Open Access e-Books

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Becoming a Knowledge-Sharing Organization

: A Handbook for Scaling Up Solutions through Knowledge Capturing and Sharing


Publisher: World Bank 

Year of publication: 2016

This volume offers a simple, systematic guide to creating a knowledge sharing practice in your organization. It shows how to build the enabling environment and develop the skills needed to capture and share knowledge gained from operational experiences to improve performance and scale-up successes. Its recommendations are grounded on the insights gained from the past seven years of collaboration between the World Bank and its clients around the world—ministries and national agencies operating in various sectors—who are working to strengthen their operations through robust knowledge sharing. While informed by the academic literature on knowledge management and organizational learning, this handbook’s operational background and many real-world examples and tips provide a missing, practical foundation for public sector officials in developing countries and for development practitioners. However, though written with a public sector audience in mind, the overall concepts and approaches will also hold true for most organizations in the private sector and the developed world.


Designing the Digital World 

(Editor: Eileen Kennedy)


Publisher: NUI Galway 

Year of publication: 2021

This book touches on design thinking, virtual reality, and 3D printing, and their applications in our world. 

The book offers a blend of theory and practice in guiding readers to apply design thinking principles to solving some of our world’s biggest problems. At the same time, readers are encouraged to become aware of new and emerging technologies that make prototyping and applying solutions a reality.

Main Subject: Graphical and digital media applications

Additional Subjects: Virtual reality, 3D Printing

(This book has been adapted and remixed from a number of open resources, all of which are listed in the references at the end of the book.)



I. Thinking and Designing

1. What is Design Thinking

2. Design Thinking Examples and Class Exercise

II. 360 Degree Video and Virtual Reality

3. A Brief History of VR

4. VR Examples and Discussion Topics

5. Creating Your Own Virtual Worlds

6. 360 Gear Guide (by Joshua Cameron; Gary Gould; and Adrian Ma)

7. Editing Tips for 360 Video (by Joshua Cameron; Gary Gould; and Adrian Ma)

III. From Digital to Physical with 3D Printing

8. A Brief History of 3D Printing

9. 3D Printing and the COVID-19 Pandemic

10. Learning 3D Design with Tinkercad

IV. Part 2 – Generating 3-D Maps



Development and Access to Information 2024

   (a.k.a. DA2I Report 2024)

Publisher: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

Year of publication: 2024


Building on the two previous editions, the 2024 DA2I report looks back on progress in delivering on universal, meaningful access to information for development over the first half of the delivery period for the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda, through data and expert insights. 

The DA2I initiative is based on the conviction that access to information is an essential precondition for development. Without it, decision-making is poorer, democracy is weaker, and progress is slower towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Universal, meaningful access can only happen when there is universal connectivity, equity in societies, and the rights and skills to produce and use information. 


Instruction in Libraries and Information Centers 

: An introduction


Publisher: University of Illinois 

Year of publication: 2020


This open access textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to instruction in all types of library and information settings. Designed for students in library instruction courses, the text is also a resource for new and experienced professionals seeking best practices and selected resources to support their instructional practice.

Organized around the backward design approach and written by LIS faculty members with expertise in teaching and learning, this book offers clear guidance on writing learning outcomes, designing assessments, and choosing and implementing instructional strategies, framed by clear and accessible explanations of learning theories. The text takes a critical approach to pedagogy and emphasizes inclusive and accessible instruction. Using a theory into practice approach that will move students from learning to praxis, each chapter includes practical examples, activities, and templates to aid readers in developing their own practice and materials.

Please cite this book using the DOI: 10.21900/wd.12


 Introduction to Library and Information Science 


Publisher: Wikibooks

Year of publication: 2015 

(website may have more recent online versions of this text)


Library and Information Science (LIS) is the academic and professional study of how information and information carriers are produced, disseminated, discovered, evaluated, selected, acquired, used, organized, maintained, and managed. This book intends to introduce the reader to fundamental concerns and emerging conversations in the field of library and information science.

