙太・桑江朝比呂・綿貫豊 (2020) 北海道周辺の4つのウトウ繁殖地における餌および雛の体重の違い. 日本鳥学会誌 70: 37-51

Hattori, K., T. Kitakado, T. Isono, and O. Yamamura. 2021. Abundance estimates of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) off the western coast of Hokkaido, Japan. Mammal Study 46:1-14.


Nishio, S., H. Sasaki, H. Waga, and O. Yamamura. 2020. Effects of the timing of sea ice retreat on demersal fish assemblages in the northern bering and Chukchi Seas. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 181-182:104910

Okado J, Koshino Y, Kudo H, Watanuki Y (2020) Consumption of juvenile chum salmon by a seabird species during early sea life. Fisheries Research 22 doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105415

Tanaka K, Watanuki Y, Takada H, Ishizuka M, Yamashita R, Kazama M, Hiki N, Kashiwada F, Mizukawa K, Mizukawa H, Hyrenbach D, Hester M, Ikenaka Y, Nakayama SMM (2020) In vivo accumulation of plastics-derived chemicals into seabird tissues. Current Biology 30:723-728

Hipfner M, Prill MM, Studholme KR, Domalik AD, Tucker S, Jardine C, Maftei M, Wright KG, Bradley R, Carle R, Good TP, Hatch SA, Hodum P, Ito M, Pearson SF, Rojek N, Watanuki Y, Will AP, Bindoff A, Iverson S, Crossin GT, Drever MC, Burg T 2020 Geolocator tagging reveals a link between distributions in the non-breeding season and population genetic structure in a sentinel North Pacific seabird. PLoS ONE 15(11):e0240056. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240056

Nishizawa B, Yamada N, Haruka Hayashi H, Wright C, Kuletz KJ, Ueno H, Mukai T, Yamaguchi A, Watanuki Y (2020) Timing of spring sea-ice retreat and summer seabird-prey associations in the northern Bering Sea. Deep-Sea Research II In Press

風間健太郎・馬鋭・安積沙羅々・綿貫豊(2020)礼文島トド島におけるオオセグロカモメLarus schistsagusとウミウPhalacrocorax capillatus営巣数 利尻研究39:1-3

山村織生(2020). 鰭脚類と漁業. p.235-255. 服部薫(編)日本の鰭脚類.東京大学出版会.東京.

綿貫豊(2020)海鳥:空中と水中を飛ぶハイスペックな生物 野鳥841:6-15


塚本祥太・西沢文吾・佐藤文男・富田直樹・綿貫豊* (2019) クロアシアホウドリにおける加速度と画像を使った着水・採食行動の検出と精度判定 日本鳥学会誌 68:29-41

Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S, Mizukawa H, Nakayama SMM, Ikenaka Y, Ishizuka M, Kuwae T, Watanabe K, Gonzalez JE, Watanuki Y (2019) Biotransport of metallic trace elements from marine to terrestrial ecosystems by seabirds. Environ Toxicol Chem 38:106-114 185.Senzaki M, Terui A, Tomita N, Sato F, Fukuda Y, Kataoka Y, Watanuki Y

(2019) Long-term declines in common breeding seabirds in Japan. Bird Conservation International doi:10.1017/S0959270919000352

大門純平,伊藤元裕,綿貫豊 (2019)北海道大黒島における海鳥の現状 山階鳥類学 雑誌51:95-104

Nishizawa B, Kanna N, Abe Y, Ohashi Y, Sakakibara D, Asaji I, Sugiyama S, Yamaguchi A, Watanuki Y (2019) Contrasting assemblages of seabirds in the subglacial meltwater plume and oceanic water of Bowdoin Fjord, northwestern Greenland ICES Journal of Marine Science doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsz213

Isono, T., Y. Kobayashi, V. N. Burkanov, and O. Yamamura. 2019. Aging steller sea lions by growth layer groups in teeth. Wildlife Society Bulletin 0.

