
Post date: 18-Jan-2011 23:09:36

It's been a while since I posted. I've been busy creating the various chassis parts for TriRot.

TriRot was initially based on another TriCopter, Shrediquette, built by William Th. Bremen in Germany. Shrediquette uses 3 separate analogue Gyros and a 2 channel analogue accelerometer for its Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). I'm currently looking at using a single 3 channel Gyro board (ITG-3200) a 3 channel accelerometer board (ADXL345) instead. These boards have 16 bit Analogue to Digital Converters (ADC) and communicate via I2C freeing up a total of 6 digital IO pins on my FEZmini. The FEZ Mini Interface PCBoard can now also be smaller due to the smaller socket required to connect the IMU. The resulting IMU should be considerably smaller, lighter and more accurate than the original.

I've modelled the IMU housing.

To put this image in perspective, the two mounting holes in the top are 3mm in diameter and the housing will be made from 2 mm thick ABS plastic sheeting.

I've also cut and drilled the main chassis plates and cut the two front upper shield mounting supports. I'll update the model on the TriRot home page and I will add photos as soon as I have brazed the aluminium parts together.

Let me know what you think.