Open Access e-Books

(See also: Cooperation; Development; Environment) 

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Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future


Publisher: Oxford University Press

Year of publication: 2013



More about this e-Book:

This book places tipping points in their scientific, economic, governmental, creative, and spiritual contexts. It seeks to offer a comprehensive set of interpretations on the meaning and application of tipping points. Its contribution focuses on the various characterisations and metaphors of tipping points, on the scope for anticipating their onset, the capacity for societal resilience in the face of their impending arrival, and for better ways of communicating and preparing societies, economies, and governments for accommodating them, and hence to turn them into responses which buffer and better human well-being. Above all, the possibility of preparing society for creative and benign ‘tips’ is a unifying theme. The conclusion is sombre but not without hope. Thresholds of profound change can combine earth system-based relatively abrupt shifts with human-caused alterations of these disturbed patterns which, coupled together, produce more rapid onsets and greater tensions and stresses for governments and economies, as well as socially unequal societies. There is still time to predict and address these thresholds but too much delay will make the task of accommodation very difficult to achieve with relevant-scale community support. There are many examples of adaptive resilience throughout the world. These should be identified, supported, and emulated according to cultural acceptance and emerging economic realities. 


 The Age of Sustainability

: Just Transitions in a Complex World

(author: Mark Swilling)


Publisher: Taylor & Francis 

Year of publication: 2020


FREE DOWNLOAD: [complete book or individual chapters]

                       [complete book, compressed]

With transitions to more sustainable ways of living already underway, this book examines how we understand the underlying dynamics of the transitions that are unfolding. Without this understanding, we enter the future in a state of informed bewilderment.

Every day we are bombarded by reports about ecosystem breakdown, social conflict, economic stagnation and a crisis of identity. There is mounting evidence that deeper transitions are underway that suggest we may be entering another period of great transformation equal in significance to the agricultural revolution some 13,000 years ago or the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago. This book helps readers make sense of our global crisis and the dynamics of transition that could result in a shift from the industrial epoch that we live in now to a more sustainable and equitable age. The global renewable energy transition that is already underway holds the key to the wider just transition. However, the evolutionary potential of the present also manifests in the mushrooming of ecocultures, new urban visions, sustainability-oriented developmental states and new ways of learning and researching.

Shedding light on the highly complex challenge of a sustainable and just transition, this book is essential reading for anyone concerned with establishing a more sustainable and equitable world. Ultimately, this is a book about hope but without easy answers. 

Table of contents:

PART I Points of Departure

1. Introduction – Change in the Age of Sustainability

2. Ukama: emerging metatheories for the twenty-first century

PART II Rethinking Global Transitions

3. Understanding our finite world

4. Global crisis and transition: a long wave perspective

5. Futuring, experimentation and radical incrementalism

6. Evolutionary Potential of the Present: Why Ecocultures Matter

PART III Making and Resisting Sustainability Transitions

7. Developmental states and sustainability transitions

8. Global energy transition, energy democracy and the commons

9. Resisting Transition: ElectroMasculinity and the rise of Authoritarianism

PART IV Transdisciplinary Knowing

10. Towards an evolutionary pedagogy of the present

11. Concluding reflections of an enraged incrementalist



"This is a brave and ambitious book from a pioneering activist scholar. Mark Swilling offers a persuasive account of our contradictory times—dangerous and hopeful—while pointing to clear steps to become part of a just transition to a more sustainable civilisation. This masterstroke deserves the widest possible audience within the academy and far beyond. This is what praxis-driven, decolonial and free thought sounds like in its purest expression." - Edgar Pieterse, African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, South Africa


“This book provides a sound basis for understanding the dynamic complexity of the challenges we are facing through a transdisciplinary lens." - Desta Mebratu, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, and former Deputy-Director of the Africa Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Programme


"New thinking beyond all variation of modernity is needed to govern the Anthropocene meeting the challenges of the 21st century. Mark Swilling taps into contemporary theories like system thinking, integral theory and theories of resonance to reflect the African experience, pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial, to contribute to, if not to lead, the relevant global discourses of sustainability and resilience looking for the more than needed new narrative." - Louis Klein, European School of Governance, Germany


