Weekly News 11/19/2018

Post date: Nov 20, 2018 5:26:08 AM



We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and will be spending time with family and friends, having wonderful food and lots of fun memories.




The Sweet Sound of Jazz team is hard-at-work preparing for the big event and we’re in need of the Grant Band Community’s help. Here’s what we currently need help with:

DONATIONS: If you can donate any of these items, please contact Laura Hancock at 503-799-2136 or laura.hancock@comcast.net. Thank you!


We’re in need of people to plan for and decorate the German American Society space for our event. We generally keep decorations pretty simple since we have a beautiful space, but we do like to hang lights and have items at each table that tie into the theme. Grant Band owns lots of decorations that we re-use each year. We’ll also have volunteers available to help decorate on the day of the event. We’re in need of 1-2 leaders with vision and planning skills to make the theme come to life! Contact Kelly @ kellyfarleymccollum@gmail.com or 215-380-6767 if you can help!


The next Band Boosters meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 27th at the home of Priscilla Klockner (2907 NE 55th Ave.)  Parents are always welcome to all Band Booster Meetings, we would love to see new faces.



The Band Program will be in need of a Hospitality Chair next year since our fabulous Jennifer Snyder has a senior student. It would be great if someone could identify themselves early so that they could accompany Jennifer at concerts and events this year to learn how things are done. The hospitality chair is in charge of refreshments and bake sales during concerts and other events. This can be one person, or two or three working as a team. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Snyder or MaryBeth Hernandez.  

It takes a community to maintain this robust and growing band program. For the past two years, the boosters have been gently nudging our community in the hope someone will step in and assume the role of president-elect. Unfortunately, this gentle nudging has been unsuccessful. 

This is my third and final year as president and I would really like the opportunity to help someone learn the ropes and get comfortable with things before stepping down next year. As president-elect you will attend monthly meetings and prepare to assume the duties of president the following year. Don't be shy if you are a new parent at Grant, I stepped in as President-Elect when my now senior daughter was a freshman. This is a very welcoming and supportive group that includes others with experience and knowledge. I have enjoyed being president and plan to remain an active member of boosters next year, so I will still be around to help with any questions that come up. Please consider this opportunity to help the band community thrive. Feel free to contact me with any questions!!

-MaryBeth Hernandez



Restaurant Partnerships- Do you know of any potential restaurants to host a Grant Band fundraiser? If so, please reach out to the restaurant to see if they would be interested and then let Mr. McFadden know. We'd like to organize a night out for Grant Band families to dine together and have the restaurant donate some of the profit from the event back to Grant Band. 

Fair Share- Fair Share is a way of including as many families as possible in the financial support of Grant Band. As many of you know, running the band program costs money - and lots of it! In order to meet our fundraising goals, the suggested contribution for each student is $200 ($300 for the family if you have more than one student). There are several ways to contribute to a student's fair share: 

Of course, any amount of fundraising is always encouraged and helps support the program. If you meet your $200 goal early in the year, we welcome your additional support with fundraising to help students who may have a harder time reaching this goal. Questions? Please feel free to contact Mr. McFadden or MaryBeth Hernandez, Band Booster President.

Students in Wind and/or Jazz Ensemble, should focus on raising funds for the trip first, then Fair Share.