Open Access* e-Books

(incl. Physiology, Nutrition) 

(See also: Psychology & Psychiatry)

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*NOTE: A few titles in these lists are not formally Open Access, but all are free (no fee for e-access)


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VARIOUS Health Aspects (incl. Health GUIDES)

Contemporary Health Issues    


Publisher: Lumen Learning 

Year of publication: ? [no date given] 



This course was developed by Judy Baker, Ph.D., Dean of Foothill Global Access at Foothill College. This compilation is licensed under CC-BY-SA.

Feel free to use, reuse, customize, or share in accordance with the open license conditions of each source.

You are invited to suggest improvements to this online course. Contact Judy Baker at bakerjudy <at>

Contents Page:


1. Course Overview & Introduction

II. 1. Introduction to Personal Health

2. Introduction to Personal Health Overview & Objectives

3. Health and Disease, Influence of Family and Community

4. Three Levels of Health Promotion/Disease Prevention

5. Culture, Beliefs, Attitudes, and Stigmatized Illnesses

6. Determinants of Health, Risk Factors, and Prevention

III. 2. Nutritional Health

7. Overview & Objectives

8. Nutritional Guidelines: Carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins

9. Myths and Misconceptions about Nutrition

10. Ethnic Foods

11. Dietary Supplements

12. Body Composition

13. Obesity

14. Diet and Weight Control

15. Eating Disorders

IV. 3. Personal Relationships and Violence

16. Overview & Objectives

17. Communication

18. Sexuality and Intimacy

19. Marriage and Relationships

20. Loss

21. Parenting

22. Family and Societal Violence

V. 4. Human Sexuality, Contraception, and Reproduction

23. Overview

24. Behavioral Presentation of Human Sexuality

25. Sexual Bias and Misconceptions

26. Contraception

27. Reproduction

VI. 5. Physical Activity

28. Overview & Objectives

29. The Relationship between Physical Activity and Health

30. Aerobic, Muscle-Strengthening, and Bone-Strengthening Activity

31. Health Benefits of Physical Activity

32. Dealing with Inactivity

33. Safe and Activity

34. Pregnancy and Disabilities

35. Community Efforts to Increase Physical Activity

VII. 6. Substance Abuse and Addictions

36. Overview & Objectives

37. Drugs

38. Alcohol

39. Tobacco

40. Misuse of Prescription Drugs

41. Drugs, Abuse, and Addiction

VIII. 7. Aging, Dying, and Death

42. Overview

43. Profile of Older Americans

44. Diseases Common in Elderly Population

45. Aging and Mental Health

46. Healthy Aging

47. Safety

48. Ageism

49. End-of-Life Issues

IX. 8. Diseases and Disorders

50. Overview & Objectives

51. Introduction to Epidemiology

52. Noncommunicable Diseases and Disorders

53. Cardiovascular Diseases and Disorders

54. Cancer

55. Communicable (Infectious) Diseases

56. Immunity and Immunizations

X. Faculty Resources

57. Request Access

XI. Course Information


CPR, AED & First Aid 

: Provider handbook


Publisher:  Satori Continuum Publishing

Year of publication: 2021


The idea behind the Save a Life Initiative is simple – take the same advanced life-saving training we developed for health care providers, and give it to the underserved, at home and abroad. The Disque Foundation works in conjunction with to fulfill its mission of advancing health care education to the underserved through advanced technology. 

When we put the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform CPR and other proven techniques in people’s hands around the world, the power to save lives is possible. Our goal is to empower 10 million people with the ability to save a life by 2025. 


Disease Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles   

(author: Trina DiGregorio)


Publisher: Lumen Learning 

Year of publication: ? [no date given] 



This compilation has been developed by Trina DiGregorio, M.S., Adjunct Professor at Monroe Community College.

The framework for this online textbook was adapted from Contemporary Health Issues by Judy Baker, Ph.D., Dean of Foothill Global Access at Foothill College.

       Contents Page:      

I. Faculty Resources

1. Request Access

2. Attributions

    3. I Need Help

II. Chapter 1: Introduction to Health and Wellness

4. Dimensions of Wellness

5. Healthy People 2020

6. Major Health Concerns

7. Risk Factors and Levels of Disease Prevention

8. Behavior Change and Goal Setting

III. Chapter 2: Physical Activity

9. Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults

10. Target Heart Rate Zone

11. Health Related Components of Physical Fitness

12. Health Benefits of Physical Activity

13. Developing a Personal Exercise Program

IV. Chapter 3: Stress Management

14. Stress Overview

15. Yerkes-Dodson Law

16. The Stress Response

17. Health Effects of Stress

18. Managing Stress

V. Chapter 4: Weight Management

19. Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity

20. Balancing Calories

21. Body Mass Index

22. Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity

VI. Chapter 5: Infectious Diseases

23. STD/STI Data

24. Influenza

25. Types of STDs/STIs

    26. STD/STI Treatments

27. STD/STI Prevention

VII. Chapter 6: Relationships and Sexuality

28. Love and Attraction Theory

29. Healthy Relationships

30. Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

31. Effective Communication

32. LGBT Health

VIII. Chapter 7: Cardiovascular Disease

33. Heart Disease and Stroke Facts

34. Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)

35. Types of Stroke

36. Metabolic Syndrome

37. Cholesterol Management

IX. Chapter 8: Cancer

38. Cancer Overview

39. Types of Cancer

40. Risk Factors for Cancer

41. Cancer Prevention

X. Chapter 9: Violence and Injury

42. Factors That Influence Violence

43. Intimate Partner Violence

44. Risk Factors for Intimate Partner Violence

45. Protecting Yourself from Relationship Violence

46. Unintentional Injuries

XI. Chapter 10: Drug Use and Addiction

47. Understanding Drug Use and Addiction

48. Health Effects of Drug Abuse

49. Consequences of Drug Abuse

50. Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction

51. Synthetic Drugs

XII. Chapter 11: Alcohol and Tobacco Use

52. Alcohol Facts

53. Health Effects of Alcohol Abuse

54. Rethinking Drinking

55. Tobacco Use

56. Quitting Smoking

XIII. Chapter 12: Nutrition

57. Nutrition Basics

58. Dietary Guidelines for Americans

59. Disease Risk and Nutrition

60. Nutrition Facts Label

61. Organic Foods

XIV. Chapter 13: Mental and Emotional Health

62. Mental Health Overview

63. Psychological Constructs

64. Anxiety Disorders

65. Depression

66. Suicide Prevention

67. Eating Disorders

XV. Chapter 14: Complementary and Integrative Health

68. Definition of Terms

69. Types of Complementary Health Approaches

70. Dietary Supplements

XVI. Chapter 15: Consumer Health

71. Finding Reliable Health Information

72. Health Fraud

73. Quick Tips for Evaluating Health Websites

Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa 

: Social and historical perspectives 


Publisher: Design House; UCL Press

Year of publication: 2021


Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa offers new and critical perspectives on the causes and consequences of recent epidemiological changes in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly on the increasing incidence of so-called ‘non-communicable’ and chronic conditions. Historians, social anthropologists, public health experts and social epidemiologists present important insights from a number of African perspectives and locations to present an incisive critique of ‘epidemiological transition’ theory and suggest alternative understandings of the epidemiological change on the continent.

