Selected cows

In the following photos of the cattle that were included in the investigation:

Hallu 36-15966. The cow is milking about 20 kg. Was bought from Neeruti and came to Kärsa 9.10.2004.

Hallu 25-80111.Grand grand mother from Salla. Her mother milked 40 kg, her grandmother 30 kg. She is milking 25 kg. One horn is bent forward, another upwards. She has a fringe in front. Calm. Good legs and hooves. Long teats. Born in Kaarepere, inseminated by artificial insemination. Came to Maime as calf. (Maime sold her grey mother to Kaarepere and got back this as a calf).

Tais 68-3748. The cow is milking about 20 kg. Came from Vihula 7.3.2002. She was bought via a newspater announcement.

Beezi 25-80081. The cow is 7 years old. Has got 6 calves. Keeps herself very clean. Milking 26 kg. Her mother was grey, her grandmother was grey. Her grand grand mother from Salla.

Juss. Mother grey Jaana I – Nelli (?) – Siiri – Õuna (first grey at Alavere)

Father grey Semu II (Semu was one of twin bull calfs, his brother died) - Nelli

Süsi 55-08235. Mother Tahmanägu. Her grand grand mother was beige coloured. Her father was the owners own black bull.

Tahmanägu 25-80173. The cow is 7 years old. Milking 26 kg. First calf was black, second was black, third got grey-beige, fourth black, fifth black and sixth grey-beige. Calves are born black or dark, hooves have a white ring above the hoov.

Siim. Mother Siiiri II (younger) – black-white Ann – Siiri (inseminated with black bull) Father Semu.

No name ? 30-62319. Calm, long teats. This cow came from Kalju village, from family Jõgisalu. Family Jõgisalu got it from Kivi-Vigala (about 2002). It was sold in 2005 to Silla village. Likes to eat apples.

Halli 71-6174. Bought from Kalju village, from Männik. Männik got his grey cows from Eili-Koidula Salumaa. Salumaa bought her from (Kati Läll?) in Jõgisalu village (1984). The grey cows where bought from Jõgisalu towards the direction to Haapsalu by Kati Läll’s father in 1960ies.

Halli 63-5535. This cow comes from Varbla, Pärnumaa. The owner got it from his sisters husbond’s father.