Development and Sustainability

: The Challenge of Social Change 


Publisher: Zed Books

Year of publication: 2016

While the need for effective action toward a greener and socially inclusive economy has long been evident, health promotion in the context of sustainable development has faltered. Arguing that human health is the key factor to sustainable development, Development and Sustainability promotes a fresh, transdisciplinary approach to the eradication of extreme poverty. This ground-breaking book calls for new forms of cooperation which cross the traditional boundaries between social activism and science, and which are capable of harnessing the complex knowledge that such radical change requires. The contributions bridge the gap between those working for health and those working for sustainability science and the green economy, through developing the methodological and scientific means to deal with some of the most critical issues faced by humanity in the twenty-first century. 

Contents page:

Ch. 1: Development and sustainability science: transdisciplinary knowledge for positive social change - Alberto D. Cimadamore, Fungisai P. Gwanzura Ottemöller, Gro Therese Lie and Maurice B. Mittelmark

Ch. 2: Seeking wisdom: a transdisciplinary perspective on Australian Indigenous practices and planetary management - Mark G. Edwards

Ch. 3: Policies for poverty reduction in a Transformative Green Economy - Enrique Delamonica

Ch. 4: Health promotion and sustainable Development in Kazakhstan - Altyn Aringazina

Ch. 5: Children's literacy in health and sustainability - Neil Chadborn and Jane Springett

Ch. 6: Participatory research as a tool for change in ecosystem approaches to health and social equity - Jane Springett

Ch. 7: Connecting development and sustainability: empowering people to effective international cooperation - Cristine Koehler Zanella

Ch. 8: Sustainability and transdisciplinary knowledge: experience gained and challenges ahead - Gro Therese Lie, Alberto D. Cimadamore, Maurice B. Mittelmark, and Fungisai P. Gwanzura Ottemöller


 Just Transitions

 : Explorations of Sustainability in an unfair world

(authors: Mark Swilling & Eve Annecke)


Publisher: UCT Press 

Year of publication: 2012



Current economic growth strategies around the world are rapidly depleting natural resources and eco-systems. Just Transitions provides an overview of these challenges from a Global South perspective. How do developing countries eradicate poverty via economic development, while encountering the consequences of global warming and dwindling supplies of clean water, productive soils, cheap oil, minerals and other resources? How do they address widening inequalities, as well as the need to rebuild ecosystem services and natural resources?

This book considers a just transition, which reconciles the sustainable use of natural resources with a pervasive commitment to sufficiency (where over-consumers are satisfied with less so that under-consumers can secure enough). It synthesises a range of different literatures to illuminate new ways of thinking from a sustainability perspective. It rethinks development with special reference to the greening of the developmental state, explores the key role that cities could play in the transition to a more sustainably urbanised world, highlights the neglect of soils and examines the potential of sustainable agriculture to feed the world. Case studies drawn from Africa detail the challenges, but they are set in the context of global trends. The authors conclude with their experience of building a community that aspires to live sustainably.

Table of contents:

Introduction: on becoming visible

Part I. Complexity, sustainability and transition. Ch. 1. Complexity and sustainability

Part II. Rethinking development. Ch. 4. Greening the developmental state

Part III. From resource wars to sustainable living.





 Modelling for Sustainable Development

: New decisions for a new age


Publisher: IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development)

Year of publication: 2019



Our environmental, economic, and social systems are currently facing a host of challenges, which if left unaddressed will have significant implications for the world in which we live. Tackling these challenges will require better-informed decision-making, which in turn requires models that are designed and developed with sustainable development considerations and objectives in mind. To support this need for better-informed decision making, this book brings together the insights and expertise of a dozen expert modellers and policy analysts, who completed this project on modelling for sustainable development in June 2019 using the "Book Sprints" method. 

This practical book:


The book is designed for decision-makers, model commissioners, model developers, model users, and students specializing in modelling and/or the different aspects of sustainable development. 



: A Comprehensive Foundation


Publisher: OpenStax-CNX

Year of publication: 2015



With Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation, first and second-year college students are introduced to this expanding new field, comprehensively exploring the essential concepts from every branch of knowledge – including engineering and the applied arts, natural and social sciences, and the humanities. Each chapter is written by a recognized expert in the field.