Arranged in three parts, ‘Temporalities: Beyond Transition’, ‘Numbers and Categories’ and ‘Local Biologies and Knowledge Systems’, the chapters cover a broad range of subjects and themes, including the trajectory of maternal mortality in East Africa, the African smoking epidemic, the history of sugar consumption in South Africa, causality between infectious and non-communicable diseases in Ghana and Belize, the complex relationships between adult hypertension and paediatric HIV in Botswana, and stories of cancer patients and their families as they pursue treatment and care in Kenya.

In all, the volume provides insights drawn from historical perspectives and from the African social and clinical experience to offer new perspectives on the changing epidemiology of sub-Saharan Africa that go beyond theories of ‘transition’. It will be of value to students and researchers in Global Health, Medical Anthropology and Public Health, and to readers with an interest in African Studies. 


Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(Australian edition)


Publisher: University of Southern Queensland

Year of publication: 2021

This textbook is a tool to support first year anatomy and physiology courses taught in Australia, aiming to provide students with an increased access to free, high-quality learning materials (the University of Southern Queensland USQ is committed to advancing the use of open textbooks in higher education.).

The material in this textbook is largely based on  OpenStax’s Anatomy & Physiology textbook, however, has been modified for Australian course curriculum.

The coverage and scope of the current text includes:

A Guy's Guide  

: What Every Man Needs to Know About Their Health  


Publisher: [Clemson University]

Year of publication: 2021 

Men’s health is an important topic as males can be at a greater risk for certain diseases and conditions than females. Advocating for positive behaviors and better education on men’s health topics is vital to both quality and quantity of life. They need to visit medical care regularly for age-related screenings and take action in preventing certain diseases. This book was written with men in mind; the goal is to educate men (or anyone concerned about them) on how to maintain health, prevent disease, and know when to seek care. Each chapter explores a different issue and provides an insight into men’s health through text and visuals such as infographics. 

A Guys’ Guide is the researched work of Clemson University Public Health Science upper-class undergraduate students in the course HLTH 3200 Maintenance of Men’s Health.  The goal of this course project was to meet the course learning objectives while creating a public resource for young men. 

Contents Page:

Title Page

Dedication and Acknowledgements

A Letter to the Readers


Why Men Don’t Seek Help

I. Body Conditions that Concern Men

1. Arthritis

2. Abdominal Obesity

3. Autism in Boys

4. Color Blindness

5. Hormones

6. Male Hair Loss

7. Male Infertility

8. Metabolism and Health

9. Testicular Torsion

II. Genetic and Chronic Conditions

10. Cholesterol

11. High Blood Pressure

12. Parkinson’s Disease

13. Type 2 Diabetes

III. Men and Cancer

14. Breast Cancer

15. Colorectal Cancer

16. Lung Cancer

17. Prostate Cancer

IV. What Men Can Help Prevent

18. Automobile Accidents

19. Domestic Violence

20. Suicide

21. COVID-19

22. HIV

Appendix – Answers to chapter quizzes

Healthcare ethics

: for Healthcare Practitioners

(Editors: Laetus O.K. Lategan & Gert J. Van Zyl)


Publisher: Sunbonani Scholar 

Year of publication: 2017 



Healthcare ethics cannot be limited in scope to apply only to the patient but needs to apply to the healthcare practitioner as well. The relationship between the patient and the healthcare practitioner has shifted from a power relationship to a complementary relationship. Leadership, mentorship and coaching play important roles in facilitating this shift. Several themes informed this book on healthcare ethics: Vulnerability in healthcare ethics, Decisions between right and wrong, Quality of healthcare, Life-ending decisions, Community-based research, Ethical decision-making, Spritiuality in healthcare

Summary of Contents page:

1. An introduction to healthcare ethics

Laetus O.K. Lategan, Gert J. Van Zyl

2. Unpacking vulnerability in healthcare ethics

Laetus O.K. Lategan

3. The difference between right and wrong

Gert J. Van Zyl, Paulina M. Van Zyl

4. The quality of healthcare: A care ethics approach

Roger Burggraeve, Linus Vanlaere

5. The Influence of culture, values and faith on end-of-life decisions

Amber R. Comer, Joyce MacKinnon

6. Ethics and Human Rights in Healthcare

Andrè J. Moore

7. Euthanasia, do we dare?

Charné Viljoen

8. Community-based participatory research in healthcare: ethical issues and impact on healthcare practitioners

Pamela Campbell, Beth Cross, Moira S. Lewitt

9. Ethical decision making processes

Willem Kruger

10. Spirituality and healthcare

Marius J. Swart




Publisher: Hesperian Health Guides

Year of publication: various


FREE DOWNLOAD (of book Chapters): 

NOTE: Hesperian's free online resources are used by over 20,000 people every day. Help them continue to provide this essential information to communities in need by giving a gift to Hesperian, or buying directly from them. 

Hesperian Health Guides publishes 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health. At their online books page page you can buy, download, or read health materials.


A Book for Midwives

A vital resource for practicing midwives and midwifery training programs around the world, this book covers the essentials of care before, during, and after birth. Updated to reflect new WHO/UNICEF guidelines for mothers and newborns. 


A Community Guide to Environmental Health

This guide contains information, activities, stories, and instructions for simple technologies that help health promoters, environmental activists, and community leaders take charge of their environmental health. 


The Childbirth Picture Book

The Childbirth Picture Book provides a simple and complete guide to the basics of conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. This 67-page book contains 34 pages of detailed line drawings depicting every step of the reproductive process. Also available in Spanish, French and Arabic. 


Disabled Village Children

This manual contains a wealth of clear and detailed information along with easy-to-implement strategies for all who are concerned about the well being of children with disabilities, especially those living in communities with limited resources. 


Health Actions for Women

Provides inspiring activities, strategies, and stories that help challenge violence against women, improve access to family planning, foster safe motherhood, promote strategies for better sexual health, counteract restrictive gender roles, and improve health services for women and girls. 


A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities

Developed with the participation of women with disabilities in 42 countries, this guide helps women to overcome the barriers of social stigma and inadequate care to improve their general health, self-esteem, and independence. 


Helping Children Live with HIV

A new, innovative community health guide, designed to empower families and communities affected by HIV in their efforts to support children’s well-being and healthy development. Richly illustrated, filled with unique stories and practical advice, this resource addresses both the physical and emotional health needs of children living with HIV. 


Helping Children Who Are Blind

The simple and engaging activities in this book can help parents, caregivers, teachers, health workers, rehabilitation workers, and others help a child with vision problems develop all of his or her capabilities. 


Helping Children Who Are Deaf

This groundbreaking book, packed with activities on how to foster language learning through both sign and oral approaches, supports parents and other caregivers in building the communication skills of babies and young children.  


Helping Health Workers Learn

An indispensable resource for health educators, this book provides hundreds of methods, aids, and learning strategies to make health education engaging and effective, encouraging community involvement through participatory education. 