綿貫豊(2019) 空中と水中でのストローク 上田恵介(編)鳥の不思議な世界 一色出版、東京278-298


綿貫豊(2019)海鳥でみたプラスチック汚染とその影響 野鳥836:13-15


Kokubun N, Takahashi A, Paredes R, Young RC, Sato N, Yamamoto T, Kikuchi DM, Kitaiskaia E, Ito M, Watanuki Y, Will A, Lauth R, Romano M, Kitaysky AS. (2018) Inter-annual

climate variability affects foraging behavior and nutritional state of thick-billed murres breeding in the southeastern Bering Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 593:195-208 doi.org/10.3354/meps12365

Nishizawa B, Sugawara T, Young LC, Vanderwerf EA,Yoda K, Watanuki Y (2018) Albatross-borne loggers show feeding on probable post-spawning deep-sea squids: implications for the study of squid distributions. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 592:257-265. doi.org/10.3354/meps12482

Kubo A, Takahashi A, Thiebot J-B, Watanuki Y* (2018) Rhinoceros Auklet pair-mates migrate independently but synchronize their foraging activity during the pre-laying period. Ibis 180:832-845 doi:10.1111/ibi.12583

Keogan K, Daunt F, Wanless S, Phillips R, Walling C, Agnew P, Ainley D et al, (2018) Global phenological insensitivity to shifting ocean temperatures among seabirds. Nature Climate Change 8:313-318. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-018-0115-z

Watanuki Y, Thiebot J-B (2018) Factors affecting the importance of myctophids in the diet of the world’s seabirds. Mar Biol 165, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-018-3334-y

綿貫豊・山本裕・佐藤真弓・山本誉士・依田憲・高橋晃周(2018) 外洋表層の生態学的・生物学的重要海域特定への海鳥の利用 日本生態学会誌 68:81-99

小黒亮・平田和彦・綿貫豊(2018)高茎植生による被覆とウミネコの縄張り防衛行動 日本鳥学会誌67:101-107.

Kazama K, Nishizawa B, Tsukamoto S, Gonzalez JE, Kazama MT, Watanuki Y (2018) Male and female Black-tailed Gulls feed on the same prey species but use different feeding habitats. J Ornithol 159:923-934 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-018-1565-9

Thiebot J-B, Nishizawa B, Sato F, Tomita N. Watanuki Y (2018) Albatross chicks reveal interactions of adults with artisanal longline fisheries within a short range. J Ornithol 159:935-944 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-018-1579-3

Nishizawa B, Ohnishi H, Watanuki Y (2018) Seabird densities and species and hydrographic features across Amchitka Pass, Aleutian Islands. Fisheries Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12562-018-1259-5

Yamashita R, Takada H, Nakazawa A, Takahashi A, Ito M, Yamamoto T, Watanabe YY, Kokubun N, Sato K, Wanless S, Daunt F, Hyrenbach D, Hester M, Deguchi T, Nishizawa B, Shoji A, Watanuki Y (2018) Global monitoring of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) using seabird preen gland oil. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 75:545-556 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00244-018-0557-3

Van Tatenhove A, Fayet A, Watanuki Y, Yoda K, Shoji A (2018) Streaked sheawater Calonectris leucomelas moonlight avoidance in response to low aerial predation pressure, and effects of wind speed and direction on colony attendance. Mar Ornithol 46:177-185.

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Kooka, K., T. Hamatsu, and O. Yamamura. 2018. Transported zooplankton from the Okhotsk Sea facilitate feeding and growth of juvenile walleye pollock on a continental shelf along the Oyashio Current, western subarctic Pacific. Marine Biology 165:100.


Nakagun S, Watanabe H, Ochiai K, Kayama K, Goshima W, Goto Y, Kobayashi Y, Watanabe K, Horiuchi N, Sasaki J, Goryo M, and Kobayashi. Y. Extralobar pulmonary sequestration in two pinniped species. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science79(11): 1791–1794. https://doi.org/10.1292/jvms.17-0429

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Tabitha C.Y. H, Morita Y, Kobayashi Y, Mitani Y. and Miyashita K. 2017. Dietary analysis of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) from faecal samples and overlap with fisheries in Erimo, Japan. Marine Ecology38 (3): 1-12. DOI: 10.1111/maec.12431

Goto, Y., A. Wada, N. Hoshino, T. Takashima, M. Mitsuhashi, K. Hattori, and O. Yamamura. 2017. Diets of Steller sea lions off the coast of Hokkaido, Japan: An inter-decadal and geographic comparison. Marine Ecology 38:e12477-n/a.


