Stranded in Ferndale 7-19-09

Post date: Jul 20, 2009 2:13:13 AM

I'm not really stranded, and I'm technically not in Ferndale. But it's Sunday night, and after 3 days at the Lost Coast trial, I expected to be home by now. Instead, I'm sitting in the Best Western in Fortuna watching a Tom Cruise marathon on TNT. And I'm not a Tom Cruise fan! Though I have to say, "Minority Report" has held up well.

Why am I sitting here? Because over the weekend, I made an appointment for Rowan to see a neurologist in Rohnert Park tomorrow (on the way home). About a week ago, I noticed that Rowan had developed a distinct dent on one side of his head. I tried to convince myself it was nothing, but when I showed Rowan to a vet at the trial, that person said to take him to a neurologist.

Normally I'd be freaking out, but so many things are going badly right now that I'm postponing my nervous breakdown. If I think too hard about everything that is going on, I'll just crawl into a corner, get into the fetal position, and stay there.

The main thing that is weighing on me is that we have two human family members who are very seriously ill.

On a more mundane note, Murphy's Law seems to be in full effect in my life right now. Everything seems to be conspiring to make me fall further and further behind. We're getting the yard redone, which has consumed a lot of cycles. Last week I got a flat tire and Trevor got a foxtail in his ear, requiring a trip to the emergency vet. Hours down the tubes. Then Rowan's dent appeared, requiring an additional day of vacation to visit the neurologist. A filling I just got a few weeks ago has failed spectacularly and painfully. Next weekend I'm heading up to Vancouver to spend several days with my brother's family. I'm feeling overwhelmed.

We had a lot of fun in Ferndale, though. The whole family went. It was the first time I'd ever been to the Lost Coast trial. Trevor QQed all 3 days, which was slightly astonishing. He now has 18 QQs. He only has 305 MACH points, but most of them he's gotten in the last 6 weeks. Hopefully we can just keep improving and getting more confident as a team.

Trevor says his favorite part of the weekend was the beach. Touki and Rowan say that was their favorite part too. They're lying around me in a happy state of exhaustion.