TMECBK 737-200Adv

Basically a slightly less advanced version of the TinFork Boeing 737-200Adv. This was the initial model (and virtual cockpit) which I've built from Erick Cantu's GMax source files. It still contains a complete installation of the TinMouse panels for the Boeing 737-200Adv (version 1.40?).

Just like the TinFork 737-200Adv, the TMECBK 737-200Adv does not include a coherent manual. Read the readme first for installation and model features, then read the TinMouse manuals (in the aircraft folder) for correct panel operation!

Pictures of the model can be found on the Tinfork page.

This model has no chance of being developed any further and is provided as-is.


First, download and install the Basepack, then the update and finally the flight dynamics fix.

If you need to alter the panel configuration, download the self development kit.

Latest version

2013/01/12 (FDE fix) - RC4

Support (English) (English)