Weekly News 10/1/2018

Post date: Oct 1, 2018 7:03:31 PM


Looking for Bake Sale Volunteers for the First Concert!

Looking for an easy way to contribute to our band community?  Our first concert is just around the corner on Wednesday, October 10, and we are looking for volunteers to bring baked goods to sell at our concert and also to help staff our bake sale.  If you are interested in helping out, please contact Jennifer Snyder at jlsnyder00@hotmail.com.  If you can bring baked goods, we are looking for finger food (e.g., cookies) that can be sold for $1 each (i.e., not too tiny).



Pep Band is playing this Friday (10/5). Game time is 7:00 p.m. and Call Time is 6:00 p.m. (Band Room)

Snacks- We try and provide snacks for musicians at all of football and basketball games. If you’d like to help us provide snacks, please send donations with your student or drop them off in the band room or main office. We’re looking for bottled water, individually packaged chips, fruit snacks, granola bars, and other small individually packaged snacks. 




Audition deadline is Saturday October 6. Please visit this linkfor more information or contact Mr. McFadden with any questions.


Our first month of coffee sales was fantastic - we sold 550 bags!  Stay tuned for details about delivery and future orders. 

Restaurant Partnerships- Do you know of any potential restaurants to host a Grant Band fundraiser? If so, please let Mr. McFadden know. We'd like to organize a night out for Grant Band families to dine together and have the restaurant donate some of the profit from the event back to Grant Band. 

Fair Share- Fair Share is a way of including as many families as possible in the financial support of Grant Band. As many of you know, running the band program costs money - and lots of it! In order to meet our fundraising goals, the suggested contribution for each student is $200 ($300 for the family if you have more than one student). There are several ways to contribute to a student's fair share: 

Of course, any amount of fundraising is always encouraged and helps support the program. If you meet your $200 goal early in the year, we welcome your additional support with fundraising to help students who may have a harder time reaching this goal. Questions? Please feel free to contact Mr. McFadden or MaryBeth Hernandez, Band Booster President.

Students in Wind and/or Jazz Ensemble, should focus on raising funds for the trip first, then Fair Share.  


We had a great turn out at our first Band Boosters Meeting! Thanks to all of the parents who joined us - we hope you'll consider staying involved throughout the year. We also look forward to seeing new faces at our next meeting which will be held on Tuesday October 16 at 6:30 PM at the home of Jenn Farmer (6270 NE Failing Street). Parents are always welcome at all Band Boosters Meetings!

For anyone who might be interested, we have one board position open for this year: President-Elect. The President-Elect, attends monthly meetings and prepares to assume the duties of booster president the following year. Contact MaryBeth Hernandez to learn more.


Last year, Grant Band Boosters became part of the larger Grant High School PTA and they've been very supportive of us! We'd like to keep Grant PTA in the loop about what's happening in Grant Band while showing our appreciation for their support by attending their once-per-month meetings. 


We are asking for 8 parents volunteers to each attend ONE Grant PTA meeting this school year. Meetings are generally on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Grant Library (@Marshall). We've put together a spreadsheet where parents can sign-up to attend a meeting. All you need to do is show up to the meeting, take a few notes and acknowledge that you’re there on behalf of Grant Band. After the meeting, jot down anything relevant to Grant Band in the notes section of the spreadsheet. Easy Peasy. 


The PTA supports many programs throughout the school, including Grant Band, and their membership is very low this year. Consider supporting Grant PTA by doing the following: 

- Go to School Pay and log in.

- On the left side of the page, click on “Nonprofit Groups.’ 

- Make your $25 donation.