Retro ADEX

These are retro ADEX files of various airports for FSX. They were built with Airport Design Editor X from the default airports in FSX or, in some cases, from Ray Smith's ADEX files.

The scope of work done to the airports is adapting the runway, terminal and taxiway layout to roughly resemble their 1980s state. Parking assignments were adapted to accomodate RetroAI airlines and almost every airport got a new ground poly to make the adapted ground layout blend better into the environment. Accuracy is rather low because of a lack of comprehensive reference material. Some modern elements were left intact for the sake of parking space (e.g. at KORD). Some airports have active crosswind runways.

Those airports not originally done by Ray Smith have their ADEX source files included in the download. Modify them as you see fit, but credit my work or any work of third party authors.

Sources used include:

Historic Aerials

Departed Flights

Google Earth

JWH's Flickr Collection (some 1980s charts among them)



The most up-to date release is always available here. The Readme.txt contains installation instructions.



Pittsburgh International Airport with RetroAI (KPIT)

DFW 80s

Dallas/Ft. Worth (KDFW)

ORD 80s

Chicago O'Hare (KORD) terminal area

Support (English)