
Rankin's bearded dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni) [Dvärgskäggagam sv.]

We had one male and three females. Unfortunately, our oldest female died from egg bounding. So left are Darcy (the male), and the two females Lizzy and Kitty. They are quit prolific and we so far raised over a hundred young. Each of our females lay 2-3 clutches in a year with each clutch consisting of 15-20 eggs. They are not normally together as Darcy is a bit too excited around the girls, but at times the females are happy to see him. It is easy to see when the females are getting ready to lay as they start digging in the sand well in advance. We excavate the eggs soon after laying and put them into an incubator as the adults don't mind eating their own young. Below is a photo of an incubator showing eggs from all three females. The eggs grow in size after a couple of weeks and that is why the middle tray has much larger eggs than the other two.

Darcy, Lizzy, Kitty and Mary being outside in the sun.

Three batches of eggs at various age (right most the youngest, and center the older. 

One of many batches of baby dragons

One of the terraria for the dragons. We keep mostly the females in this, but sometimes they switch with the male and occasionally they spend time together.

Giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) [Större Madagaskardaggecko sv.]

Here we have Gordon  and Kate, our two adult day geckos and their terrarium. They are not as prolific as the dragons, but instead Kate lays one or two eggs roughly every month. So far we have been able to  recover some 30ish babies (we called them winnies, see below). They don't show their egg laying as the dragons do, instead the female holds the eggs for an hour or so and then simple leaves them in a crevice or bamboo pipe.  As Gorden is a gentleman, he and Kate lives together permanently. However, unless we are able to find and remove the eggs, it will be a race for the winnies once they hatch as we all love the babies but in different ways. Below is their first baby girl Winne and her terrarium.

Gordon Gekko

Kate Gekko

Gordon and Kate's home

Winnie, our first baby gecko.

Home for our baby geckos