The content is intended to be useful for both a broad-based introductory class on sustainability and as a useful supplement to specialist courses which wish to review the sustainability dimensions of their areas of study. By covering a wide range of topics with a uniformity of style, and by including glossaries, review questions, case studies, and links to further resources, the text has sufficient range to perform as the core resource for a semester course.

It is our sincerest hope that this work is shared freely and widely, as we all struggle to understand and solve the enormous environmental challenges of our time. 


Sustainable Futures in Southern Africa’s Mountains

: Multiple Perspectives on an Emerging City 

Publisher: Springer Cham

Year of publication: 2023

This open access book presents multiple disciplinary perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for sustainable development in the South African mountain city of Phuthaditjhaba

These challenges are embedded in the complex environmental, socio-cultural and political contexts of the region. Established as the capital of the QwaQwa ‘homeland’ under Grand Apartheid, this city is now home to between 400,000 – 700,000 people but in many areas lacks formal infrastructure and services. 

Each chapter of this volume addresses a different aspect of the city’s development and all take the UN Sustainable Development Goals as a common framework to guide their reflections on potential sustainable futures for Phuthaditjhaba. While the circumstances in Phuthaditjhaba will be familiar to many researchers of informal and growing cities in developing regions, the mountain setting of the city brings its own set of challenges and opportunities linked to the rugged and steep terrain, remoteness and natural resources. 

This book serves to showcase the diverse research taking place in this emerging mountain city and provide reflections on how a sustainable future can be ensured for its environment and inhabitants.

Table of Contents:




Editors and Affiliations:

Andrea Membretti

Sue Jean Taylor

Jess L. Delves


 Sustainable Options

: Development lessons from applied Environmental Economics


Publisher: UCT Press 

Year of publication: 2004



This well-researched, important text argues a case for the use of Environmental Resource Economics (ERE) as an analytic framework for the conceptualisation and design of sustainable policy options. Sustainable options integrates economic theories and concepts on the one hand with social and environmental challenges on the other.

Applying ERE in a developing context, like that of South Africa, is critical given the country’s dependence on natural and environmental assets. The sustainability of the economy and the welfare of the country’s people are at stake.

Environmental management is, therefore, an economic concern. This is illustrated clearly in the first section of the book, which examines a broad range of welfare indicators, thus providing an overview of the macroeconomic performance of the South African economy.

Sustainable Options is not only for academics and students from the economic, political and biophysical sciences. The book’s hands-on approach and explicit linkages to the real world of economic development makes it invaluable for policy-makers and environmental practitioners faced with the dauting task of making trade-offs between developmental and environmental concerns.


Table of contents:

Part A: 

Part B: 

Part C: 





"I have a feeling that this book ... will act as a forerunner for adopting better measures of environmental and social risk in business and government." - Clem Sunter.


Sustainable Property Management  


Publisher: Virginia Tech Department of Apparel, Housing & Resource Management (in association with Virginia Tech Publishing)

Year of publication: 2023

                           (Or )

Sustainable Property Management is a 150-page, peer-reviewed open textbook intended for students majoring in property management and real estate at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It can be incorporated into an existing property management operations course or used for a stand-alone course focused on sustainable property management. Although sustainability, as used in the real estate context, is about preserving the environment, it is about more than that. In sustainable property management, sustainability encompasses three spheres—environmental, social, and economic. Sustainable property management is about reconciling these three spheres throughout the operations and maintenance phases of the building lifecycle in such a way that a balance is achieved between economic development and the protection of environmental and social resources.

This textbook explains how ecologically sustainable concepts may be implemented throughout the property management operation functions while also considering the other spheres of sustainability. It also incorporates the theme of sustainable building practices as a human science as well as a building science by highlighting motivations and impacts to various stakeholders. The author draws on industry examples to illustrate these concepts and provides many experiential activities through which students can apply these concepts.

Table of contents:


Sustainable Rural Futures


Publisher: MDPI Books

Years of publication: 2022



This book focuses on the contemporary challenges faced by rural areas across the globe. These include common efforts to address food production and security; engaging with climate change and the fundamental transformations in everyday practices that this requires; the exodus of young people from rural areas; an ageing farming population; and the growth of rural poverty. The common goal throughout is one of exploring ways in which environmental, economic and social goals need to be addressed in a cohesive way while being cognizant of the diversity of people, environments, economies and traditions that exist across rural space. 


