MAZENGARB, Michael: "IEEFA says burning LNG “worse than coal” for climate”

Michael Mazengarb (writer for Renew Economy) on “gas is worse than coal” (2020): “As Australia’s natural gas sector braces for the price impact of the global Covid-19 crisis, a leading energy think tank has used new analysis to argue that emissions from natural gas have been dangerously underestimated and that it was wrong to treat gas as a “transition fuel” in the shift away from coal. In a new report, the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) says that emissions from the production and use of natural gas may have been significantly underestimated and that this has been obfuscated by a concerted campaign of the natural gas industry… IEFFA compared the potential discrepancy in emissions caused by natural gas to that of Volkswagen and the fallout from the “Dieselgate” saga when it was revealed the German auto manufacturer had been systematically cheating vehicle emissions tests. IEEFA argued that there was a growing appreciation of the climate impacts of increased use of natural gas and that the sector could experience a similar reckoning to that of Volkswagen” Michael Mazengarb, “Gaslighting on emissions: IEEFA says burning LNG “worse than coal” for climate”, Renew Economy, 9 March 2020: ).