"NEW Where There Is No Doctor" [supplementary chapters]

Timely and important health materials for treatment, prevention, and community action on diabetes, cancer, heart disease, vaccines, reproductive and sexual health, and so much more. New topics and translations are added regularly to the Healthwiki and several booklets are available for purchase. 


Pesticides are Poison

This resource provides detailed information about pesticides and addresses how to treat people in pesticide emergencies and reduce harm caused by pesticides. It also offers alternate pest control methods that do not use harmful chemicals.  


Recruiting the Heart, Training the Brain

Tells the story of how Latino Health Access developed its groundbreaking model of peer-to-peer outreach and education in Santa Ana, California to address health problems exacerbated by poverty and discrimination. Their strategies and accomplishments will inspire change across an increasingly unhealthy America.  


Sanitation and Cleanliness

This resource offers information on basic sanitation and hygiene, including instructions on building safe, affordable, environmentally-friendly sanitation systems, as well as learning activities to help communities understand and prevent sanitation-related health problems. 


Water for Life

This selected material from Hesperian's Community Guide to Environmental Health explains how to improve drinking water sources, treat water as a right for all people, make it safe for drinking, and organize water projects to improve community health in 46 pages. 


Where There Is No Dentist

This basic dental manual uses clear language and step-by-step instructions to discuss preventive care of teeth and gums, diagnosis and treatment of common dental problems, and oral health and HIV. 


Where There is No Doctor [See Also: "NEW Where There Is No Doctor"]

The most widely-used health care manual for health workers, educators, and others involved in primary health care and health promotion around the world. Current edition includes updated information on malaria, HIV, and more. 


Where Women Have No Doctor

An essential resource that helps a community understand, treat, and prevent many health problems that affect women. Topics include reproductive health, violence, mental health, HIV, and more. 


Women's Health Exchange

The Women’s Health Exchange is a series of resources for education and training on a broad range of women’s health topics, from family planning, to domestic violence, to women and work. 


Working Together to Stop Obstetric Fistula

How to prevent fistula and the devastating social, economic and health problems caused by it are explained in this pamphlet. It includes information on the surgery to repair fistula and where to get it. 


Workers' Guide to Health and Safety

Shows how workers can assess their workplaces, recognize hazards, and take charge of their health and safety, especially in electronics, shoe, and garment factories. Focuses on developing actionable alternatives to hazardous conditions and organizing for improvements.  



Integrating Everything

(Series: The Integrated Practitioner)


Publisher: CRC Press

Year of publication: 2020 

This extraordinary new series (The Integrated Practitioner) fills a void in practitioner development and well-being. The books take a reflective step back from the tick-box, target-driven and increasingly regulated world of 21st century health practice; and invite us to revisit what health and health practice actually are. Building carefully on the science and philosophy of health, each book addresses the messy, complex and often chaotic world of real-life health practice and offers an ancient but now almost revolutionary understanding for students and experienced practitioners alike: that health practice is a fundamentally creative and compassionate activity. The series as a whole helps practitioners to redefine and recreate their daily practice in ways that are healthier for both patients and practitioners.


“Integrating Everything” is the fourth book in the series. It considers the 'we', the 'me' and the 'other' perspectives of books 1-3 and integrates everything into 'health practice' as a single entity. It recognises the multifaceted nature of healthcare, its different constraints and varied pressures, but also views it from a new perspective, fostering a happier, healthier and more skilful whole within the real-life, complex and often messy world of health practice. Brilliantly written, practitioners, students and trainees and GP trainers will find the enlightening, witty, conversational style a joy to read.

Being a practitioner ... involves integration. It involves weaving together many threads into one whole tapestry. It involves taking a constrained and limited palate and painting freely. It may be a science, it may be technical, it may be psychological, it may be spiritual, but it is always an art, because it integrates everything in order to create. And what we create is better health.” --Justin Amery 


A Laboratory Guide to Clinical Hematology  

(authors: Valentin Villatoro and Michelle To)

Publisher: University of Alberta  

Year of publication: 2019 



A textbook which can be used for the field of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, featuring digitized scans of laboratory slides which enables students to learn clinical hematology without access to a laboratory.

Leadership and Governance in Primary Healthcare 

: An Exemplar for Practice in Resource Limited Settings


Publisher: CRC Press

Year of publication: 2023

                            (Or )

Good leadership and governance at all levels of the healthcare system is necessary for better performance of the system and health outcomes. Lack of good leadership and governance practices can lead to misuse of health system inputs such as human resources, health commodities and financial resources hence lowering the quality of services delivered. Thus, this guide was developed through collaborative efforts envisioned to respond to the needs of improving good governance practices at the primary healthcare level in resource-limited healthcare systems.

Contents Page:


Mental Health Problems 

: Theories and Treatments 


Publisher: [Portland State University]

Year of publication: ? [no date given] 

This book is written for a college level course in Abnormal Behavior.

With great appreciation, this book is adapted from two sources:

Please see individual chapters for further citation information.

Contents Page:


I. Main Body

1. Chapter I: History of Mental Illness

2. Chapter 2: Therapeutic Orientations

3. Chapter 4 Anxiety Disorders and OCD Related Disorders

4. Chapter/Lecture 5 Stress Disorders and Dissociative Disorders

5. Chapter/Lecture 6 Mood Disorders (Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorders)

6. Chapter/Lecture 8 Somatic Disorders

7. Chapter/Lecture 9 Eating Disorders

8. Chapter/Lecture 10 Substance Use Disorders

9. Chapter/Lecture 11 Sexuality and Gender Disorders

10. Chapter/Lecture 12 Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders

11. Chapter/Lecture 13 Personality Disorders

12. Chapter/Lecture 14 ADHD and Behavior Disorders in Children

13. Chapter/Lecture 15 Aging and Disorders of Aging and Cognition

14. Glossary


National Health Act Guide

(3rd edition)


Publisher: Siber Ink

Year of publication: 2019

The National Health Act Guide, now in its third edition, is an inval­uable resource for government, health care workers, health service users, academics, students and civil society. The Guide contains not only the Act itself but also detailed analysis and commentary, including links to and explanations of related legislation, regu­lations and policy. The Guide also contains an up-to-date list of contact details for all health departments in the country.

The National Health Act Guide focuses on what all of us can do to improve health in South Africa: from participation in clinic committees and hospital boards, to becoming organ donors, to taking part in the budget- and policy-making process.

Preventing HIV Among Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa

: Emerging Evidence and Intervention Strategies


Publisher: Routledge

Year of publication: 2020

This book provides an overview of the current epidemiology of the HIV epidemic among young people in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) and examines the efforts to confront and reduce the high level of new HIV infections amongst young people.

Taking a multi-dimensional approach to prevention, the contributors discuss the many challenges facing these efforts, in view of the slow progress in curbing the incidence of HIV amongst young people, focusing particularly on the structural and social drivers of HIV. Through an examination of these issues, chapters in this book provide valuable insights on how to mitigate HIV risk among young people and what can be regarded as the catalysts to mounting credible policy and programmatic responses required to achieve epidemic control in the region. The contributors draw on examples from a range of primary and secondary data sources to illustrate promising practices and challenges in HIV prevention, demonstrating links between conceptual approaches to prevention and lessons learnt from implementation projects in the region.

