
iIt turns out that my page on Pets become a but long so I have now split into smaller sections (latest update July 2024).

Welcome to a website created and maintained by Dr Fredrik Sundström as part of his outreach activities in trying to spread the word of science in general and his own research in particular. The site is named "Laboratory of Animal Growth" because most of the work revolves around questions that focus on various aspects of organismal growth.

I am a biologist with research experience in the fields of mainly ecology, behavior and evolutionary biology. I did my undergraduate studies at Linköping University in Sweden, and my graduate studies at Göteborg University in Sweden where I received my PhD in 2004. After 5 years of post-doctoral studies at the Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research in Vancouver, Canada, I became an associate professor at the Department of Ecology and Genetics, Evolutionary Biology Centre at Uppsala University, Sweden until 2015. I am presently a Director of Studies at the Biology Education Centre at Uppsala University, Sweden. In my research work I used various animals, ranging from corals and fiddler crabs to fishes, birds, and mammals, including humans. I also teach various courses at the undergraduate and master level, mainly at Uppsala University.

Why this site?

Being a young researcher has given my the opportunity to experience many different cities and universities. However, when moving from one university to another, I have to change the address of my websites and emails which is a hassle and may be frustrating for people who try to get in touch with me. I therefore started up this website which I hope will remain for some years - in case I have again to move to another university. In addition, universities may have restrictions on the material uploaded to their servers limiting the material that I can share.

Over the years I have also come to understand that many prospective students locate me through this site and find my research of interest and later they come to my lab for various project. This has encouraged me to maintain and develop the site even more.  However, in my new role as Director of Studies, I am very limited in the number and types of projects that I can be involved in, mainly because I do not run experiments anymore.


About the header photos

From the left, myself photographed in my backyard in Uppsala by my wife Mare Lõhmus. The fish is a juvenile coho salmon (about 5 cm in length) from one of my experiments at the Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research in West Vancouver, Canada. The background for the fish is from the Cypress creek in West Vancouver. Both the fish and the creek are photographed by myself.

Who am I?