A secondary goal of this book is to introduce readers to prominent writers, articles, and books within the field of library science. The book originated as a collection of annotations of important LIS articles. Though these citations are being developed into a fuller text, we hope that this book remains firmly rooted in the literature of LIS and related fields, and helps direct readers toward important resources when a particular topic strikes their fancy.

This book is primarily intended to support introductory courses in graduate-level LIS programs, but it can also be used in Library Technician programs. When complete, this text will be aligned with the Foundations of library services competency set from the ALA-APA Library Support Staff Certification. Laypeople interested in the practical and theoretical considerations that information workers face will also enjoy this book. 


Introduction to Library and Information Science 

(Authors: Reed Hepler & David Horalek)


Publisher: College of Southern Idaho 

Year of publication: 2023


This textbook explores the history, present, and future of library science, both in theory and in practice. It examines the place of the librarian as arbiter of information access in a constantly-changing and modernizing global community.

The book was written in 2023 to provide a straightforward and comprehensive resource regarding the basics of library and information science. In particular, this textbook will cover the applications of the principles of library science rather than droning on about theory. Theory is important, but application of theoretical principles promotes real, long-lasting learning. The last half of the textbook examines the advent of digital initiatives and electronic resources and how these have altered library science. It also reflects on the ideal experience of a patron visiting a modern library and how patron-facing services can foster informational literacy.

This book is intended to give you a basic understanding of the common services that most libraries provide. While there are many different types of libraries, all of them provide most if not all of the basic services referred to in this textbook. All of them have patrons, although those patrons may have needs best suited to particular libraries. Whether you are going to be a medical, public, or academic librarian, this textbook can help you learn how you can best serve each of your patrons using a variety of resources and functions.


I. Library History and Essential Functions

II. Improvements and Adaptations in the Modern World

III. Supporting the Public to Obtain Public Support

IV. Conclusion


Knowledge for Governance


Publisher: Springer Cham

Year of publication: 2021

This open access book focuses on theoretical and empirical intersections between governance, knowledge and space from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contributions elucidate how knowledge is a prerequisite as well as a driver of governance efficacy, and conversely, how governance affects the creation and use of knowledge and innovation in geographical context. Scholars from the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, public administration, political science, sociology, and organization studies provide original theoretical discussions along these interdependencies. 

Moreover, a variety of empirical chapters on governance issues, ranging from regional and national to global scales and covering case studies in Australia, Europe, Latina America, North America and South Africa demonstrate that geography and space are not only important contexts for governance that affect the contingent outcomes of governance blueprints -- governance also creates spaces. It affects the geographical confines as well as the quality of opportunities and constraints that actors enjoy to establish legitimate and sustainable ways of social and environmental co-existence.

Contents page:

On the Reflexive Relations Between Knowledge, Governance, and Space

How Knowledge Enables Governance

How Knowledge Drives the Effectiveness of Governance

How Governance Affects Learning and Innovation


Knowledge Management Strategies and Applications


Publisher: IntechOpen

Year of publication: 2017

FREE DOWNLOAD (book Chapters):  

Knowledge management (KM) has become an important business strategy in an era of accelerated globalization, digitalization, and servitization of products and services. Maximizing the use of organizational resources becomes fundamental for continuous growth and prosperity. Organizations of various kinds such as resource-based organizations, product-based organizations, as well as knowledge-intensive service-oriented organizations require specific policies and support services to improve the knowledge management in their respective organizations. Knowledge Management Strategies and Applications focuses on the way organizations can create knowledge, share existing or new knowledge, and disseminate them among the stakeholders, most importantly among the employees, managers, customers, and suppliers. The selected topics are drawn from several fields of studies and give a multidisciplinary outlook. The book will be interesting not only for the researchers and students but also for the managers who want to improve knowledge sharing and innovation capabilities in their organizations. 


Knowledge Services

: A Strategic Framework for the 21st Century Organization


Publisher: De Gruyter Saur

Year of publication: 2016

                        Chapter downloads: 

Knowledge Services converges information management, knowledge management (KM), and strategic learning into a single enterprise-wide discipline for the benefit of the business or organization in which it is practiced. With the success of knowledge services as a management methodology, the practice has become an acknowledged framework for strategic knowledge management applicable to all businesses and organizations.