Bringing together social scientists and public health experts who are actively engaged in finding effective solutions, the book discusses ‘which interventions works’, ‘why they work’, and the limitations and gaps in our knowledge to curb the pandemic amongst young people. As such it is an important read for researchers focusing on HIV/AIDS and public health. 

Radiation Oncology


Publisher: Wikibooks

Year of publication: [updated in 2021] 

(website may have more recent online versions of this text)



Radiation Oncology is a rapidly changing field with new advances being made daily. As a consequence, any textbook becomes out-of-date almost immediately after it is published. Thus, the WikiBook format is ideal for a textbook of radiation oncology, as updates can be made constantly as new information becomes available.

This textbook is meant to be used by residents, medical students, and practicing physicians in radiation oncology.

At the creation of this textbook, the emphasis was placed on keeping the content up-to-date in terms of publishing the results of major trials. It is not meant to be an encyclopedic work. It is impossible to include the results of all trials relating to radiation oncology. Publishing every little detail of each and every trial would bog down this resource and make it difficult to use. Its main purpose is to be a useful reference for those wishing to gain knowledge about clinical radiation oncology.

As it is a WikiWork, its purpose may change.

This book is dedicated to the patients who are the inspiration to those of us involved in this field, as well as to the pioneers in radiation oncology, without whom this textbook could not exist. 

DISCLAIMER: None of the individual contributors, system operators, developers, sponsors of Wikibooks nor anyone else connected to Wikibooks can take any responsibility for the results or consequences of any attempt to use or adopt any of the information presented on this web site.

Nothing on or included as part of any project of Wikimedia Foundation Inc., should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine.

The Reflector


Publisher: Boydell & Brewer, University of Rochester Press

Year of publication: 2021


FREE DOWNLOAD (book Chapters): 

                                    (Book as a whole):       

Incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to support medical students in the integration of the science and humanity of anatomy. 

A comprehensive and holistic understanding of human anatomy is foundational to the care of patients. The Reflector is an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to the learning of human anatomy; it incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to integrate the learning of anatomical structures with the nonanatomical curriculum of the anatomy lab, thus establishing the foundation for a biopsychosocial approach to medicine. To develop visual skills, this work features drawings that illustrate the original inspirations for anatomical terminology while also providing the space to artistically reimagine these structures. Together, these activities enhance the comprehension and retention of anatomical information for application in medical sciences.

The Reflector employs thought-provoking questions that emphasize humanity in anatomy, in order to prompt consideration of the anatomical structures beyond basic science. Reflecting on the experiences of anatomical dissections, specifically in relation to development of habits of mind necessary for patient- and family-centered care, the book continually connects students to the purpose of their studies - to become a knowledgeable, compassionate, self-aware, reflective, and skilled member of a healing profession.


The purpose of this book is to serve as a reminder that medicine is not only a science, but also an art of understanding how our own individuality interacts with the individuality of those around us. I see The Reflector as a humanities-based tool to help students learn anatomy, and to begin to establish the balance between emotional responses and objective responsibilities. In order to grow personally and professionally we, as students, need time and space to think about our values, beliefs, and experiences and recognize that these elements will mold us into the physicians that we will become.

— Jennifer Battaglia, MS. University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Class of 2021.


[From the Introduction:]

Some of the best ideas in medical education at this institution come from our medical students. The Reflector is a remarkable Medical Humanities project created by one of our medical students, Jen Battaglia. It began in response to Jen’s own experience of the anatomy lab and was intended for her classmates. This book is the product of three years of effort and dedication, energy and generosity.


Before medical school, Jen matriculated in our Master’s program in Medical Humanities. After completing a biochemistry degree and premed sciences, she wanted to better understand the broader humanistic and sociocultural contexts of healthcare. She understood that scientific knowledge and skills are critical in medicine, but that the practice of medicine is also deeply human and requires different knowledge and skills.


The care of patients takes place within the foundational human relationship between a patient, who is sick, and a physician, who uses the tools of science for diagnosis and treatment of the patient. These social, cultural, and relational interactions between patients, families, communities, and colleagues are the focus of medical humanities and arts education at our institution. Using materials and methods from humanities, arts, and social sciences we develop knowledge, skills, and tools that can be applied directly to the care of patients, in team-based clinical work.


At the University of Rochester, Medical Humanities is grounded in the Biopsychosocial (BPS) model of patient care. The BPS model was formulated and taught here by Rochester internist/scientist and teacher George Engel beginning in 1977 and has become part of our institutional culture. Although deeply committed to the biomedical sciences, Engel understood that “a medical model must also take into account the patient, the social, the psychological, and other contexts in which [the patient] lives. . . .” Engel’s original BPS model, based on systems theory, extended beyond the dynamic interactions between the biomedical, psychological, and social to include family community, culture, nation, and biosphere. Engel focused on the patient as person and their experience of illness in the doctor/patient relationship. In our educational work, Division faculty have recentered Engel’s model to include both patient and physician as persons in all of these contexts.


By looking at medicine from diverse disciplinary perspectives like history, literature, visual arts, ethics, religions, gender, race, disabilities, and cultural studies, our learning activities allow students to engage respectfully and reflectively with a diversity of perspectives, values, and identities—their own and those of others. We work collaboratively with our colleagues in clinical courses throughout the curriculum to integrate the sciences with human values and perspectives in healthcare.


The Reflector exemplifies what we do in Medical Humanities. This book is not decorative, or ancillary; it is directly relevant to the course, and fully integrated into the anatomy lab learning. Students are using this throughout the course, and they are grateful. It is an interactive educational tool that supports the learning goals of the anatomy course. It also provides a space for students to learn about anatomy through a different lens, and also to think, to feel, and to reflect on the anatomy experience personally and professionally at the beginning of their training as physicians. It has been helpful to our students, and I hope it will be helpful to other students at other institutions, too.

—Stephanie Brown Clark, MA, MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Medical Humanities

Director, Division of Medical Humanities & Bioethics Director,

MS Program in Medical Humanities

University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry 


South African Health Review 2020


Publisher: Health Systems Trust

Year of publication: 2020



Under the theme ‘Access to health care for persons with disabilities in South Africa’, this 23rd edition provides critical insight into barriers and facilitators, good practices, and successful service-delivery models for disability inclusion and rehabilitation.

Producing this edition of the SAHR was a collaboration between the Health Systems Trust and Inclusive Practices Africa, a research group in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Cape Town, which focuses on eradicating barriers to inclusion for persons with disabilities.

Chapters in the Review provide information on the multitude of challenges associated with providing a seamless continuum of appropriate and adequate care for persons with disabilities in the public health sector. These challenges include human resource constraints, fragmented and under-resourced rehabilitation services, lack of appropriate assistive devices, and the adoption of an overwhelmingly medicalised approach to disability, all of which translate to poor availability, affordability and access to health services for persons living with disabilities. This results in many persons with disabilities being denied the opportunity to reach their full potential. 

Collectively, the 2020 edition represents an evidence base that can be used to strengthen health services and inform future policy development in disability inclusion and rehabilitation in South Africa. 

