2022 Public Courses

The only public course available this fall is a Moving Water course on the Kootenay/St Mary R on Sept 10/11. This will be a beginner or intermediate skills tune up course. Send me an email or see in the courses page for more details. Price $250 for the weekend and canoes and gear are available.

Course Registration Details

To register for a course, please send an email with the contact form. For most courses, there are pre-requisites and equipment details to work out, so it is best to discuss things first. A simple deposit is required to hold a spot.

Arranging a Course or Guiding for Your Group

If you are a leader in an outdoor organization or school, or wanting to arrange an activity for your friends or family, contact Roger directly and we can discuss scheduling, costs, equipment, etc. This is the most common way to get it happening.

If You Don't Have a Group Together....

If you don't have a group of people together but you are still interested in initiating a course or guiding, send a message from the contact page. Courses often come together by the initiative of one person getting things started. So don't hesitate and we can try to make it work!

Canoe Tripping certification with the Kimberley Independent School, Columbia Lake, BC