Knowledge Solutions

: Tools, Methods, and Approaches to Drive Organizational Performance


Publisher: Springer

Year of publication: 2017

             Chapter downloads:   

This book comprehensively covers topics in knowledge management and competence in strategy development, management techniques, collaboration mechanisms, knowledge sharing and learning, as well as knowledge capture and storage. Presented in accessible “chunks,” it includes more than 120 topics that are essential to high-performance organizations. 

The extensive use of quotes by respected experts juxtaposed with relevant research to counterpoint or lend weight to key concepts; “cheat sheets” that simplify access and reference to individual articles; as well as the grouping of many of these topics under recurrent themes make this book unique. In addition, it provides scalable tried-and-tested tools, methods and approaches for improved organizational effectiveness. 

The research included is particularly useful to knowledge workers engaged in executive leadership; research, analysis and advice; and corporate management and administration. It is a valuable resource for those working in the public, private and third sectors, both in industrialized and developing countries.

[From the book’s Preface:]

To translate great ideas into everyday actions, organizations must close the knowing–doing gap, which arises when talk substitutes for action, memory replaces thinking, fear prevents acting on knowledge, measurement obstructs good judgment, and internal competition turns friends into enemies. These Knowledge Solutions offer organizations tools, methods, and approaches with which to bridge the gap.

This compendium of Knowledge Solutions can build competencies in the areas of strategy development, management techniques, collaboration mechanisms, knowledge sharing and learning, and knowledge capture and storage—all of which are essential to high-performance organizations. A bonus is that about half of the Knowledge Solutions are also arranged in 11 recurrent themes such as corporate creativity and innovation, creating teams with an edge, leading in organizations, making partnerships work, and nurturing knowledge ecologies.


Learning in the Digital Age


Publisher: Oklahoma State University Libraries

Year of publication: 2020

This book is designed to serve as a textbook for classes exploring the nature of learning in the digital age. The genesis of this book is a desire to use OERs in all my teachings, coupled with the realization that the resources that I was looking for were not available and as such I needed to contribute in creating them. It is thus a small attempt to contribute to the vast repository of Open Educational Resources.

When discussing learning in the digital age, most focus on the technology first. However, the emphasis made in this book is that it’s about the learner not just the technology. One of the things that is easy to lose track of when talking about learning in the digital age is the learner. Technology is important and it has significant impact but it is still about the person who is using the technology. Many people conflate learning in the digital age with technology in today’s age. This important misconception is common and results from our failure to examine our understanding of what “learning” really is. Of course, Most of this depends on a person’s epistemology. There are numerous definitions of what learning is and often they come to how a person sees the world. Some argue that learning is about a change in behavior due to experiences, others state simply that learning is being able to do something new that you were not able to do before. Regardless of what side you choose, to understand what learning in the digital age is, one has to understand what learning itself is.

I am immensely thankful to the authors for sharing their ideas freely and for the reviewers who volunteered their time to give feedback.

    (By Tutaleni I. Asino)

Summary of Contents Page:


1. Board games and learning: Why care in the digital age?

2. Effective Instruction in Blended Learning Environments

3. Podcasting as a Mode of Motivation in Online and Blended Learning

4. Virtual Proctoring and Academic Integrity

5. Personal Learning Networks: Defining and Building a PLN

6. Digital Learners in the Workplace

7. Digital literacies and the skills of the digital age

8. Playful Approaches to Learning

9. The Digital Divide

10. Ignored Conversations: Higher education funding in the digital age

11. Literacy in the Digital Age: From traditional to Digital to Mobile Digital Literacies

12. The Digital Divide and the lack Financial Literacy among First Generation

13. Resources


Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age


Publisher: De Gruyter Saur

Year of publication: 2020

Libraries, archives and museums have traditionally been a part of the public sphere's infrastructure. They have been so by providing public access to culture and knowledge, by being agents for enlightenment and by being public meeting places in their communities. Digitization and globalization poses new challenges in relation to upholding a sustainable public sphere. Can libraries, archives and museums contribute in meeting these challenges?