Taming the Big Green Elephant

: Setting in Motion the Transformation towards Sustainability


Publisher: Springer

Year of publication: 2021



This book aims to provide a comprehensive and integrated analytical framework that promotes the understanding of transformation towards sustainability. The analysis of this book is built upon negotiative perspectives to help define, design, and facilitate collective actions in order to execute the principles of sustainability.

It is shown that sustainable low carbon development is a transformative process that constitutes the shifting from the initially chosen or taken pathway to another pathway as goals have been re-visited and revised to enable the system to adapt to changes. However, shifting entails transition costs that are accrued through the effects of lock-ins that have framed decisions and collective actions. The uncertainty about these costs can be overwhelming or even disruptive.

Dr Dr Ariel Macaspac Hernandez is currently a researcher at the German Development Institute belonging to the research cluster knowledge cooperation and environmental governance. He was/is also a lecturer on negotiations, conflict and resource management, sustainability politics, environmental governance, climate change policies, development aid and sustainable energy systems in various universities in Germany, Philippines, Jamaica, Estonia, Spain and Mexico.


Technology and Sustainable Development 

: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-Solutionism


Publisher: Routledge

Year of publication: 2023



In this book, edited by Henrik Skaug Sætra, a range of experts address the potential of technology to both solve and exacerbate pressing global issues. 

Technological change is at the core of all major disruptions in human history, and revolutions, wars, and general development are regularly connected to some sort of technological change. However, not all development is beneficial. While technology has fueled great innovations and rapid development, the notion of sustainable development has gained prominence as we now experience serious social, economic, and environmental challenges.

This book examines whether technology can be used to fix the very problems caused by technology, as the various chapters examine different aspects related to how technology has brought us where we are today (which some will say is the best place humanity’s been at according to a range of metrics), and whether technology helps or hinders us in our efforts to solve the challenges we currently face. The issues discussed cover the three sustainability dimensions and include topics such as the materiality of AI, technology in education, AI for gender equality, innovation and the digital divide, and how technology relates to power, the political system, and capitalism. The chapters all build on the theoretical backdrop of technological change, sustainable development, and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are actively used throughout this book, both to examine how these goals capture or overlook central elements of sustainable development, and also to facilitate and create a common framework of engagement between the chapters.

This book provides a novel combination of traditional theories that are explored through different case studies, providing the ground for a better understanding of how and when technology can – and cannot – be the enabler of sustainable development. It is thus an important resource for students of all disciplines, technologists, and those developing and applying new technologies. It is also a valuable resource for politicians and regulators attempting to harness the power of technology for good, while limiting its negative potential.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by Østfold University College.

Table of Contents

Ch. 1 - Introduction: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-solutionism

Ch. 2 - Key Concepts: Technology and Sustainable Development

Ch. 3 - Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Solutions: Placing the Climate Emergency at the Center of AI Developments

Ch. 4 - Sustainable Climate Engineering Innovation and the Need for Accountability

Ch. 5 - Shinigami Eyes and Social Media Labeling as a Technology for Self-care

Ch. 6 - Lessons to Be Learnt? Education, Techno-solutionism, and Sustainable Development

Ch. 7 - Virtual Reality and Autism

Ch. 8 - The Technologically Sustained Digital Divide

Ch. 9 - Spot on SDG 5: Addressing Gender (In-)equality Within and With AI

Ch. 10 - A Legal Sustainability Approach to Align the Order of Rules and Actions in the Context of Digital Innovation

Ch. 11 - Governing Toward Sustainable Development: From a Path-Dependent Transition to a Disruptive One

Ch. 12 - Capitalism, Sustainability, and Democracy

Ch. 13 - Nudging Policy or Crowding It Out? Green Nudges as Ideational Technologies

Ch. 14 - The Fallacy of Disruptive Technologies and the Primacy of Politics: Sustainable Development Goals as an Example

Ch. 15 - Technology and the Distribution of Power

Ch. 16 - What Does Data Valuation Literature Tell Us About Methods and Dimensions? Implications for City Data Marketplaces

Ch. 17 - Techno-solutionism Facing Post-liberal Oligarchy

Ch. 18 - The Role of Technology in Alternatives to Growth-Based Sustainable Development

Ch. 19 - Conclusion: The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno-solutionism for Sustainable Development


"The widely celebrated benefits of technological development during the past two centuries are now overshadowed by evidence of grave troubles in society, economics, politics, and Earth’s climate, ones often delivered, alas, by the very same set of technical wonders. How are we to think about these astonishing contrasts? The writings gathered in this collection offer rigorous, insightful methods for exploring the major challenges that vex world society today. A treasure chest of theories and case histories, the book offers sustenance for all of those seeking fruitful alternatives."

