How post-processing works

When you post-process a .heeks file in HeeksCNC, it writes a "" file in your temporary folder and runs it with the Python interpreter. The python file makes the gcode. This is then separately backplotted to show the toolpath in the HeeksCNC graphics window.

If there is an error running the script, it will appear in a message box


The script that is written to "" is shown in the Program window.

The program window can be shown from the Window menu

You can edit the script in the Program window and re-run it, by choosing "Run Python Script" from the machining menu, or from the tool bar.

You can add your own script to the program window, for example "rapid(0, 0)" to add a rapid move to the program.

See the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\HeeksCNC 1.0\HeeksCNC\nc\" for all the standard available functions.

But every time you do "Post Process", this edit will be lost.

The way to add a permanent piece of script to the program, is to add a Script Operation.