2022-23 Grant Program

The Grant Program is designed to support curriculum enrichment as well as school resources. Teachers and staff are encouraged to apply for grants to fund enrichment programs, performances and other opportunities as well as to fund supplies, equipment, and other experiences which will have a direct and beneficial impact on the quality of education for students.  

The COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges requiring teachers, staff and administrators to reconsider and modify their educational strategies.  As the school community emerged into a different phase of these challenges the PTO continued to work hard to provide the ongoing support and funding for curriculum enrichment, projects and programs. We are pleased to have funded the following grants (totals rounded) during the 2022-23 school year...

This grant funded a replacement whiteboard to replace an unreliable smartboard. It services the special education classroom and all students and staff who use it.

Funds classroom start up costs and materials for special projects and activities that fall outside of the scope of the regular budget.

Provides need-based funding for student activities and field trips.

This grant funds an annual program that has been coming to HES for over 15 years.  The TIGER performs award-winning shows across New England and focuses on children’s experiences with social issues, friendships, SEL-themes, bullying, “fitting-in” and more.

Osmo is a hands on learning system that uses curriculum based manipulatives that interact with what students see on the screen.  This grant serves as an extension to the 2021-22 grant and provides 10 new Osmo sets for the new Kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms allowing each Pre-K through 1st grade class to have their own Osmo learning centers.

This grant funded a replacement whiteboard to replace a no longer usable board in the 10th - 11th grade special education classroom.

This grant funds a piece of adaptive equipment for a physically handicapped student at TBS to enable better positioning for writing at their desk. 

This grant subsidizes the cost of the 10 - 12th grade criminal justice students' field trip to the Clinton District Court where they have the opportunity to meet with judges and other court personnel and to view, first-hand, the daily work of the court. 

This grant funds a Wee the People in-person workshop "What is Racism" for Harvard and Devens children ages pre-K through 2nd grade along with their parents and educators. This workshop will explore how racism isn't just one thing, but a problem with many parts working together -- problems that take more than individual kindness to solve. Breaking down the fundamental concepts of skin color, race, racism, and injustice, kids will learn how they can help to notice and disrupt racist systems. 

This grant, funded in collaboration with the Harvard Schools Trust, enhances the HES Playground to include inclusive, accessible, play-based learning elements.  These elements include; a sand play system, a playground version of Connect 4 and a magnetic wall featuring ramps, tubes, balls, circuits, rings, pumps and gears.  All HES students now and in the near future will enjoy and learn from these new accessible items. 

This grant, funded in collaboration with the Harvard Schools Trust, adds four digital screens to Bromfield in order to make information accessible to every student in the building.  Through a Social Media Ambassadors club, students will have ownership of these digital presentations, allowing clubs, organizations and student leaders access and opportunity to publish news and event highlights. This project is intended to increase student belonging and community and will expose students to a variety of opportunities to get involved as well as to share their diverse interests and passions. 

This grant provides funding for the preschools first ever field trip to the Hanover Theatre where they will enjoy a TheatreWorks performance of The Pout-Pout Fish, an age appropriate adaptation of the NYT bestseller with themes of self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, social awareness and relationship skills.

This grant funds a presentation by a member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe and former program coordinator of the Wampanoag exhibit at the Plimouth/Patuxet Museum to educate students about the Wampanoag Life Ways 400 years ago and today. 

This program brings in a museum teacher who portrays a resident of 17th-century Plymouth Colony. Through reproduction artifacts and narrative of risk, transformation and community this visit will teach students about the Pilgrims' transatlantic journey, first winter and spring in Plymouth and every day lives

This grant subsidizes the 5th graders field trip to the museum of science including focused enrichment opportunities around archeology and fossils, physics and movement and visits to a range of other exhibits as well as a planetarium show and a Mugar Omni Theater showing.

This grant funds a trip for the 8th graders to travel to Boston to participate in a "Vote of the Day" program at the Edward M Kennedy Institute for the Senate.  Students will debate and vote on voting rights in the model senate chambers at the Institute. 

