
In the 1960-ies there came grey cattle from two different places to Jõgisalu village.

Elli-Koidula Salumaa tells that in the beginning of 1980 she bought grey cattle from Liivi village. In the 1940-1945 /46 there were grey-white cattle. They were very friendly, where not affraid and their milk had a good taste. Their body was long and they gave about 25-30 liter milk per day. They where healthy and had not problem with their feet, the uddar was strong. You did not need to cut the hoofs as their hoofs were growing very slowely. They had a white color ribbon just above the hoof around the leg. They had never spots in the face, the hair was gently, black and get grey to light grey when they grow old. Their milk never got bad in taste (Salumaa, 29.10.2006)

Another line came to Jõgisalu from a place closer to Haapsalu, close to Uuemõisa village. In 1960-1965 Kati Läll's father brought them to the village. They were dark grey cows with a short leg. They changed hair and sparcled in black. The neck of the cattle was black and there was a black stripe on the back. There is an old photo of this cow. They were very beutiful cows. They had a good udder and it was easy to milk them. The tits were black. In old days there were also light brown and grey-white cattle at Kokla farm, but they were cattle with a different form. The neighbour had more light grey cattle and with a higher leg. (Kati Läll 29.10.2006)

This cow line origins from Jõgisalu village. This cow moved from Jõgisalu to Kalju village in Kullamaa municipal, Läänemaa and then to Laukna, Märjamaa in Rapla county. Today 29.10.2006 the cow stays at a large farm. The new owner had bought it as it gave a lot of milk but he was affraid that it will not stay alive so long in the large cow farm as it had been used to be at a small farm.