Why native?

Is grey cattle in Estonia just a color that occur due to random sale in mating cattle or was it a part of the old native cattle? What kind of proof do we then have that grey cattle found in Estonia may be a native cattle?

Are there any other grey cattle in countries close to Estonia?

    • We have native, old blue cattle in Latvia and native grey cattle in Lithuania. (North European Cattle Shed Project, 2006)
    • We have native cattle of grey color among Icelandic cattle. (North European Cattle Shed Project, 2006)
    • There have been grey color among native cows in finland (Maatalous, 1910, no 1.)
    • There have also been grey cattle among native cattle in Sweden. In the description for Bohuskulla native cattle in Sweden is mentioned that there used to be silver grey cattle with small dots (Allmogekon, 2010)
    • We know that during 1200 it is written in Henrichs von Lettland. Livländische Chronik that cattle were stolen during the war-trips from each other. These wars took place between Livonia, Estonia and Russia. Cattle have so traveled forth and back in this region already for a log time. (Tarvel, 1982)

There are different kinds of proof that there has been grey colored cattle for a long time in Estonia:

    • We have two pieces of art with grey cattle. One is an oil painting by Wrangel where a grey cattle is standing on a field among other typical looking native cattle. The other is a colored postcard from 1919 where we see a dark grey cattle (Wrangel; Šank, 2006)
    • We have several songs mentioning grey cattle or grey oxes. (Eesti regilaulude anmebaas, 2010; Loorits, 2010)
    • We have descriptions of domestic animals done by a language resercher, Nils Tideberg. Among his descriptions there is a wide range of grey colors. (Tideberg, 1972)
    • We have a lot of memories of people about the grey cattle that used to be here before (Michelson, 2005-2007, 2010)
    • We have still living about 60 grey cattle of at least 12 lines. 11 cows have been DNA investigated and the research result was 10 hosltein-frisian cow and 1 estonian red cattle.

What kind of other issues proof that this cattle may be native?

    • Morphological notes: many of the grey cattle in Estonia has a dark stripe on he back, which so often is found in native stocks. They have pretty long hair and especially on the back there can be like a mane, also this typical for native cattle. The calfs are born as dark color and change by age into grey color. The change of color is also a typical characteristic for native animals. (Michelson: Interviews 2006)
    • They are usually healthy, good mothers that have easy to calf according to the interviews made with owners (Michelson: Interviews 2006)
    • Old persons remember two different types of grey cattle: a smaller dark grey cow that was a good milk cow and a lighter grey cow that was bigger. (Michelson: Interviews 2006)


Allmogekon. Avelsplan för allmogekor 2010-2014. 2010/ 4. Årgång 17.

Eesti rahvaluule. Mõista, mõista, mõlle-rõlle: Koduloomade ja –lindude välimus, füsioloogia, käitumine. 25.10.2006

Eesti regilaulude andmebaas, Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum.

Loorits, Oskar. 2001: Endis-Eesti elu-olu. IV Lugemispalu karjakasvataja elust. Eesti kirjandusmuuseum. Tartu.p 127.

Michelson, Annika. Hall lehm Eestis. Häme University of Applied Sciences. 1.1.2007

North European Cattle Shed Project, 13.11.2006. Electronic source.

Šank, Ruve (ed.) (2006): Eesti Põllumajandus XX sajandil I. Ülevaade Eesti põllumajanduse ajaloost omariikluse eel ja ajal. 1900-1940. Eesti Põllumajandus Ministeerium

Tarvel, Enn (ed.): Henriku Liivimaa kroonika. Tallinn, Eesti raamat 1982.

Tideberg, Nils. Estlandssvenska husdjursnamn av Nils Tiberg jämte en dialektuppsatas: Husdjuren på Runö av Fredrik Lönnlund och Tomas Dreijer med teckningar av Abraham Hollman. I distribution AB Lundequistska Bokhandeln Uppsala. Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi LI. 1972.

Under, Marie (Edited by Paul Rummo): Mu süda laulab. Luuletusi kolmeteistkümnest kogust. Tallinn. Eesti Raama 1984. lk. 195.

von Wrangel, Helene, oil painting, Virumaa muuseumid.

Michelson: Interviews 2006

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