Ida Momennejad

Ida Momennejad was a PhD student in the lab until she completed her PhD in 2013. She is currently in Princeton.

Ida obtained an M.Sc. in History and Philosophy of Science from Utrecht University, The Netherlands with a thesis on free will and neuroscience, and a B.Sc. in Software Engineering in Tehran, Iran with a thesis on whether computers can think. Her doctoral research at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain concerned “Decomposing the neurocognitive architecture of future intentions”. Her PhD’s main experimental question involves how the human brain, especially the anterior prefrontal cortex, encodes information about multiple future tasks and their timing even while we are busy with other tasks.


Human anterior prefrontal cortex encodes the 'what' and 'when' of future intentions

Momennejad I, Haynes JD

The neural representation of delayed intentions during task-free and occupied delays

Momennejad I, Haynes JD

Decoding sequences of intentions and their order in the human brain

Momennejad I, Reverbrei C, Haynes JD

The interaction of intentional and motivational process in the prefrontal cortex

Wisniewski D, Reverberi C, Momennejad I, Kahnt T, Haynes JD