South African Health Review 2021

: Health Sector Responses to COVID-19


Publisher: Health Systems Trust

Year of publication: 2021



This edition considers the government’s and broader health sector’s response to COVID-19, explores the current challenges facing the health system at this unprecedented time, and reflects on lessons learnt for future for public health emergencies. The chapters offer information on, inter alia, the challenges of balancing lives with livelihoods, and the impact of COVID-19 on different cadres of healthcare workers, especially Community Health Workers who found themselves at the forefront of our COVID-19 response. Other areas covered include the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations like children, persons with disabilities, farmworkers, migrants, and the poorest in our society. 

Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice


Publisher: Open SUNY

Year of publication: 2020 (2nd edition)



Transitions to Professional Nursing Practice provides a pivotal learning experience for students transitioning from an associate degree education to a baccalaureate degree. Content includes a broad overview of the nursing profession, the role of accrediting and professional organizations with a strong focus on the American Nurses Association’s foundational documents. The competencies of the Standards of Professional Practice and the Code of Ethics are weaved throughout the text.


Topics covered in this text include: professional nursing practice, baccalaureate education, healthcare in the 21st century, autonomy and accountability, nursing philosophy, professional development, communication, interprofessional collaboration, critical thinking, introduction to evidence-based practice, and nursing leadership and theory.

Vital Sign Measurement Across the Lifespan 

(1st Canadian edition)


Publisher: Ryerson University 

Year of publication: ? [no date given]

This open access textbook was developed as an introductory resource to guide best practices in vital sign measurement. Its intended audience is students in health-related post-secondary programs as well as healthcare providers. The project was supported and funded by eCampusOntario. This book is best viewed via the online, pressbooks format so that you can view the videos. However, a pdf format is also made available. 

Using a multi-media approach, this textbook provides opportunities to read about, observe, practice, and test vital sign measurement. Boxes with helpful tips are provided throughout the chapters:

A Chapter Summary and Printable Flashcards highlighting techniques for each vital sign measurement are provided at the end of each chapter. These printable flashcards are all located together in the textbook’s conclusion chapter.

Learners can review the full textbook or advance to sections that they have identified as areas to work on. The textbook has a self-directed format and provides an interactive and engaging way for learners to develop competence in the measurement of vital signs while integrating knowledge about anatomy and physiology.

Learners will develop knowledge about various vital signs including temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. Measurement of vital signs is a foundational, psychomotor skill for healthcare providers and students in post-secondary health-related programs such as nursing, medicine, pharmacy, midwifery, paramedics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and massage therapy. These measurements provide information about a person’s overall state of health and more specifically about their cardiovascular and respiratory status. These measurements can also reveal changes in a client’s vital signs over time and changes in their overall state of health. Proficiency in vital sign measurement is essential to client safety, care, and management. Measurements can influence clinical decision-making related to therapeutic interventions.

Where There Is No Doctor 

: a village health care handbook


Publisher: Hesperian Health Guides 

Year of publication: Revised edition 1992 (2022 printing)

SEE ALSO a Supplementary volume to this book, with the title "New Where There is No Doctor."

This handbook has been written primarily for those who live far from medical centers, in places where there is no doctor. But even where there are doctors, people can and should take the lead in their own health care. So this book is for everyone who cares. It has been written in the belief that:


1. Health care is not only everyone’s right, but everyone’s responsibility.

2. Informed self-care should be the main goal of any health program or activity.

3. Ordinary people provided with clear, simple information can prevent and treat most common health 

    problems in their own homes—earlier, cheaper, and often better than can doctors.

4. Medical knowledge should not be the guarded secret of a select few, but should be freely shared by 


5. People with little formal education can be trusted as much as those with a lot. And they are just as smart.

6. Basic health care should not be delivered, but encouraged.


Clearly, a part of informed self-care is knowing one’s own limits. Therefore guidelines are included not only for what to do, but for when to seek help. The book points out those cases when it is important to see or get advice from a health worker or doctor. But because doctors or health workers are not always nearby, the book also suggests what to do in the meantime—even for very serious problems.


This book has been written in fairly basic English, so that persons without much formal education (or whose first language is not English) can understand it. The language used is simple but, I hope, not childish. A few more difficult words have been used where they are appropriate or fit well. Usually they are used in ways that their meanings can be easily guessed. This way, those who read this book have a chance to increase their language skills as well as their medical skills.

Important words the reader may not understand are explained in a word list or vocabulary at the end of the book. The first time a word listed in the vocabulary is mentioned in a chapter it is usually written in italics.


Where There Is No Doctor was first written in Spanish for farm people in the mountains of Mexico where, years ago, the author helped form a health care network now run by the villagers themselves. Where There Is No Doctor has been translated into more than 80 languages and is used by village health workers in over 100 countries.



Note about the Revised edition:


In this revised edition of Where There is No Doctor, we have added new information and updated old information, based on the latest scientific knowledge.

Health care specialists from many parts of the world have generously given advice and suggestions.

When it would fit without having to change page numbers, we have added new information to the main part of the book. (This way, the numbering stays the same, so that page references in our other books, such as Helping Health Workers Learn, will still be correct.)

The Additional Information section at the end of the book (p. 401) has information about health problems of growing or special concern: HIV and AIDS, sores on the genitals, leishmaniasis, complications from abortion, guinea worm, and others.

Here also are topics such as measuring blood pressure, misuse of pesticides, drug addiction, and a method of caring for early and underweight babies.

New ideas and information can be found throughout the book—medical knowledge is always changing! 

For example:

Summary of Contents Page:


Front Matter: Cover, How to Use This Book, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents

Introduction and Brown Pages: Words to the village health worker

1 Home cures and popular beliefs

2 Sicknesses that are often confused

3 How to examine a sick person

4 How to take care of a sick person

5 Healing without medicines

6 Right and wrong uses of modern medicines

7 Antibiotics: what they are and how to use them

8 How to measure and give medicine

9 Instructions and precautions for injections

10 First aid

11 Nutrition: what to eat to be healthy

12 Prevention: how to avoid many sicknesses

13 Some very common sicknesses

14 Serious illnesses that need special medical attention

15 Skin problems

16 The eyes

17 The teeth, gums, and mouth

18 The urinary system and the genitals

19 Information for mothers and midwives

20 Family planning - having the number of children you want

21 Health and sicknesses of children

22 Health and sicknesses of older people

23 The medicine kit

The green pages: The uses, dosage, and precautions for medicines

Additional Information


Addresses for teaching materials


Other Books by Hesperian

Dosage Blanks and Patient Reports


Nursing & Care of Patients

Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care 

(author: Renée Anderson; Glynda Rees Doyle; Jodie Anita McCutcheon)


Publisher: Thompson Rivers University 

Year of publication: 2018 



This open educational resource (OER) was developed to ensure best practice and quality care based on the latest evidence, and to address inconsistencies in how clinical health care skills are taught and practised in the clinical setting. The checklist approach, used in this textbook, aims to provide standardized processes for clinical skills and to help nursing schools and clinical practice partners keep procedural practice current. Each skill/procedure is covered in a chapter that has learning objectives, a brief overview of the relevant theory, checklists of steps for procedures with the rationale behind each step of the process, and a summary of key takeaways. Key terms are set in bold throughout the book and laid out again in a Glossary in the appendix. All checklists, tables and videos are listed and hyperlinked in the appendices.