Hajime Matsui, Go Takayama, Yasunori Sakurai. 2016. Physiological response of the eye to different colored light-emittingdiodes in Japanese flying squid Todarodes pacificus.Fisheries Science. 82(2): 303-309.

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Pandey Puneeta, Dharmamony Vijai, Hae-Kyun Yoo, Hajime Matsui, Yasunori Sakurai. 2015.Observations on the spawning behavior, egg masses and paralarvalrecruitment of the ommastrephid squid Todarodes pacificus in alaboratory mesocosm.The Journal of Experimental Biology. 218(23): 3797-3806.

Hiroyuki Matsuda, Orio Yamamura, Toshihide Kitakado, Yumi Kobayashi, Mari Kobayashi, Kaoru Hattori, and Hidehiro Kato. Beyond dichotomy inthe protection and management of marine mammals in Japan. (2015) THERYA,2015, Vol. 6 (2): 283-296 DOI: 10.12933/therya-15-235, ISSN 2007-3364

Dharmamony Vijai, Mitsuo Sakai, Toshie Wakabayashi, Hae-Kyun Yoo, Yoshiki Kato, Yasunori Sakurai. 2015. Effects of temperature onembryonic development and paralarval behavior of the neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 529:145-158. DOI:10.3354/meps11286

Zhe Li, Jun Yamamoto, Yasunori Sakurai. 2015. Vertical position, specific gravity and swimming ability of Pacific codGadus macrocephalus yolk-sac larvae reared at four temperatures. Fisheries Science. 81(5):883-889.

Dharmamony Vijai, Mitsuo Sakai, Yoshihiko Kamei, Yasunori Sakurai. 2015.Embryonic and paralarval development following artificial fertilizationin the neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartramii. Zoomorphology. 134(3):417-430.

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Nakano T, Matsuno K, Nishizawa B, Iwahara Y, Mitani Y, Yamamoto J, Sakurai Y, Watanuki Y* 2015 Diets and body condition of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) in the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea. Polar Biology DOI 10.1007/s00300-015-1769-x




小林由美,小林万里,桜井泰憲,藤森康澄,駿河秀雄,成ケ沢重一,白石智泰,石川昭.(2014) 秋サケ定置網におけるマンボウMola spp.を中心とした海洋生物の偶発的捕獲.えりも研究11:31-34.

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小林由美,増渕隆二,蔵本洋介,藤森康澄,駿河秀雄,成ケ沢重一,白石智泰,小林万里,桜井泰憲,石川昭(2015)秋サケ定置網における海洋生物の偶発的捕獲2014. えりも研究12:15-19.

澤井悦郎,松井萌,ダルママニ・ビジャイ,柳海均,桜井泰憲,山野上祐介,坂井陽一.2014.北海道初記録のウシマンボウ Mola sp. A.魚類学会誌.61(2) :127-128.

Dharmamony Vijai, Mitsuo Sakai, Yoshihiko Kamei, Yasunori Sakurai. 2014.Spawning pattern of the neon flying squidOmmastrephes bartramii (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) around the Hawaiian Islands. Scientia Marina. 78(4) doi:10.3989/scimar.04112.27B

Hae-Kyun Yoo, Jun Yamamoto, Tomonori Saito, Yasunori Sakurai. 2014.Sakurai Laboratory observations on the vertical swimming behavior of Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus paralarvae as they ascend intowarm surface waters. Fisheries Science. 80(5):925-932


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Matsumoto K, Oka N. Ochi D, Muto F, Satoh P T. and Watanuki Y. 2012. Foraging behavior and diet of Streaked Shearwaters (Calonectris leucomelas) rearing chicks on Mikura Island. Ornithological Science11: 9-19.

