Happy Birthday, Touki!

Post date: Dec 2, 2008 2:45:10 AM

Touki is 7 today. It's hard to believe that she and Trevor are the same astrological sign--Sagittarius. According to one website, these are the traits they share:

Traditional Sagittarius Traits

Optimistic and freedom-loving

Jovial and good-humored

Honest and straightforward

Intellectual and philosophical

On the dark side....

Blindly optimistic and careless

Irresponsible and superficial

Tactless and restless

Touki is strong in the optimistic, freedom-loving, jovial, and good-humored categories. She also feels that she is pretty honest, as in "I want your bacon. Actually, I want your entire breakfast."

Trevor, on the other hand, embraces the intellectual, philosophical side of Sagittarius. He understands and accepts that all balls in the universe belong to Rowan, and that is why stealing them is so deeply satisfying.

Touki doesn't feel like it was tactless or careless to smash her head into Mom's face, nor was it "irresponsible." Mom's face was in the way when Touki was trying to get to a liver treat. Touki "tactfully" tried to give Mom a split second warning to move, but Mom was too slow. Besides, Touki points out (again, tactfully), you can hardly see the scar.