This grant provides funding for the "Animal Craze" mini petting zoo, an activity brought to TBS this spring by the Student Wellness Advisory Team (SWAT) as part of "Refresh Day." Refresh day is hosted for middle and high school students in order to promote mental health and wellness.  

This grant helps to fund the 1st grade trip to the EcoTarium in Worcester MA. During their Sky Watchers unit the students are learn about Earth and space science topics including the phases of the moon, the reason we have seasons, the concepts of rotation & revolution, the order of the planets and their distance from the sun. On this field trip they will see a show in a planetarium and travel through space and time to learn about the solar system to the Orion Nebula.  

This grant provides funding for snacks for the TBS Homework Club.  The club offers a supportive, nurturing environment for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who benefit from organizing and completing their assignments before leaving for the day as well as offering staff support and the opportunity for connection with other students.

This grant funds the 2nd grade students Discovery Museum Traveling Science Workship, Physical Changes of Matter.  The presentation, which complements the science curriculum, investigates the physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases. The workshop uses dry ice and liquid nitrogen to make learning the phase changes dramatic and fun as students observe a solid change directly to a gas, shatter flowers, and use a banana as a hammer. 

The Business Partners of America is a nationwide organization that promotes and teaches students about business. Congratulations to the students in the TBS club who have competed against other schools in Massachusetts and to the 27 students who have qualified to represent Bromfield at the national level. This grant provides need based financial support to ensure that all students who have qualified can travel to nationals and participate in this exciting contest.  

This grant funds the annual 4th grade trip to Bare Hill Pond in Harvard to enhance the science curriculum.  Students explore and learn about the Nashua River Watershed, investigate land and aquatic animals and how they have adapted to their environments and join the Nashoba Paddlers on a guided canoe trip. 

First funded during a year when COVID had cut back on many opportunities and events for Bromfield graduates, this grant funds the second annual award ceremony, slideshow and breakfast for student-athletes, guests and coaches in celebration of the graduating senior athletes of 2023. 

This grant provides a high quality sound experience for the 2023 graduation ceremony held outside in the field adjacent to TBS. The ceremony draw an audience of over 800 and this professional sound system ensures that all can enjoy the ceremony and celebrate our graduating seniors 

This grant provides celebratory and refreshing popsicles to HES students for their end of the year field day. 

This grant funds transportation of the 8th grade band, choir and middle school jazz band for a festival performance, adjudication, and clinic

This 2nd annual grant provides agenda books to all 2022/23 6th and 7th graders in order to improve organizational and planning skills as well as school/home communication.

This grant supports and provides funding for the 8th Grade Graduation Celebration breakfast and decorations.  This event, which celebrates the graduates, will include a grade-level breakfast, ceremony and family-student mingle time and photos.

This grant, which was specially approved by PTO members to be funded outside of the 2022-23 budget, helps to fund 4 new murals for the middle school stairways.  These murals, to be created by Rachel and Ryan Adams from Ryan Write on Things LLC, are intended to enliven these learning spaces, to foster community at the middle school, to create a welcoming environment and to inspire our students.  Additional funding for this project was also generously provided by the Harvard Schools Trust.

This grant provides scholarship funding to ensure that all 6th graders can have access to their end of the year field trip to Apex Entertainment in Marlborough.  The trip includes a full day of group activities in celebration of students completing the school year. 

This grant funded the 1st graders exploring organisms program at Bare Hill Pondwith Nashua River Watershed Association Educator, Stacey Chilcoat.  During this program, aligned with the 1st grade discussion of biodiversity, students were guided in a hand-on discovery experience with macro invertebrates, water quality connections and stewardship.

Total Grants Funded for the 2022 - 2023 Academic Year to Date:  Over $35,300

To request a Grant, please complete the Harvard PTO Grant Request Form:  Harvard PTO Grant Request Form

Please note that grant requests will be reviewed weekly by the board.