
This is my site dedicated to my custom made computer game maps & mods.

I have made alot more than I have posted here but like to keep things current so havn't bothered posting my maps & work for mods from the Half-Life era over 10 years ago.

I was the sound designer for the SvenCo-op mod between 2000 & 2005 and made a few maps for the mod, one of which was voted #10 out of hundreds of entries for a community map-pack.

While I was with the team I managed to get permission from Neil Manke of Black Widow Games to convert his popular Zombie mod "They Hunger" for SvenCo-op. This required the original RMF files to edit the gameplay and balance for co-op mode, but since the rights belonged to PC Gamer magazine I had to travel to their UK offices in Bath to speak to them directly and ask them to secure the rights from their parent company. They agreed on the condition that the final "They Hunger Co-op" would be a PC Gamer exclusive for their cover-disk.

Once Neil had confirmation of permision he sent me a CD from British Columbia containing the original map files for They Hunger and I made 4 copies that I mailed securely to the Team Leader Sven Viking in New Zealand and the 3 key team members in America & the UK who would be doing the work of the conversion (the team coder & 2 main mappers).

I had very little input in the conversion as at the time my main duties were the custom sounds for the mod, and working full-time to pay the bills didn't leave me much free time for mapping.

After Half-Life 2 came out I dabbled with the Hammer Editor for the Source Engine (a more advanced version of Worldcraft, which I had used for making maps on the Half-Life 1 engine) and though I made a large map using it I lost everything in a hard disk failure - always make regular backups.

These days I've mostly been playing with the Unreal 3 engine & editor and have a particular fondness for Borderlands, which has led to me making a number of custom maps & assets for the game.

This site is mostly dedicated to the Borderlands maps I have made but I might add a section for my SvenCo-op maps in the archive section when I have time.