This book should be used in conjunction with existing courses in any health care program. This book is not intended to replace core resources in health care programs that provide comprehensive information concerning diseases and conditions. An understanding of medical terminology, human anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology is a required asset to use this book effectively. The development of technical skills is based on the knowledge of, practice to achieve proficiency in, and attitudes related to the skill, and an awareness of how our roles affect our patients and other health care professionals. This book contributes to enhancing safer care for patients by outlining evidence-based practices, and looking beyond just the technical skill to understanding the types of expertise and knowledge required to decrease adverse events.

Summary of Contents page:

Ch.1: Infection Control

Ch. 2: Patient Assessment

Ch. 3: Safer Patient Handling, Positioning, Transfers and Ambulation

Ch. 4: Wound Care

Ch. 5: Oxygen Therapy

Ch. 6: Non-Parenteral Medication Administration

Ch. 7: Parenteral Medication Administration

Ch. 8:  Intravenous Therapy

Ch. 9.: Blood Glucose Monitoring

Ch.10: Tubes and Devices

Ch.11: Ostomy care


Foundations for Assisting in Home Care     


Publisher: Open SUNY Textbooks (Milne Library Publishing)  

Year of publication: 2018  



                                    (Or )

Home health services are those which are provided within the comforts of the home setting to help people avoid hospitalization or skilled nursing facility placement, while they recover from illness, injury, or disability. Home health care may also be provided to people who suffer from chronic illnesses, those who have cognitive or physical disabilities or those who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. This text provides the background necessary to begin working toward a career in the home care field as either a Home Health Aide or Personal Care Aide, which are two of the fastest growing occupations. This text is also suitable for those who are providing care to loved ones and who would like additional information to best provide that care, or for use within Home Health Aide and Personal Care Aide programs.

Consisting of 12 chapters, this text takes you from gaining an understanding of what home care is and the tasks involved, through better understanding the physical and psychological needs of people, along with the influence of culture on behaviors, values, and healthcare practices. This text provides an in-depth exploration of the physical and psychological changes which occur throughout the lifespan, with a special emphasis on understanding the unique needs of children, the elderly, and those with mental health issues, and developmental and physical disabilities. Chapters dedicated to the basics of nutrition, budgeting, and first aid provision are included. Specific methods for providing personal and homecare, along with videos to demonstrate tasks complete this text.


Contents Page:

I. Main Body

1. What Is Home Health Care?

2. Working Effectively with Home Care Clients

3. Working with the Elderly

4. Working with Children

5. Working with People who are Mentally Ill

6. Working with People with Developmental Disabilities

7. Working with People with Physical Disabilities

8. Food, Nutrition, and Meal Preparation

9. Family Spending and Budgeting

10. Care of the Home and Personal Belongings

11. Safety and Injury Prevention

12. Personal Care

Health Assessment Guide for Nurses  

(author: Ching-Chuen Feng and others)


Publisher: [Montgomery College]

Year of publication: ? [no date given] 



Contents Page:

About this Health Assessment Guide


I. Main Body

1. Health Assessment and Clinical Judgment

2. Health History

3. Vital Signs Measurement and Pain Assessment Across the Lifespan

4. Comprehensive Health Assessment

5. Documentation of Health Assessment Findings

6. Focused Assessment – Mental Health and Status

7. Focused Assessment: Sleep Assessment

8. Focused Assessment- HEENT

9. Focused Assessment- Neurological Examination

10. Focused Assessment – Cardiovascular System

11. Focused Assessment- Respiratory System

12. Focused Assessment- Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary

13. Focus Assessment: Nutritional Assessment

14. Focused Assessment- Musculoskeletal System/Mobility

15. Focused Assessment - Integumentary System (Hair, Skin and Nails)

16. Focused Assessment: Reproductive Assessment

17. Assessment of Special Populations

 Nursing Advanced Skills


Publisher: Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN); Chippewa Valley Technical College

Year of publication: 2023



This textbook is an open educational resource with CC-BY licensing developed specifically for prelicensure nursing students. The e-book and downloadable versions are free. Affordable print versions are published in collaboration with XanEdu and available on Amazon and in college bookstores. Content is based on the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Advanced Skills course (543-112) and the NCLEX-RN Test Plan. 1 Content includes advanced skills for registered nurses, such as intravenous infusion, blood product administration, management of central lines and chest tube systems, basic electrocardiogram interpretation, and nasogastric/feeding tube insertion, and builds on basic nursing skills discussed in the Open RN Nursing Skills OER textbook.

Contents page [shortened]:


 Nursing Fundamentals


Publisher: Chippewa Valley Technical College

Year of publication: 2020



This book introduces the entry-level nursing student to the scope of nursing practice, various communication techniques, and caring for diverse patients. The nursing process is used as a framework for providing patient care based on the following nursing concepts: safety, oxygenation, comfort, spiritual well-being, grief and loss, sleep and rest, mobility, nutrition, fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and elimination. Care for patients with integumentary disorders and cognitive or sensory impairments is also discussed.

Learning activities have been incorporated into each chapter to encourage students to use critical thinking while applying content to patient care situations. 

 Nursing Management and Professional Concepts


Publisher: Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN); Chippewa Valley Technical College

Year of publication: 2023



This book introduces concepts related to nursing leadership and management, prioritization strategies, delegation and supervision, legal implications of nursing practice, ethical nursing practice, collaboration within the interprofessional team, health care economics, quality and evidencebased practice, advocacy, preparation for the RN role, and the avoidance of burnout with self-care. Several online, interactive learning activities are included in each chapter that encourage application of content to patientcare situations. Additionally, the Appendix includes a “suite of patients” with suggested prompts for classroom discussion to assist students in applying concepts from the book to real patient-care situations.

Contents page [shortened]:


Nursing Pharmacology


Publisher: Chippewa Valley Technical College

Year of publication: 2020



This open access Nursing Pharmacology textbook is designed for entry-level undergraduate nursing students.  It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes. This book is not intended to be used as a drug reference book, but direct links are provided to DailyMed, which provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States.

This textbook is aligned with the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Pharmacology course (543-103).  The project is supported by a $2.5 million Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) grant from the [U.S.] Department of Education and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

This book is available for download in multiple formats, but the online version is required for interaction with the adaptive learning activities included in each chapter.

Nursing Skills


Publisher: Chippewa Valley Technical College

Year of publication: 2021



This open access Nursing Skills textbook includes physical assessments routinely performed by entry-level registered nurses and basic nursing skills performed by licensed practical nurses.

It is based on the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) statewide nursing curriculum for the Nursing Skills course (543-102), the 2019 NCLEX-RN Test Plan, the 2020 NCLEX-PN Test Plan, and the Wisconsin Nurse Practice Act [in the USA].

Learning activities are included to encourage the student to engage in critical thinking and apply the nursing process while analyzing assessment findings. 


