Hemant K. Bhargava

Distinguished Professor of Management, UC Davis

Jerome and Elsie Suran Chair Professor of Technology Management

Director, Center for Analytics and Technology in Society

Educator, leader, and researcher in information technology, decision making, data analytics, and business strategy.

GH-3306, Graduate School of Management, 540 Alumni Lane, University of California Davis, Davis CA 95616. 530-754-5961, hemantb@gmail.com

My professional interest is in Technology, Analytics, and Platforms in business and society, with a current focus in economics of technology goods and platforms, price transparency in health care, and competition and industry structure in the media and entertainment industries. My research usually involves building economic models to study questions in business operations, marketing, competitive policy, and business strategy. My research on these topics appears in several academic journals and conferences (partial listings are available at Google Scholar, SSRN and issuu.com), and as articles, conversations and interviews in the general media. I have provided professional leadership through editorial positions at top journals and co-founding the TEIS annual workshop. My academic leadership contributions at the University include service as Associate Dean, launching and heading a Master's program in Business Analytics, and founding the Center for Analytics and Technology in Society.

Since 2003 at UC Davis, I've taught an MBA class on "Technology Competition and Strategy" covering economics of digital and tech goods and business strategy for platforms as a new architecture for business. I work with numerous companies in Silicon Valley and elsewhere in the US and India, to learn exciting trends and practices in business, and to apply my ideas to help start new businesses or improve existing ones. In the future I hope to apply my research in other important contexts such as health care (where I've made some progress), renewable energy, and food and water.


Hemant Bhargava is Distinguished Professor at UC Davis. An academic leader in decision analytics and economic modeling of technology-driven markets, he co-founded and was first Academic Director of the UC Davis Master of Science in Business Analytics, and served as Associate Dean at the Graduate School of Management. He holds the Jerome and Elsie Suran Chair Professorship in Technology Management, and directs the Center for Analytics and Technology in Society. He studies how distinctive characteristics of technology goods influence operations, marketing, competitive strategy, and policy. Focal industries include platform businesses, computing and telecommunications, healthcare, media and entertainment, and electric vehicles. He has applied his research and insights in industry and government, via various collaborations with technology companies, industry groups, and policy makers. He has also published extensively in the top academic journals, in Management Science, Operations Research, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Information Systems Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, and Production and Operations Management. His most recent focus includes the transformative effect of AI on education, industry, and scholarly research; AI-related policy; and guidelines for effective use of generative AI tools. 

Hemant is a Distinguished Fellow of the INFORMS Information Systems Society, and is Department Editor (Information Systems) at INFORMS’ flagship journal Management Science. He co-founded the annual Theory in Economics of Information Systems workshop. His research awards include the Distinguished Alumni Award from the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore in 2024, the INFORMS Journal on Computing "Test of Time" award for his 2007 paper on search engines, a Best Paper Award at INFORMS CIST 2021 for revenue-sharing in platforms, and a Research Excellence Gift by Google in 2017-18. He was listed among the Global 100 Top Academic Data Leaders by Chief Data Officer magazine in 2020.  

Professional History and Appointments

Professional Service and Leadership

I have led many initiatives to increase the footprint of UC Davis and the Graduate School of Management in platform thinking, business analytics and data science. From 2012-2015, I worked with Prof. Prasad Naik to conceive and design a new graduate program (Master of Science degree in Business Analytics ), and win approval for it from the GSM, UC Davis, and UC Office of the President. I then worked on the launch of the program from 2016-2018, and served as Academic Director for the first cohort of this class that graduated in August 2018. I also serve on the campus-wide committees tasked with defining "Data Science" initiatives at UC Davis. 

I was Associate Dean (at UC Davis GSM) from 2010 to 2013, and as Faculty Chair during 2005-06, 2006-07, and 2017-18, with concurrent membership in the Executive Council of the UC Davis Academic Senate. 

In 2010, I co-created (with Prof. Vidyanand Choudhary) the "Theory in Economics of Information Systems" (TEIS) workshop, and co-chaired the annual meeting during 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2017. I serve on the TEIS Advisory Board, and have previously been on the Advisory Board of the INFORMS Computing Society.

My chief professional group is INFORMS, the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science. I have served on the Editorial Boards of several top-tier INFORMS journals, including Operations Research, Management Science, and Marketing Science. I co-chaired the INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology during 2007 and 2013, and the INFORMS Computing Society's conference in 2004.

Selected Publications

[1] Hemant K. Bhargava, Gergely Csapo, and Rudolf Mu ̈ller, “On Optimal Auctions for Mixing Exclusive and Shared Matching in Platforms”, Management Science (forthcoming) (2019).

[2] Hemant K. Bhargava and Olivier Rubel, “Salesforce Compensation Design for Two-Sided Market Platforms”, Journal of Marketing Research (2019).

[3] Hemant K. Bhargava and Manish Gangwar, “On the Optimality of Three-Part Tariff Plans”, Operations Research 66.6 (2018), pp. 1517–1532.

[4] Vithala R. Rao, Gary J. Russell, Hemant K. Bhargava, Alan Cooke, Tim Derdenger, Hwang Kim, Nanda Kumar, Irwin Levin, Yu Ma, Nitin Mehta, John Pracejus, and R. Venkatesh, “Emerging Trends in Product Bundling: Investigating Consumer Choice and Firm Behavior”, Customer Needs and Solutions 5.1-2 (2018), pp. 107–120.

[5] Hemant K. Bhargava, David Evans, and Deepa Mani, “The Move to Smart Mobile and Its Implications for Antitrust Analysis of Online Markets”, Business Law Journal 16 (2016), pp. 157–188.

[6] Hemant K. Bhargava, “Platform technologies and network goods: insights on product launch and management”, Information Technology and Management 15.3 (2014), pp. 199–209 , issn: 1385-951X.

[7] Hemant K. Bhargava and Abhay Mishra, “Electronic Medical Records and Physician Productivity: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis”, Management Science 60.10 (2014), pp. 2543–2562.

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