--Langdon Winner, Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, author of "Autonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-control as a theme in political thought", and "The whale and the reactor: A search for limits in an age of high technology".


"An interesting collection of chapters that reflect on the role of technology vis-à-vis sustainable development. Highly relevant against the backdrop of the imminent risks created by climate change, and rightly critical of technosolutionist approaches, the contributions to this volume helpfully highlight the political aspects of this challenging conundrum. Not to be missed."

--Mark Coeckelbergh, Professor at the University of Vienna, author of "AI Ethics", "Green Leviathan", and "The Political Philosophy of AI."


Transformative Pathways to Sustainability

: Learning Across Disciplines, Cultures and Contexts


Publisher: Routledge

Year of publication: 2021


FREE DOWNLOAD:  [complete book or individual chapters]

Transformations to sustainability are increasingly the focus of research and policy discussions around the Sustainable Development Goals. However, the different roles played by transdisciplinary research in contributing to social transformations across diverse settings have been neglected in the literature. Transformative Pathways to Sustainability responds to this gap by presenting a set of coherent, theoretically informed and methodologically innovative experiments from around the world that offer important insights for this growing field.

The book draws on content and cases from across the ‘Pathways’ Transformative Knowledge Network, an international group of six regional hubs working on sustainability challenges in their own local or national contexts. Each of these hubs reports on their experiences of ‘transformation laboratory’ processes in the following areas: sustainable agricultural and food systems for healthy livelihoods, with a focus on sustainable agri-food systems in the UK and open-source seeds in Argentina; low carbon energy and industrial transformations, focussing on mobile-enabled solar home systems in Kenya and social aspects of the green transformation in China; and water and waste for sustainable cities, looking at Xochimilco wetland in Mexico and Gurgaon in India. The book combines new empirical data from these processes with a novel analysis that represents both theoretical and methodological contributions. It is especially international in its scope, drawing inputs from North and South, mirroring the universality of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The book is of vital interest to academics, action researchers and funders, policy makers and civil-society organisations working on transformations to sustainability.

Table of contents:

SECTION 1: Introduction 

1 Introduction 

2 The ‘Pathways’ transformative knowledge network 

SECTION 2: Emerging themes across the transformative knowledge network 

3 Transformations: theory, research and action 

4 Transdisciplinary methods and T-Labs as transformative spaces for innovation in social-ecological systems

SECTION 3: Insights from different international contexts 

5 Towards a more sustainable food system in Brighton and Hove, UK 

6 Bioleft: a collaborative, open source seed breeding initiative for sustainable agriculture

7 Kenya: making mobile solar energy inclusive 

8 China: the economic shock of a green transition in Hebei 

9 Wetlands under pressure: the experience of the Xochimilco T-Lab, Mexico  

10 Enabling transformations to sustainability: rethinking urban water management in Gurgaon, India  

SECTION 4: Conclusion: transformative pathways to sustainability 

11 Reframing sustainability challenges


"This book – over five years in the making – clearly illustrates the powerful potential of internationally-networked, transdisciplinary research. It marks an important step forward in the study of social transformations for sustainability, and is a key resource for those who concern themselves with today’s important challenge of transforming science."

— Heide Hackmann, PhD, Chief Executive Officer, International Science Council (ISC)


"There is a proliferation of studies about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but this well written and structured book goes to the heart of the debate: the necessary transformations for addressing the SDGs. What emerges is an important tapestry of theories and rich selection of local experiences that can be used to understand transformations and work with stakeholders using Transformation-Lab methodologies. It is an exemplary and compelling account of an exciting collective and global transdisciplinary research adventure. A must-read for anyone, academic and practitioners, engaged with the deep challenges of our time."