井上裕紀子・藤井英紀・黒木博文・土屋健児・新妻靖章・綿貫豊.2012.沿岸と内陸におけるカワウの産卵開始時期とその同調度合い.日本鳥学会誌62(1): 6‐16.

Kazama K, Niizuma Y, Watanuki Y. 2012. Consistent individual variation in aggressiveness and behavioral syndrome across breeding contexts in changing environment in the Black-tailed Gull. Journal of Ethology30: 279-288.

Hirose F, Kazama K, Ito M, Watanuki Y. 2012. Accelerated growth rates in late-hatched Rhinoceros Auklet chicks depends on food conditions and growth stage: an experimental approach. Ibis 154: 296-306.

小林由美.2012.野生生物保護管理の最前線 鰭脚類特集:鰭脚類の現状と課題.ゼニガタアザラシと持続型沿岸漁業の共存に向けて.ワイルドライフ・フォーラム17(1):4-6.

條野真奈美・小林由美・浅沼武敏・坪田敏男・桜井泰憲.2012.胎子期におけるトド(Eumetopias jubatus)の成長様式と形態的特徴.北大水産研究彙報62(1):1-8.

小林由美・藤井啓・齋藤幸子・柳田勝彦・山形利三・鈴木公一・渡部泰・駿河秀雄・三浦愼兒・駿河利紀・白石智泰・石川慎也・中岡利泰・中野孝祐・石川昭.2012.襟裳岬におけるゼニガタアザラシ(Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) およびゴマフアザラシ(P. largha)の標識付け・計測記録.えりも研究9:5-14.

Uekane Y, Kariya T, Chishima J, Kobayashi Y, Naruse T, Saito S, Kawashima M. and Yabuta S. Seasonal changes in the distribution of Kuril Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) at three haul-out sites near Akkeshi, Hokkaido, Japan. 2012.Nemuro City Museum of History and Nature24: 49‐59.

小林由美・清水陽子.2012.栄養士養成課程における解剖生理学実験-ラットの解剖と臓器観察の教育効果-.函館短大紀要38: 19-28.


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風間健太郎,伊藤元裕,富田直樹,新妻靖章.2011. 海鳥のモニタリングを行うためのデータ収集手法.日本鳥学会誌,60: 12-18.

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Kazama K, Niizuma Y, Sakamoto QK, and Watanuki Y. 2011. Factors affecting individual variation in nest defense intensity in colonially breeding Black-tailed Gulls. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 89: 938-944.

Kazama K, Sakamoto QK, Niizuma Y, and Watanuki Y. 2011. Testosterone and breeding behavior in male Black-tailed Gulls: an implant experiment.Ornithological Science, 10: 13-19.

Toge Kanako, Rei Yamashita, Kentaro Kazama, Masaaki Fukuwaka, Orio Yamamura and Yutaka Watanuki. The relationship between pink salmon biomass and the body condition of short-tailed shearwaters in the Bering Sea : can fish compete with seabirds? Proceedings of the Royal Society B : Biological Sciences 278(1718), 2584-2590.


小林由美・小林万里・高田清治・蔵谷繁喜・小川泉・堀内秀造・馬場浩・渡邊有希子・桜井泰憲.2011.箱罠とふくろ網罠を用いたゼニガタアザラシPhoca vitulina stegnegeri の捕獲.哺乳類科学51(1):47-52.

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Kentaro Kazama, Yasuaki Niizuma, and Yutaka Watanuki. Experimental study of the effect of clutch size on nest defense intensity in Black-tailed Gulls. Ornithological Science9: 93-100.

