Louisiana Historical Association Workshop
Post date: Aug 3, 2018 2:37:11 AM
The Louisiana Historical Association’s Ad Hoc Committee on Preserving Louisiana’s Archival Heritage has issued a “Statement of Action” (see www.lahistory.org ) for the project History Lost? Saving Louisiana’s Archival Heritage with objectives and timelines for the effective implementation of the Statement’s actions, adopted by the LHA and the Louisiana Archives and Manuscripts Association (LAMA). As part of this initiative, the Society of American Archivists Foundation has awarded a grant to LHA to host a workshop to train spokespersons for the project.
This one-day workshop will be held Friday, October 5, 2018, at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Lunch will be provided to attendees. There is no cost to participants and a limited number of workshop stipends are available to offset travel expenses. Please apply as soon as possible because space is very limited.
>>Please see attached PDF for more information.