In other countries

The Estonian Veterinary and Food board points out in their letter (Reili, 25.10.2006) that there has been brought into Estonia ukrainian grey cattle in the 1950-1960ies. The Ukrainian grey cow originates from an indigenous breed. It got an own herd book already in 1935 (EFABIS, 13.11.2006). As the ukrainian grey cattle also is an exterminated animal breed even a finding of this in Estonia would be of importance for the overall biodiversity. One fact that speaks against the ukrainian grey breed is that the owners of the grey cow in Estonia tell that the Estonian grey cattle is a good milk cow. Ukraine grey cattle is a meat breed (EFABIS, 13.11.2006). Also the outlook of the Ukraine grey cattle is different from the cattle that are found in Estonia.

In the letter from the Estonian Veterinary and Food board it is pointed out how the colour grey is obtained genetically (Reili, 25.10.2006). After looking at about 50 grey cattle in Estonia and talked with their owners I am more likely to assume that grey cattle in Estonia is much more than a grey colour.

I have heard that there is also grey cattle in Russia, in Pihvka district but not been able to visit the area yet.

Lithuanian grey cow, native and about 3000 left Photo: Annika Michelson

Latvian blue, native, about 200 left. Photo: Kaja Lotman

Ukraine grey cattle Photo: Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Estonian grey cattle. Photo: Annika Michelson