ROBERTSON, Bruce: "If you leak more than 2% to 3% of methane, it is worse for the climate than coal"

Bruce Robertson (gas analyst for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis , IEEFA) on “gas is worse than coal” (2020): “The industry claims burning fossil fuels such as ‘natural’ gas is cleaner than burning coal, a commodity on its way out as the world transitions to cleaner more sustainable energy sources. This is simply not the case. Gas is worse than coal in the short term due to its release of methane into the atmosphere. Methane from gas poses the greatest threat to the warming climate. If you leak more than 2% to 3% of methane, it is worse for the climate than coal… The government says gas is a transition fuel. Instead, this long list of hugely expensive infrastructure projects shows the gas industry is using the transition narrative to embed itself into the energy future of Australia in the long term, crowding out other sources of power, while lying about the effects of its product on climate change, and therefore people’s day-to-day lives” (Bruce Robertson quoted in Michael Mazengarb, “Gaslighting on emissions: IEEFA says burning LNG “worse than coal” for climate”, Renew Economy, 9 March 2020: ).