Contents Page:

1 Introduction – Physical Places and Virtual Spaces: Libraries, Archives and Museums in a Digital Age


2 LAM institutions: a Cross-country Comparison of Legislation and Statistics on Services and Use

3 The Digitalization Imperative: Sacralization of Technology in LAM Policies

4 The Institutions Go Digital

5 Norwegian National Policies for Digitalization in the LAM Sector – Imperative and Implementation

6 Organization and Funding of Digitization in the Visegrád Countries

7 Institutional Convergence and Divergence in Norwegian Cultural Policy: Central Government LAM Organization 1999–2019


8 LAM Professionals and the Public Sphere

9 Perceptions and Implications of User Participation and Engagement in Libraries, Archives and Museums

10 Like, Share and Comment! The Use of Facebook by Public Libraries and Museums: A Case Study from Tromsø, Norway

11 Reading Between the Shelves – the Library as Perspective in Life and Profession


12 The Use of LAM Institutions in the Digital Age

13 Libraries and Democracy in Germany. As Perceived by the Public in Contrast to the Professionals

14 Democratic Coexistence, Tiny Publics and Participatory Emancipation at the Public Library

15 Being, Learning, Doing: A Palace for the Children?

16 Libraries and the Sámi population in Norway – Assimilation and Resistance

17 The Joys of Wiki Work: Craftsmanship, Flow and Self-externalization in a Digital Environment

The Authors



The Psychology of Fake News 

 : Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation


Publisher: Routledge 

Year of publication: 2020

This volume examines the phenomenon of fake news by bringing together leading experts from different fields within psychology and related areas, and explores what has become a prominent feature of public discourse since the first Brexit referendum and the 2016 US election campaign.

Dealing with misinformation is important in many areas of daily life, including politics, the marketplace, health communication, journalism, education, and science. In a general climate where facts and misinformation blur, and are intentionally blurred, this book asks what determines whether people accept and share (mis)information, and what can be done to counter misinformation? All three of these aspects need to be understood in the context of online social networks, which have fundamentally changed the way information is produced, consumed, and transmitted. The contributions within this volume summarize the most up-to-date empirical findings, theories, and applications and discuss cutting-edge ideas and future directions of interventions to counter fake news.

Also providing guidance on how to handle misinformation in an age of “alternative facts”, this is a fascinating and vital reading for students and academics in psychology, communication, and political science and for professionals including policy makers and journalists.


Ch. 1 -  What is New and True 1 about Fake News?

Part I -  The journey and aftermath of (false) information in networks

Part II -  Cognitive processes in accepting, sharing, and correcting misinformation

Part III -  Motivational processes in accepting, sharing, and correcting misinformation


"Fake news is a serious problem for politics, for science, for journalism, for consumers, and, really, for all of us. We now live in a world where fact and fiction are intentionally blurred by people who hope to deceive us. In this tremendous collection, four scientists have gathered together some of the finest minds to help us understand the problem, and to guide our thinking about what can be done about it. The Psychology of Fake News is an important and inspirational contribution to one of society’s most vexing problems." – Elizabeth F Loftus, Distinguished Professor, University of California, Irvine, USA

"This volume provides a great entry point into the vast and growing psychological literature on one of the defining problems of the early 21st century – fake news and its dissemination. The chapters by leading scientists first focus on how (false) information spreads online and then examine the cognitive processes involved in accepting and sharing (false) information. The volume concludes by reviewing some of the available countermeasures. Anyone new to this area will find much here to satisfy their curiosity." – Stephan Lewandowsky, Cognitive Science, University of Bristol, UK

"This is an interesting, innovative and important book on a very significant social issue. Fake news has been the focus of intense public debate in recent years, but a proper scientific analysis of this phenomenon has been sorely lacking. Contributors to this excellent volume are world-class researchers who offer a detailed analysis of the psychological processes involved in the production, dissemination, interpretation, sharing, and acceptance of fake news. This book should be essential reading to anyone interested in public affairs, and especially to students, researchers, and applied professionals in the social sciences." – Joseph P Forgas, Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia



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