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水谷友一, 富田直樹, 風間健太郎, 高橋弘樹, 長谷川理, 新妻靖章. ウミネコにおけるテロメア長と年齢の関係. 日本鳥学会誌, 58, 192-195

井上裕紀子, 出口智広, 越智大介, 綿貫豊, 岡奈理子. オオミズナギドリ雛の短期的な栄養状態は親の給餌調節に影響しない. 日本鳥学会誌, 58(1), 65-72

佐藤真衣, 井上裕紀子, 石垣麻美子, 山脇諒子, 中川靖大, 新妻靖章. 愛知県二地域におけるカワウの食性, 日本鳥学会誌, 58 (2), 196-200

風間健太郎, 福田敬之, 森貴久. ウミネコの親鳥による他巣追加雛の受け入れ: 日齢との関係, 日本鳥類学会誌, 58, 103-107

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藤井啓, 小林由美, 千嶋淳, 渡辺有希子, 櫨山一朗, 青木則幸. 北海道浜中町の上陸場におけるゼニガタアザラシ(Phoca vitulina stejnegeri)の個体数の季節変化.哺乳類科学49:263-268.


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Iwata Y, Ito K, Sakurai Y. Effect of low temperature on the mating behaviours of the squid Loligo bleekeri. Fisheries Science, 74, 1350-1352

志村健, 山本潤, 森本晴之, 大下誠二, 下山俊一, 桜井泰憲. 春季の日本海鳥取沖におけるカタクチイワシの成熟と産卵, 水産海洋研究, 72(2), 101-106

Kidokoro H, Sakurai Y. Influence of environmental condition on the gonadal development and emaciation of the Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus (Ommastrephidae). Fisheries Science, 74, 553-561

Xiao Y-S, Zhang Y, Gao T-X, Yabe M, Sakurai Y. Phylogenetic relationships of the lancelets of the genus Branchiostoma in China inferred from mitochondrial genome analysis. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(21), 3845-3852

XiaoY-S, Takahashi M, Yanagimoto T, Zhang Y, Gao T-X, Yabe M, Sakurai Y. Genetic variation and population structure of willowy flounder Tanakius kitaharai collected from Aomori, Ibaraki and Niigata in Northern Japan. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7(21), 3836-3844

Makino M, Matsuda H, Sakurai Y. Expanding fisheries co-management to ecosystem-based management: A case in the Shiretoko World Natural Heritage area, Japan. Marine Policy, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2008.05.013

Han Z-Q, Gao T-X, Yanagimoto T, Sakurai Y. Deep phylogeographic break among Pennahia argentata (Sciaenidae, Perciformes) populations in the Northwestern Pacific. Fisheries Science, 74, 770-780

Han Z-Q, Gao T-X, Yanagimoto T, Sakurai Y. Genetic population structure of Nibea albiflora in the Yellow and East China seas. Fisheries Science, 74, 544-552

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田中遊山, 本田聡, 磯田豊, 伊藤元裕, 綿貫豊. 北海道西岸沖日本海における繁殖期のウトウの分布. 日本鳥学会誌, 57, 148-153

越智大介, 綿貫豊. ウミウの採食トリップ長の個体変異が繁殖成績に及ぼす影響. 日本鳥学会誌, 57, 133-139

Takahashi A, Matsumoto K, Hunt GL Jr, Shultz MT, Kitaysky AS, Sato K, Iida K, Watanuki Y. Thick-billed murres use different diving behaviors in mixed and stratified waters. Deep Sea Research II, 55, 1837-1845

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松本経, 風間健太郎, 佐藤克文, 岡奈里子. GIS3次元表示を用いた岩手県三貫島オオミズナギドリ繁殖個体数の推定. 日本鳥学会誌, 56, 170-175

Yamamoto J, Shimura T, Uji R, Masuda S, Watanabe S, Sakurai Y. Vertical distribution of Todarodes pacificus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) paralarvae near the Oki Islands, southwestern Sea of Japan. Marine Biology, 153, 7-13

Iwata Y, Sakurai Y. Threshold dimorphism in ejaculate characteristics in the squid Loligo bleekeri. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 345, 141-146

Yamashita R, Takada H, Murakami M, Fukuwaka M, Watanuki Y. Evaluation of noninvasive approach for monitoring PCB pollution of seabirds using preen gland oil. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 4901-4906

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