Nutrition & Eating

A Conversation about Healthy Eating    


Publisher: UCL Press 

Year of publication: 2017 



What constitutes a healthy diet? Mainstream media and advertisers would like you to think that the answer to this question is complicated and controversial. But science, fortunately, tells us otherwise.

 A Conversation about Healthy Eating brings together all the relevant science about healthy eating in one place, and it’s exactly that – a conversation; an informal discussion between a scientist and a friend about their eating habits,keeping the science firmly rooted in everyday life. The conversation moves from topics such as metabolism and digestion to gut bacteria, hormones, neuroscience and the immune system. All of these concepts are explained in accessible terms to help you understand the roles they play in maintaining a healthy diet.

The conversation leads to the conclusion that staying lean and healthy simply requires avoiding the overconsumption of processed foods. While this is, of course, easier said than done, science also provides clear recommendations for how you can adapt your environment and lifestyle to make it possible.

Rather than simply presenting you with the principles of healthy eating, this book will help you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the science behind the principles, including the evolutionary facts that affect the way we eat today. This understanding will allow you to ignore the noise in the media and to move forward with a healthy lifestyle that work for you.

Contents page:

Introduction I

Introduction II

1. Metabolism

2. Inflammation

3. Calories in 

4. Calories out

5. Gut bacteria

6. Processed foods

7. Interactions between the immune system and gut bacteria

8. Good and bad fats 

9. Sugar and drinks 

10. Diets

11. Daily rhythms and meal timing

12. Behavioral change Notes 




Praise for A Conversation about Healthy Eating:

'I wish I'd read this book when I was young. I wish my parents had read it. And I wish it was on the national curriculum, so that every child about the age of 12 or so would read it. Because it is not just accessible, it is comprehensive, clear, and seems about as accurate as the current scientific consensus. In short, it is a perfect tool for us to understand this aspect of our own bodies.'

Bastian's Book Reviews


: Science and Everyday Application


Publisher: Open Oregon and Lane Community College

Year of publication: 2022 (2nd edition

[see web version for possibly more recent updates]


Food is a basic human need that permeates every day of our lives. The choices we make about food can affect something as small as the cells in our body and as large as the environment around us. We can’t cover every facet of food in this book, but what we can do is give you a foundation on which to understand the science of food and nutrition and how to apply it in your everyday life.

We originally developed this book for our students in FN 225, our course in human nutrition at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. Our students come from all walks of life, and we know they each carry their own meaning of food and come into our class with different goals. Many have their sights on careers in the health professions, and others choose our class to be better-informed as they feed themselves and their families.

We’re glad to share this book as an open educational resource, or OER, with students beyond our college. In developing this OER, we leaned heavily on the previous work of other OER authors. In the spirit of open education, we’ve built on the foundation that they provided, updating it and tailoring the material to the needs of our students. In that same spirit, we’re sharing it so that others can benefit and to help reduce costs for students.

This OER is divided into units that roughly correspond to one week of learning in our 10-week course, with each unit comprising six to eight sections of information on the unit’s theme. When possible, we’ve embedded videos to expand upon and enrich the content of the text. Each section of the unit also includes self-check questions to test your comprehension as you read.

To students: We hope you enjoy reading and learning through this resource, and we wish you a lifetime of eating well!

[Note on the 2nd edition:]  The second edition includes a fully revised Unit 7 (Body Weight and Health) and minor revisions to Unit 10 (Nutrition and Physical Activity). The remainder of the OER and the accompanying ancillary materials are the same as the first edition, originally published in December 2020.

Summary of Contents Page:

Unit 1 - Designing A Healthy Diet

Unit 2 - Nutrition Science and Information Literacy

Unit 3 - Molecules of Life: Photosynthesis, Digestion, and Metabolism

Unit 4- Carbohydrates

Unit 5- Lipids

Unit 6- Protein

Unit 7- Body Weight and Health

Unit 8 - Vitamins and Minerals Part 1

Unit 9 - Vitamins and Minerals Part 2

Unit 10 — Nutrition and Physical Activity

Unit 11 — Nutrition Throughout the Lifespan


Research Guides for Medical researchers

(See Also: the Research section in the main List)

Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students 


Publisher: [Washington State University Vancouver] 

Year of publication: [2018]



Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students introduces you to the components of the stand-alone literature review and prepares you to write one of your own. It is written for new graduate students and novice researchers just entering the work of their chosen discipline. It is meant to assist “students who can complete course assignments to scholars who can make a contribution to their respective fields.” [...] The book was written by two librarians with expertise guiding nursing and education graduate students through the literature review research and writing process. 

We include in the book examples from the literature of nursing and education to facilitate a greater understanding of what it means to be a successful graduate student. Our intent is to promote the idea that the literature review is a dynamic and complex synthesis of research and writing that is quite different than an annotated bibliography. 


Contents overview:

Chapter 1 provides an overview of literature reviews and their purpose. Chapters 2 and 3 relate to getting started with the review, including how to develop a research question or hypothesis.

Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the research process, that is, where to find relevant sources and how to evaluate their credibility.

Chapters 6 and 7 discuss how to document sources and, one of the most difficult tasks novice researchers face, how to synthesize information.

Chapter 8 is focused on writing your own literature review.

A short conclusion and an answer key to questions asked in previous chapters complete the text. Each chapter begins with a summary of learning objectives for that chapter and concludes with a set of questions to assess your understanding of the topics covered. Examples, tutorials, videos, additional resources, websites and/or activities are provided. Finally, at the end of each chapter you will find a list of works cited as well as image attributions.


Multilevel Modelling for Public Health and Health Services Research 

: Health in Context 


Publisher: Springer 

Year of publication: 2020



This open access book is a practical introduction to multilevel modelling or multilevel analysis (MLA) – a statistical technique being increasingly used in public health and health services research. The authors begin with a compelling argument for the importance of researchers in these fields having an understanding of MLA to be able to judge not only the growing body of research that uses it, but also to recognise the limitations of research that did not use it. The volume also guides the analysis of real-life data sets by introducing and discussing the use of the multilevel modelling software MLwiN, the statistical package that is used with the example data sets. Importantly, the book also makes the training material accessible for download – not only the datasets analysed within the book, but also a freeware version of MLwiN to allow readers to work with these datasets.

The book’s practical review of MLA comprises:



Multilevel Modelling for Public Health and Health Services Research: Health in Context is a practical and timely resource for public health and health services researchers, statisticians interested in the relationships between contexts and behaviour, graduate students across these disciplines, and anyone interested in utilising multilevel modelling or multilevel analysis.


A Research Handbook for Patient and Public Involvement Researchers 


Publisher: Manchester University Press 

Year of publication: 2018



This handbook is written for patients and members of the public who want to understand more about the approaches, methods and language used by health-services researchers. Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research is now a requirement of most major health-research programmes, and this book is designed to equip these individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary for meaningful participation. Edited by award-winning mental-health researchers, the book has been produced in partnership with mental-health-service users and carers with experience of research involvement. It includes personal reflections from these individuals alongside detailed information on quantitative, qualitative and health-economics research methods, and comprehensively covers all the basics needed for large-scale health research projects:

systematic reviews; research design and analysis using both qualitative and quantitative approaches; health economics; research ethics; impact and dissemination.