— Johan Schot, Professor of Global History and Sustainability Transitions at the Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges and Academic Director of the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC)


"In this potentially decisive decade for human well-being and planetary health, the question of how systemic or transformative change happens remains critical. How do we transition to social and economic pathways that ensure prosperity for all without cataclysmic environmental and climatic consequences? What role can transdisciplinary research play in identifying and helping to resolve structural barriers to transformative change? In this moment of unusual opportunities and challenges, this mould-breaking book tackles these questions head on. It is a timely and welcome challenge to the global development, research and policy communities to think and act differently."

— Dr. Cosmas Milton Obote Ochieng, Global Director, Governance, Poverty and Equity, World Resources Institute


"This book offers rich insight into how transformative change happens. It is the output of an established global community of researchers and practitioners working to enhance the ways in which research and innovation improves the lives of those facing critical social, economic and environmental challenges. It is a hugely valuable resource for others in that growing community who share the ambitions and motivations of the authors."

— Prof Joanna Chataway, Head of Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (UCL STEaPP), University College London


Transitioning to Sustainability

[17-volume series on the Sustainable Development Goals]


Publisher: MDPI Books

Years of publication: 2020-2024


FREE DOWNLOADS [some still in process]: 

From fall 2020 onward, coinciding with the 5-year anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), MDPI is publishing a series of volumes on each SDG. The book series is intended to reach beyond disciplinary, even academic boundaries.

In 17 volumes, Transitioning to Sustainability examines each of the 17 SDG in its dynamic and multifaceted nature. Each volume will present approaches to, achievements of, and challenges for the respective SDG. Considering the complex links among the SDGs, each volume also highlights complementarities to, as well as tradeoffs with, other goals. To reflect the diversity of positions, each volume may include theory chapters, chapters presenting empirical research, position pieces, progress on important research programmes, and stakeholder initiatives.

With this new Open Access book series MDPI pursues environmentally and socially relevant research which contributes to efforts toward a sustainable world. Transitioning to Sustainability aims to add to the conversation about regional and global sustainable development according to the 17 SDGs.

Volumes in the series (book titles):

Transitioning to No Poverty  - [published]

Transitioning to Zero Hunger  -  [Expected Date of Publication: Nov 2023]

Transitioning to Good Health and Well-Being  -  [published]

Transitioning to Quality Education  -  [published]

Transitioning to Gender Equality  [published]

Transitioning to Clean Water and Sanitation  -  [published]

Transitioning to Affordable and Clean Energy  - [published]

Transitioning to Decent Work and Economic Growth  -  [published]

Transitioning to Sustainable Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure  -  [Expected Date: Dec 2023]

Transitioning to Reduced Inequalities  -   [published]

Transitioning to Sustainable Cities and Communities  -  [Expected Date of Publication: Oct 2023]

Transitioning to Responsible Consumption and Production  - [published]

Transitioning to Climate Action  -  [Expected Date of Publication: Dec 2024]

Transitioning to Sustainable Life below Water  - [published]

Transitioning to Sustainable Life on Land  - [published]

Transitioning to Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions  -  [Expected Date of Publication: Dec 2024]

Transitioning to Strong Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals  - 



Wicked Problems in Public Policy 

: Understanding and Responding to Complex Challenges 


Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Year of publication: 2022

This book offers the first overview of the ‘wicked problems’ literature, often seen as complex, open-ended, and intractable, with both the nature of the ‘problem’ and the preferred ‘solution’ being strongly contested. It contextualises the debate using a wide range of relevant policy examples, explaining why these issues attract so much attention.


There is an increasing interest in the conceptual and practical aspects of how ‘wicked problems’ are identified, understood and managed by policy practitioners. The standard public management responses to complexity and uncertainty (including traditional regulation and market-based solutions) are insufficient. Leaders often advocate and implement ideological ‘quick fixes’, but integrative and inclusive responses are increasingly being utilised to recognise the multiple interests and complex causes of these problems. This book uses examples from a wide range of social, economic and environmental fields in order to develop new insights about better solutions, and thus gain broad stakeholder acceptance for shared strategies for tackling ‘wicked problems’.

Table of Contents:



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