This book was developed during a five-year research programme funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) called Enhancing the Quality of User Involved Care Planning in Mental Health Services (EQUIP). The handbook clearly outlines research practices, and gives an insight into how public and patient representatives can be involved in them and shape decisions. Each chapter ends with a reflective exercise, and there are also some suggested sources of additional reading.

People who get involved in health research as experts from experience now have a textbook to support their research involvement journey. 


Research Methods in Psychology   

(author: Rajiv S. Jhangiani  and others)


Publisher: [Kwantlen Polytechnic University]

Year of publication: 2019 [4th edition



[from the Preface:]

Psychology, like most other sciences, has its own set of tools to investigate the important research questions of its field. Unlike other sciences that are older and more mature, psychology is a relatively new field and, like an adolescent, is learning and changing rapidly. Psychology researchers are learning and changing along with the emerging science. This textbook introduces students to the fundamental principles of what it is like to think like a psychology researcher in the contemporary world of psychology research.

Historically, psychology developed practices and methods based on the established physical sciences. Unlike physical sciences, psychology had to grapple with the inherent variation among its subjects: people. To better account for this, we developed some practices and statistical methods that we (naïvely) considered to be foolproof. Over time we established a foundation of research findings that we considered solid.

In recent years, psychology’s conversation has shifted to an introspective one, looking inward and re-examining the knowledge that we considered foundational. We began to find that some of that unshakable foundation was not as strong as we thought; some of the bedrock findings in psychology were being questioned and failed to be upheld in fuller scrutiny. As many introspective conversations do, this one caused a crisis of faith.

Psychologists are now questioning if we really know what we thought we knew or if we simply got lucky. We are struggling to understand how what we choose to publish and not publish, what we choose to report and not report, and how we train our students as researchers is having an effect on what we call “knowledge” in psychology. We are beginning to question whether that knowledge represents real behaviour and mental processes in human beings, or simply represents the effects of our choice of methods. This has started a firestorm among psychology researchers, but it is one that needs to play out. For a book aimed at novice psychology undergraduates, it is tempting to gloss over these issues and proclaim that our “knowledge” is “truth.” That would be a disservice to our students though, who need to be critical questioners of research. Instead of shying away from this controversy, this textbook invites the reader to step right into the middle of it.


Social Science Research

: Principles, Methods, and Practices


Publisher: University of Southern Queensland

Year of publication: 2019 (revised edition)



This book is designed to introduce doctoral and postgraduate students to the process of conducting scientific research in the social sciences, business, education, public health, and related disciplines. It is a one-stop, comprehensive, and compact source for foundational concepts in behavioural research, and can serve as a standalone text or as a supplement to research readings in any doctoral seminar or research methods class.

This book is currently being used as a research text at universities in 216 countries, across six continents and has been translated into seven different languages. To receive updates on this book, including the translated versions, please follow the author on Facebook or Twitter @Anol_B.

About the Author:

Anol Bhattacherjee is a professor of information systems and Citigroup/Hidden River Fellow at the University of South Florida, USA. He is one of the top ten information systems researchers in the world, ranked eighth based on research published in the top two journals in the discipline, MIS Quarterly and Information Systems Research, over the last decade (2001-2010). In a research career spanning 15 years, Dr. Bhattacherjee has published over 50 refereed journal papers and two books that have received over 4,000 citations on Google Scholar. He also served on the editorial board of MIS Quarterly for four years and is frequently invited to present his research or build new research programs at universities all over the world. More information about Dr. Bhattacherjee can be obtained from his webpage at 


Spirituality in Health Care 

Charting Spiritual Care 

: The Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care  


Publisher: Springer 

Year of publication: 2020



This open access volume is the first academic book on the controversial issue of including spiritual care in integrated electronic medical records (EMR). Based on an international study group comprising researchers from Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland), the United States, Canada, and Australia, this edited collection provides an overview of different charting practices and experiences in various countries and healthcare contexts. Encompassing case studies and analyses of theological, ethical, legal, healthcare policy, and practical issues, the volume is a groundbreaking reference for future discussion, research, and strategic planning for inter- or multi-faith healthcare chaplains and other spiritual care providers involved in the new field of documenting spiritual care in EMR.


Topics explored among the chapters include:

·        Spiritual Care Charting/Documenting/Recording/Assessment

·        Charting Spiritual Care: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Aspects           

·        Palliative Chaplain Spiritual Assessment Progress Notes                 

·        Charting Spiritual Care: Ethical Perspectives            

·        Charting Spiritual Care in Digital Health: Analyses and Perspectives

Charting Spiritual Care: The Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care is an essential resource for researchers in interprofessional spiritual care and healthcare chaplaincy, healthcare chaplains and other spiritual caregivers (nurses, physicians, psychologists, etc.), practical theologians and health ethicists, and church and denominational representatives. 


Healthcare ethics

: for Healthcare Practitioners

(Editors: Laetus O.K. Lategan & Gert J. Van Zyl)


Publisher: Sunbonani Scholar 

Year of publication: 2017 



Healthcare ethics cannot be limited in scope to apply only to the patient but needs to apply to the healthcare practitioner as well. The relationship between the patient and the healthcare practitioner has shifted from a power relationship to a complementary relationship. Leadership, mentorship and coaching play important roles in facilitating this shift. Several themes informed this book on healthcare ethics: Vulnerability in healthcare ethics, Decisions between right and wrong, Quality of healthcare, Life-ending decisions, Community-based research, Ethical decision-making, Spritiuality in healthcare

Summary of Contents page:

1. An introduction to healthcare ethics

Laetus O.K. Lategan, Gert J. Van Zyl

2. Unpacking vulnerability in healthcare ethics

Laetus O.K. Lategan

3. The difference between right and wrong

Gert J. Van Zyl, Paulina M. Van Zyl

4. The quality of healthcare: A care ethics approach

Roger Burggraeve, Linus Vanlaere

5. The Influence of culture, values and faith on end-of-life decisions

Amber R. Comer, Joyce MacKinnon

6. Ethics and Human Rights in Healthcare

Andrè J. Moore

7. Euthanasia, do we dare?

Charné Viljoen

8. Community-based participatory research in healthcare: ethical issues and impact on healthcare practitioners

Pamela Campbell, Beth Cross, Moira S. Lewitt

9. Ethical decision making processes

Willem Kruger

10. Spirituality and healthcare

Marius J. Swart


Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Clinical Practice 

: Conference proceedings 


Publisher: MDPI 

Year of publication: 2018

This volume is a collection of scientific articles from the European Conferences of Religion, Spirituality and Health in 2014 (Malta) and 2016 (Gdansk). The overall theme is “Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Clinical Practice”.

Studies are grouped under four main topics:


Spirit and Healing in Africa 

: A Reformed pneumatological perspective  


Publisher: SunBonani Scholar 

Year of publication: 2013



There is a great need for healing in Africa. This need is in itself no different elsewhere in the world, but it is greatly determined by the involvement of religious communities and traditions. Faith communities and religious institutions play a major role in assisting African believers to find health, healing and completeness in everyday life. 

Contents page (summary):




Gathering Fragments



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